Green impression

© Jonna Bergström

Green impression

Uploaded: May 29, 2005 20:10:30


I used long shutterspeed and small movements with the camera.
F10 / S1/6


Ronald Balthazor May 29, 2005 0

Excellent image, Jonna. #255370

Jonna Bergström May 29, 2005 0

Thank you very much for your comment, Ronald!! #1408843

Jim Kinnunen level-classic May 29, 2005 0

OH, this is very nice Jonna!!!! The mood is peaceful but also magical with the movements of the camera you applied! Well done:) #1408894

May 29, 2005 0

Wonderful image, Jonna. Love the colors and the effect with the camera movement.

Roger Bernabo May 29, 2005 0

This is just beautiful and seems to have a quality all of its own #1408917

Kerby Pfrangle May 29, 2005 0

Jonna when you enlarge this it seems to me I am in dream.

Very soft and almost fairy tale like.

Very nice capture.

Kerby #1408929

Mary Clarke May 29, 2005 0

This is just lovely. #1408952

Tom Andersen May 29, 2005 0

Excellent work, Jonna! I love the surreal feeling in this image! #1408960

Jennifer L. Wright May 29, 2005 0

This is wonderful, like a purple fairy might come flying around a tree. #1408979

Debra Booth May 29, 2005 0

Beautiful, Jonna! Excellent technique for this scene! #1409080

Terry R. Hatfield May 30, 2005 0

Awesome Image Jonna!!Very Good Job! Love The Colors and In Camera Effects!! #1409205

Marsha S. Smith May 30, 2005 0

Jonna, this is just magical. What a beautiful place and image. #1409260

Deborah Sandidge May 30, 2005 0

This is lovely, Jonna - delicate and painterly... :o) #1409577

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic May 30, 2005 0

An excellent image Jonna! beautiful colors and effects,
Amalia #1409706

Jonna Bergström May 30, 2005 0

Jim, Reachel, Roger, Kerby, Mary, Tom, Jennifer, Debra, Terry, Marsha,Deborah and Amelia; Thank you very much for you comments! #1409742

Leonard Pierce May 30, 2005 0

Very beautiful image Jonna!!! I really like the effect you used here! #1409777

S J May 30, 2005 0

Outstanding in every aspect, Jonna!! Very nicely done!! #1409784

Kate Jackson May 30, 2005 0

This is fantastic Jonna!! Trees are my favourites especially with the colour of spring leaves against the dark trunks. Love the dreamy effects of the camera movement. Was this handheld? #1409791

Michael Khoury May 30, 2005 0

beautifully done Jonna...the lighting and the effect rendered the foliage is superb!... #1410009

Jonna Bergström May 30, 2005 0

Len, Sanjay, Kate and Michael; Thank you very much for your comments! #1412358

Dan Holm May 31, 2005 0

Whoa!! GORGEOUS, beautiful, spooky and just alittle bit creepy all at the same time!! I absolutely love this, Jonna!! #1413309

Goshka G. June 01, 2005 0

Very well done, Jonna!! #1416139

Cathy Stancil June 01, 2005 0

Just a wonderful image Jonna !! #1416857

Lucia De Giovanni June 05, 2005 0

WOW! What a gorgeous image, Jonna! Wonderful work! #1432837

Jill Flynn June 06, 2005 0

I LOVE THIS IMAGE Jonna! Gorgeous and mystical. WONDERFUL work! #1437060

June 21, 2005 0

This would have also been nice in the Special Effects category. #1495245

June 21, 2005 0

I love the dreamy quality of this image. #1497589

Jonna Bergström June 21, 2005 0

Thank you very much!! :o)
I´m overwhelmed!
Ok, I will try to add it to Special Effects later.


Michael Khoury June 21, 2005 0

a BIG congrats Jonna!! :-) #1498199

Kerby Pfrangle June 21, 2005 0


Congratulations on your finalist.

Good luck in the finals.

Kerby #1498727

Jim Kinnunen level-classic June 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on this excellent finalist, Jonna!:) #1498919

Tom Andersen June 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Jonna! #1498945

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations Jonna!,
Amalia #1499782

Debra Booth June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Jonna!! #1499912

S J June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Jonna!! #1500344

Leonard Pierce June 22, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS Jonna!!! #1500703

Deborah Sandidge June 22, 2005 0

Beautiful work, congratulations, Jonna! #1501062

Robert Brown June 22, 2005 0

I like this one very much--I also shoot a lot of photo impressionism. #1501215

Jill Flynn June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations Jonna! #1501426

Cathy Stancil June 22, 2005 0

Congrats and good luck ont he next round Jonna ! #1501452

Jennifer Rennison June 22, 2005 0

Beautiful, Jonna! Love the in camera effects and wonderful colors! Congratulations on your finalist! #1501598

Jonna Bergström June 22, 2005 0

Michael, Kerby, Jim, Tom, Amalia, Debra, Sanjay, Len, Deborah, Robert, Jill, Cathy and Jennifer; Thank you all very much for your comments! :o) #1501985

Evy Johansen level-classic June 22, 2005 0

Many congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Jonna! So well deserved! #1502154

cj patterson June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this well deserved finalist!!! #1504140

Kara L. Hendricks June 22, 2005 0

Congrats Jonna!!!!!!!! Best of luck!! #1504611

Cora Miller level-classic June 22, 2005 0

Absolutely gorgeous, Jonna! The greens lend such a peaceful feeling to this fine image. Congratulations! #1507243

Jim Kinnunen level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Well done winner, Jonna!!! #1508716

Kerby Pfrangle June 23, 2005 0


Congrats on your second place win.

Job well done.

Kerby #1508806

Tom Andersen June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation on this beautiful winner, Jonna! #1509024

Michael Khoury June 23, 2005 0

well-deserved Jonna...Congratulations! #1509084

Donna W. Neal June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Jonna #1509167

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe June 23, 2005 0

Beautiful shot, Jonna!! Congratulations on the win!!



Jill Flynn June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your SECOND PLACE WIN Jonna! #1510169

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your second place win Jonna!,
Amalia #1510274

Susan T. Evans level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on your second place win! #1510502

Lucia De Giovanni June 23, 2005 0

Wonderful win, Jonna! Congratulations! #1510579

Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your second place win, Jonna! #1510679

Deborah Sandidge June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your beautiful and painterly win, Jonna! #1511185

Kara L. Hendricks June 23, 2005 0

Wonderful job!!! Congratulations Jonna!!! #1511260

Kristi A. Howson June 23, 2005 0

Gorgeous Jonna...congratulation on your win! #1511663

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005 0


Debra Booth June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Jonna!! #1512147

Jonna Bergström June 23, 2005 0

Thank you all very much for your congrats!!! #1512370

Sandy Driscoll level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Just stunning.......congratulations! #1512579

Cora Miller level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Jonna! #1513100

S J June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your WIN, Jonna!! #1513101

Evy Johansen level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Hi Jonna - Many congratulations on you win!! So well deserved!! #1514451

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic June 24, 2005 0

I hope this is hanging on your wall, Jonna! Congratulations! #1514741

Piotr M. Organa June 24, 2005 0

Beautiful photo!
Congratulations, Jonna!!! #1515331

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic June 25, 2005 0

Creatively and beautifully done! Congrats, Jonna! #1518056

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congratulations to you Jonna!!! #1520242

Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005 0

Congratulations On This Awesome Image And Your Win Jonna:-) #1520870

Kristie S. Defenbaugh June 27, 2005 0

good impression of the look and feel of such a forest. KSD #1523630

Carolyn J. Connolly June 28, 2005 0

This is just SO-O beautiful, Jonna - I LOVE it!! A WONDERFUL capture, and, EXCELLENT camera effects!! Congrat's on your MOST deserved Second Place win with it recently!! :o) #1530135

Stephen Zacker June 28, 2005 0

Just like a Beautiful painting. You captured just the right amount of camera movement. Congratulations #1530766

Joy Rector July 11, 2005 0

Congrats on your win. #1581324

Rakesh Syal level-classic July 16, 2005 0

Congratulations. GREAT IMPRESSIONISM. #1598691

Larry L. Stewart July 24, 2005 0

Wow ! What can I say that others above haven't already said. This is a wonderful shot. What is even more impressive is that you did not alter the picture in Photoshop, but did the effect with the your camera alone.

Congratulations. #1631978

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