Leaf in Abstract

© Donald K. Cherry

Leaf in Abstract

Uploaded: May 27, 2005 10:39:16


Similar to yesterday's post, but I think this one has a much tighter and uniform zoom pattern, which I like much better.

s1/30, f22, ISO 200, EV+.3, 18-70mm lens zooming out, handheld. No PS work other than slight crop, contrast adjusted and slight unsharp mask filter.

Will be attending my daughter's pre-school graduation and will try to catch up on comments later.


Cathy Gregor May 27, 2005 0

Nice work, Donald! #254350

Colette M. Metcalf May 27, 2005 0

Great image, Don!!! #1401087

Tammy Scott May 27, 2005 0

I went back to your gallery and looked at them both side by side and I agree with you, Donald! The lines in this one are much more defined!!! Awesome shot! #1401092

Colleen Braun May 27, 2005 0

kool... #1401152

Alan L. Borror May 27, 2005 0

Nice work, Don! zooming was done very well. #1401212

Carla Metzler May 27, 2005 0

Wonderful abstract, Don! #1401227

Roger Bernabo May 27, 2005 0

Another wonderful creation Don #1401299

Stacey M May 27, 2005 0

Wow Donald....yesterday's entry was good, but this one is GREAT!!!! #1401402

Laura Clay-Ballard May 27, 2005 0

Oh, I like this one better, too!
Incredible! #1401454

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 27, 2005 0

Very nice, Donald..I like this one better as well! Shelly~ #1401619

cj patterson May 27, 2005 0

great shot donald! love the what you did with the zoom... #1401716

Cindy Paquette May 27, 2005 0

I LOVE it....the lines are tighter today...it still reminiscent of a keleidscope with all those fanning lines in a fantastic explosion!!...then..that one leaf in center..wonderful Don! #1402884

Marsha S. Smith May 27, 2005 0

Both are super - can't choose between the two. #1403076

Stephen Zacker May 27, 2005 0

Cool #1403426

Donna Roberts May 28, 2005 0

Whoa - hold on tight.......we're travelling at warp speed!!!!! LOL
Excellent effects on this image Don.
Very well done.
:-) from 'downunder' #1404558

Colleen Braun June 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on the great zoom... #1498625

Stan Kwasniowski June 21, 2005 0

Don, Congratulations

Stan K #1498871

Cindy Paquette June 21, 2005 0

High Fiver Donald!!! Just a splendid catch of that one special leaf within that zoom!!! A hearty and heartfelt congratulations to you!!! #1499488

Kerby Pfrangle June 22, 2005 0



Good luck in the next round.

Kerby #1499781

Tammy Scott June 22, 2005 0

Awesome finalist! Congratulations again, Donald! #1499925

KHAWLA Haddad June 22, 2005 0

Big Congratulations Donlad on this beatiful finalists well don !!! #1499939

Cathy Barrows June 22, 2005 0

Congrats!...cool #1499959

Jill Flynn June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations Donald! #1500182

Kara L. Hendricks June 22, 2005 0

Congrats Donald!! #1501451

Jordi Delgado June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Donald!!!

:-) #1502561

Alan L. Borror June 22, 2005 0

Congratulationson this excellent finalist, Don! #1503425

Tammy McAllister June 22, 2005 0

Gorgeous Donald! Congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round!
Tootles #1504139

cj patterson June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this well deserved finalist!!! #1504230

S J June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this wonderful Finalist, Don!! #1504866

Jim Kinnunen level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this win, Don!!! #1508765

Stanley J. Contrades June 23, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Donald, on your 2nd Place win!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1508921

Colleen Braun June 23, 2005 0

congratulations Donald... #1509040

Tammy Scott June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Donald! WTG! #1509278

Alan L. Borror June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your excellent winner, Don! #1509357

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation Donald on this wonderful winner!!
way to go!!!!!!!! #1509469

Cindy Paquette June 23, 2005 0

TAAAAAAAAA DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!!!!!! Way to go my friend....send for directions for that beer!!! A WARM AND HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS AND RECOGNITION DON!! #1509479

Patricia A. Kuniega June 23, 2005 0

Big time congratulations for the fine camera work, Donald! Glad to see this here! #1509676

Laura Clay-Ballard June 23, 2005 0

congrats on this awesome WINNING image! way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1509690

Jill Flynn June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your SECOND PLACE WIN Donald!!!!! #1510260

Stan Kwasniowski June 23, 2005 0

Don, Congratulations

Stan K #1510383

Anita Hogue June 23, 2005 0

Awesome win, Donald! Congratulations!! #1510954

Linda D. Lester level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations! #1511090

Goshka G. June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on this very cool win, Donald!! #1511479

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS, DON!!! Nice ;D shot! #1511812

Darren K. Fisher June 23, 2005 0

A big congrats to you Donald. #1512612

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win Donald!!! #1512715

Murry Grigsby June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your terrific image and win Don!! #1513011

Donna Roberts June 24, 2005 0

I am so happy with this excellent result.
Well done Don - congrats on your 2nd place win!!!!!!
:-) from 'downunder' #1513468

Jenny Bosmans June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your wonderful image and win, Donald!! #1513794

Allan L. Whitehead June 24, 2005 0

Donald, congratulations on your win in last month's contest in the 'Special Effects' category. It is very richly deserved, my friend - your friend, Allan #1513946

Janet L. Skinner June 24, 2005 0

Excellent, Donald!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! #1514344

S J June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on this outstanding WIN, Don!! WTG my dear friend!! #1514706

Nobu Nagase June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations, Donald, on this great win!!! #1515541

Dolores Neilson June 24, 2005 0

Congrats Don!! Enjoy your win! #1516793

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Congrats on your win Don!! #1516965

Cathy Barrows June 25, 2005 0

Congrats...very cool #1517165

Donald K. Cherry June 25, 2005 0

I would like to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments and kind words! I really do appreciate each and every one of them!! #1517170

Donald K. Cherry June 25, 2005 0

:-)) #1517173

Judy S. Fung June 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win, Donald!! #1517626

Wally Orlowsky June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this winning zoom, Don! #1517933

Stephen Zacker June 25, 2005 0

Very Creative. Congratulations #1518555

Lori Carlson June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations Donald!! I'm happy for your win with this awesome photo!! :0) #1519697

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congratulations to you Don!!!! #1520813

Wren Hendrick June 28, 2005 0

Such a creative photo, Don!! A hearty congratulations!!!! #1528767

Joy Rector July 09, 2005 0

congrats on your win. #1572748

Carol Sawyer August 01, 2006 0

Congratulations Don!!!!! #3111252

Pawel Smykalla May 26, 2007 0

congratulations Donald, God job! #4333505

Linda Donnelly August 23, 2007 0

Clever work #4688656

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic May 31, 2017 0

Beautiful maple abstract! #11601835

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Donald K. Cherry.
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