The Quirang II

© Grant Campbell

The Quirang II

Uploaded: June 04, 2005 06:26:20


F10, 1/125s, Sigma EXDG 28-70mm @28mm, ISO 100, Shot in RAW.
Location: Isle of Skye, Scotland.
Date: 15/4/05 approx 2:30pm.
Converted to TIFF and tweaked curves and levels a little.
Used Channel mixer in PS8 boosting Red Ch 35%, Green Ch 10% and
knocking back Blue Ch 8% to achieve a slightly infra-red effect.
I then cloned out a few 'Wooly-backed Haggis' in the lower right
area as these appeared as 'dust specks on a neg'.
The Quirang is a complex series of basalt crags and stacks towards the northern end of the Trotternish Ridge on the Isle of Skye. The Eastern Slope of which is an ancient and massive landslip (20 miles long). At its southern end is the more famous stack The Old Man of Storr.


Grant Campbell June 05, 2005

Feel free to deconstruct my efforts and give your opinion on artistic or technical points.
Also I'd like to know which composition/crop works best for you of the two examples of 'The Quirang'.
Grant #258490

Terry R. Hatfield June 05, 2005

Hi Grant Im Not Much For B&W Images Either,This One Has Nice Comp And Tonal Range And That Dramitic Sky Looks Great!The Other Image Lacks Impact This Ones Holds Your Attention Much Better,Great Job:-) #1432040

Pam M June 06, 2005

Okay Grant ... If I tell you why I suspect this one works and the other one doesn't, can we see the color one?

It seems that those of us who read from left to right read photographs in the same way. This image makes strong statements on the left intro to the photo ... the other doesn't.

In this image, the topology is very clearly understood throughout the whole image. The other one looks like cloud shadows made their own imprints and it's difficult to separate depth from shadow.

This image ends on the right with a very clear understanding of depth and subject. The other one is muddled (again I think it's clouds).

Also, in the other image, the so so entry on the left combined with the muddled exit on the right combines to effectively put the subject totally within the "frame" of the pic. The brain is therefore satisfied that that's all there is and is not intrigued to wonder anything more about the image ... thus the loss of attention.

ok so ... now ... stop teasing this flatlander and let me see the color ... please :-D

have fun,


Rosemary Buffoni June 06, 2005

Very interesting discussion going on. I like this one the best-it has good compositional flow thru the image caused by the diagonal flow from strong forground thru the curved center into the lighter (than the other) sky. I feel as if this image goes on forever-whereas the other ends abruptly for me. The tones are also great in this one.
Ro #1438850

Grant Campbell June 07, 2005

Ok, Ok, I give in!!! lol
I really didn't want to submit the original, because it just doesn't do the location any justice and at the time of capture I was concentrating on form, composition, texture and light play (blah blah). So you could say I was thinking in mono, and I'm sure you'll agree that the colour version doesn't come close to the mono version in terms of atmosphere or wonderment at how this landscape was formed. In short it (the mono image) actually draws the viewer to examine the scene more closely. I think it's got something to do with the brain having to 'fill the gaps' that makes mono such an itriguing medium.
On the subject of comparing the two versions in mono, I was torn between these two but I do agree that this one works best. Foregound interest, rules of thirds and sevenths are at play here as well as leading the eye from left to right. However the other version does have some redeeming points, the leading line of the foreground cliff edge forces the viewer (well me, and other weirdo 'right brainers'anyway) to read the image in a circular manner, starting from bottom right and going clockwise, what lets it down though is the lack of human interest eg. I wish I'd put the camera on a self timer and stood at the edge of the abyss! Now that would have made it more compelling. Apologies for the delay in my response, by the way, my college year just wrapped up, so I've been rather busy printing, mounting and helping set up the annual show. #1442142

Pam M June 08, 2005

ok well ya'll can sit and admire the mono alllll you want to ...I'm going to admire the color one. i've gone from why the heck would I wanna be there? to can I please come visit?

See you know what the place looks like. I don't. I find the mono to be harsh, barren and very an upealing. I thought I was looking at a desert land! I don't know how in the world you could have done to have changed that.

Yeah, do that ... go back and stand in the pic ... I am getting a better idea of depth with the color ... but yeah a person in the pic would help ... (there, now you have an "excuse" to go back) #1446534

Grant Campbell June 08, 2005

Oh well, you know what they say: "You can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time!"
I still prefer the mono pic tho :0)
I will return to Skye at some point, but not for a while, it is one of the most fascinating places in Scotland for the landscape photographer. I've got a load of other shots to sift through from this trip, I'm about to upload another in mo', and few more (some will be in colour to keep everybody pleased) will appear here over the next week or two. Once again thank you all for your appreciation. Grant #1446652

Doug K. Herrman June 09, 2005

and for a totally different eye feels the rock in the lower left is out of place here: 1) it is highly contrasty, while the rest of the image is mellow mids. Because of the high visual nature of the rock, it is dominating the image. 2) the right side has an soft, etheral feel, like a moonscape - but the rock is very real and quite hard. I would crop the rock out. Great shot, Grant and I envy you for being in such an exotic place. #1452431

Kerby Pfrangle July 25, 2005


Congratulations on your second place win.

Job well done and beautiful image.

KErby #1634425

KHAWLA Haddad July 25, 2005

Congratulations on this beautiful winner!!! #1635733

Ken Grooms July 25, 2005

I dream of taking a picture loke this! Congratulations! #1637586

Sharon Day July 25, 2005

Fantastic image, Grant!!! Big congratulations! #1638161

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