Just for ladies....bugs!

© Mata Patan

Just for ladies....bugs!

Uploaded: May 17, 2005 07:26:20


I was just kidding with the title! I just want to dedicate this shot to all the BP ladies who daily write to me. One by one I just want to thank you a lot!!! Thanks Cathy, Donna Roberts, Tammy, Judy, Carla, Cathy Gregor, Chaty Stancil, Mary K, Olivia, Agnes, Kerby, Claudia, Goska, Kara, Jessica, Colette, Linda, Kathleen Parker, Stacey, Melissa, Donna P, Marsha, Jill, CJ, Michelle Lea, Stephanie, and Patty.
Thank you girls!!!


Dan Holm May 17, 2005 0

WOW!! GORGEOUS, Mata!!! #250138

Donna Roberts May 17, 2005 0

Oh wow!!! Thanks Mata - it is my pleasure to give my support. Your photography is truly worthy.
All the best!
:-) from 'downunder' #1359910

Danilo Piccioni May 17, 2005 0

I am not a lady, but a bug; so, is this also for me?
Thanks! LOLO

Great one Maga Mata!
Hai scaricato skype? che aspetti? #1359919

S J May 17, 2005 0

Beautifully done, Mata!! Love that title...lol. #1359929

Kerby Pfrangle May 17, 2005 0


The ladybug on the rose is really cute.

Love the color of this rose and the rainbow background.

Very nice.

Kerby #1359949

Paul E. Earl May 17, 2005 0

Beautiful image. Beautiful colours. Great work!!! #1359960

Judy S. Fung May 17, 2005 0

So very beautiful, Mata!!! Thank you for such a lovely dedication. I'm pleased to write to you every day, you have such wonderful images. :) #1359983

Donald K. Cherry May 17, 2005 0

beautiful image and sentiments, Mata!! #1360016

May 17, 2005 0

Brava, bello il titolo grande l'effetto. #1360024

Carla Metzler May 17, 2005 0

Mata, this is so beautiful! Thank you!
It is a pleasure to write to you, my friend. You always have wonderful images! #1360028

May 17, 2005 0

WOW! What a great shot and a VERY sweet dedication, Mata! Thank you so very much! Your shots and comments are something I look forward to! You have such a fresh and neat way of looking at things!!! #1360058

Stephanie Lyons May 17, 2005 0

This is gorgeous Mata! I love the effects you used on it and the colors are wonderful! I'm honored that you thought to include me - thank you very much! #1360093

Tom Andersen May 17, 2005 0

A very beautiful image befitting the very lovely ladies here at BetterPhoto! Super work, Mata! #1360114

Roger Bernabo May 17, 2005 0

Lovely image and wonderful effects Mata. Nice to have such nice friends and show your appreciation #1360175

Tammy Scott May 17, 2005 0

Guess I forgot to log CJ off this morning! :) Awesome image, Mata! #1360210

Cathy Gregor May 17, 2005 0

Molte grazie, Mata! Vostra immagine e bella! #1360470

KHAWLA Haddad May 17, 2005 0

Beautiful shot and sentiments, Mata!! #1360511

Linda D. Lester level-classic May 17, 2005 0

Can't help but to support someone that puts out the photo's you share with us. This is just beautiful! #1360780

Michelle Lea Guinn May 17, 2005 0

You are so welcome Mata!!! you are a very talented lady and I'm glad I have meet someone from Italy!!! Beautiful photo and dedication!!! mlg #1360947

Laurence Saliba level-classic May 17, 2005 0

Beautiful dedication Mata!!! I wouldn't have mentioned all the names though :) What if you forgot one!! :) Lovely image and effects. Boys we have to do something about this!!!!! #1361105

Kara L. Hendricks May 17, 2005 0

Well isn't this a treat.. What a wonderful image and dedication Mata.. Thank you so much for this... #1361186

Jill Flynn May 17, 2005 0

Thank you so much Mata for the dedication and sharing this beautiful image. The lady bug on the rose is perfect. You are so kind and generous! It's an honor to know you!!! #1361271

Cathy Stancil May 17, 2005 0

This is so beautiful, and joyous, and vibrant and fun...just like you ! Thanks for the dedication Mata, you are so nice ! #1361332

Jessica McCollam May 17, 2005 0

Fantastic shot, Mata! What a great dedication! I Love the background too! EXCELLENT work!:) #1361354

Ermanno Radice May 17, 2005 0

Bellissima foto e dedica, molto bello anche lo sfondo di grande effetto, Mata! #1362013

Goshka G. May 17, 2005 0

Thank YOU, Mata, for this absolutely gorgeous image!!! It truly is a pleasure to view your work and comment on it!! #1362094

Olivia Navarro May 17, 2005 0

WOWZA!!! What a shot! :) Mata, you're a fantastic photographer. Thanks for the wonderful dedication. #1362103

Stan Kwasniowski May 17, 2005 0

Mata, what a gorgeous image, and then looking closer, a surprise, wonderful

Stan Kwasniowski #1362398

Marsha S. Smith May 18, 2005 0

Mata!!!!! Thank you so much.
This rose is beautiful, the bg amazing and LOVE the bug! You are truly one of the bright spots in the day! #1362887

Gaurav Mehra May 18, 2005 0

Beautiful design & capture, Mata!!! Love the layers of the colors & it’s a Very nice dedication too. #1363313

Carol Brill May 18, 2005 0

I really like the pastel sherbert tones in this shot as well as the lighting, Mata, so very pretty! #1363368

Jordi Delgado May 18, 2005 0

What a wonderful image you made, Mata!!! And a perfect gift for all our lady-friends!!

:-)) #1363633

Laura Clay-Ballard May 18, 2005 0

Perfect image for all the ladies!
Beautiful! #1364931

Cathy Barrows May 18, 2005 0

i love how on this site we all come together as one with a common interest...love the background...how did you do it #1365479

Jane Summa May 18, 2005 0

HI Mata..I was wondering the same thing as Cathy..what is the background and how did you do that? i've never seen a background like that and it's totally awesome! Whatever you did to manipulate it to shine on the rose as you did was very clever & excellent! The image, title and dedication truly blend together like "us ladies" ;-) (and men) at BP :-) ...and thank you, Mata..the same goes for you, too! :-) #1366195

Claudia Kuhn level-classic May 18, 2005 0

Sorry I missed this tribute yesterday Mata! Cheers, thanks for all of your contributions to this site! Beautiful rose, love the addition of the ladybug! #1366348

Marcie A. Fowler May 19, 2005 0

Love what you did on the background with this image!! A lovely image and dedication! #1368816

William C. Raco level-classic May 24, 2005 0

Lovely photo and dedication, Mata
How very nice of you!!


Stacey M June 04, 2005 0

Oh Mata, I don't know how I missed this but it is lovely!!!!! And a big THANK YOU goes right back at cha :-) #1431081

Stan Kwasniowski June 21, 2005 0

Mata, congratulations

Stan K #1498638

Colleen Braun June 21, 2005 0

Congratulations... #1498917

Davide Patanè June 21, 2005 0

Complimenti Mata!
Mi sa ke in questa non te l'aspettavi eh... #1499484

Tom Andersen June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this very beautiful finalist, Mata! #1499521

Tammy Scott June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Mata! Way to Go!!! #1499618

Cindy Paquette June 22, 2005 0

Congrats Mata!! #1499739

Donald K. Cherry June 22, 2005 0

Congrats, Mata! #1500137

Jill Flynn June 22, 2005 0

A big congratulations on another terrific finalist Mata! #1500175

Deborah Sandidge June 22, 2005 0

Creative work, congratulations, Mata! #1500664

KHAWLA Haddad June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist Mata beatiful!!! #1501702

Melissa L. Zavadil June 22, 2005 0

WOW WOW!!! This is the first time I have seen this one! I am so sorry! I do not know how I have missed this! This is so pretty! I love the background! And the colors of the rose are really incredible! Great job!! & Congrats on this finalist! This is just AWESOME!!!! SWEET!! #1501868

Jennifer Rennison June 22, 2005 0

So beautiful, Mata! Congratulations on your finalist! #1502068

Patty Razonable June 22, 2005 0

Beautiful, Mata!! Congratulations on your finalist!! #1502431

Jordi Delgado June 22, 2005 0

Congrats on this gorgeous finalist, Mata!!

:-) #1502602

Judy S. Fung June 22, 2005 0

Congrats, Mata! #1502709

Paul E. Earl June 22, 2005 0

Well done Mata!!! #1502759

Karen Engelbreth June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations again, Mata :0)! #1502802

S J June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Mata!! Oh I'm so happy for you... #1503631

Laura Clay-Ballard June 22, 2005 0

congrats on this fabulous finalist image! wow. #1503998

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 22, 2005 0

Congrats Mata!!!!! #1504660

Carla Metzler June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Mata! #1506745

Stephanie Lyons June 22, 2005 0

A well deserved congratulations on this beautiful finalist Mata! #1507180

Danilo Piccioni June 23, 2005 0

Ti senti meglio ora?
congratulations!!!!! #1508699

Jim Kinnunen level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this win Mata!!!! #1508779

Dominique Declerck June 23, 2005 0

Congratulazioni, Mata!!!!!!! #1508805

Daniel Diaz June 23, 2005 0

Well I'm not a lady but I'll congratulate you anyway, CONGRATULATIONS MATA!!!!! I missed this one earlier. Vibrant colours and exotic curves, Very beautiful Mata!!! #1508887

Stanley J. Contrades June 23, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Mata, on your 2nd Place win!! Bravo!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1508897

Stephanie Lyons June 23, 2005 0

Well deserved congratulations to you, Mata! #1508991

Colleen Braun June 23, 2005 0

congratulations Mata... #1509018

Tom Andersen June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation on this beautiful winner, Mata! #1509049

Tammy Scott June 23, 2005 0

YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, Mata! #1509253

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation Mata on this wonderful winner!!!
wooooooooohooooooooooo way to go!! #1509411

Ermanno Radice June 23, 2005 0

Sono contentissimo per la tua vittoria!!!
Te l'avevo detto che giugno era il tuo mese fortunato!
Ma questa vittoria è soprattutto meritata, complimenti Mata! #1509484

Steve Mescha June 23, 2005 0

Today I know you're happy, and everyone at BP shares your happiness :-) Congradulations, Mata! #1509545

Laura Clay-Ballard June 23, 2005 0

congrats on this awesome WINNING image! #1509651

Brian Cassar June 23, 2005 0

Concratulations Mata! keep up shooting! #1509722

Noel Baebler June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Mata! #1510207

Jill Flynn June 23, 2005 0


Laurence Saliba level-classic June 23, 2005 0

At last you made it Mata!!!!!! Congrats!!! The ladies brought you luck :) #1510297

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Beautiful....I love this...even though I am not listed..lol Great work and super colors!!!!! Congrat's!!! Shelly~ #1510424

Heather Inich June 23, 2005 0

Lovely lovely lovely!!!! Congrats!!! #1510544

Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your beautiful Second place win, Mata! #1510787

Donald K. Cherry June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this very beautiful 2nd place winner, Mata!! #1510820

Cathy Stancil June 23, 2005 0

Hourray for you Mata !!! Congratulations on your win !! So happy for you !! #1510951

Melissa L. Zavadil June 23, 2005 0

YEEEEE HAAAAAA Congrats on your win Mata!!! This is a very pretty shot!! WTG!!!! #1510959

Linda D. Lester level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beauty! #1511067

Deborah Sandidge June 23, 2005 0

Great work Mata - congratulations on your win!! #1511145

Kara L. Hendricks June 23, 2005 0

OMG!! I am so happy for you Mata!! Congratulations on your wonderfully colorful win!!!! #1511317

Jordi Delgado June 23, 2005 0

Yes, you made it!!!!!


:-)) #1511374

Goshka G. June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on this beautiful and so well-deserved win, Mata!! #1511449

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Mata, way to go! #1511540

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 23, 2005 0

Hi Mata, sorry I missed this beautiful image!! A big congratulations to you!!! Thanks for the dedication, very sweet! Keep up the great work. The children are out of school so I am spending time with them at the waterpark. Take care and keep up the wonderful work!!! Very creative~!!!!!

Donna P. #1511549

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005 0


William C. Raco level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Very nice, Mata!

bill #1511895

Bobbie Davis June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Mata!!!! Awesome win!!!! #1512152

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on this terrific win Mata!!! #1512652

Carol Brill June 24, 2005 0

Mata, congratulations on your win with this terrific shot! #1513197

Souha Dooly June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Mata!! Great work!!!love all the colors!! #1513419

Donna Roberts June 24, 2005 0

There is no better result for your generous nature Mata than this well deserved win.
I am so very happy for you and am so pleased to see your image as a 2nd place winner.
Well done my friend!
:-) dddu #1513497

S J June 24, 2005 0

My heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS on this superb WINNER, Mata!! I'm so happy for you!! #1513538

Phil Sauvey June 24, 2005 0


Congrats on your extremely colorful photograph! Wonderfully done! #1513566

Mary K. Robison June 24, 2005 0

Sheesh! I'm just NOW finding this through your gallery?
CONGRATULATIONS on your win, Mata!!!!
What a sweet dedication!!! What a lovely image!!!! #1513655

Jenny Bosmans June 24, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your win, Mata!!! Well done and well deserved!!! #1513776

Carla Metzler June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win,Mata! I am so happy for you! Beautiful! #1513853

Janet L. Skinner June 24, 2005 0

A big congrats, Mata!!!!!!!!!!!! #1514276

Joyce ONeil June 24, 2005 0

What a beautiful image!!

Joyce #1516127

Kathleen Clemons June 24, 2005 0

Congrats, Mata! #1516155

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Big congrats Mata!! #1516851

Cathy Barrows June 25, 2005 0

Congrats this is excellent #1517143

Olivia Navarro June 25, 2005 0

Mata, I JUST saw that you won!!!Congratulations!!!! You must be thrilled! #1517499

Judy S. Fung June 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win, Mata!! #1517613

Stephen Zacker June 25, 2005 0

Beautiful image and effects. Congratulations #1518533

Mary N C. Taitt June 25, 2005 0

What a gorgeous pictures! The rose is beautiful, the bug is beautiful, the background is striking too!!! (how did you do that?)

Congratualtions! Mary #1519264

Lori Carlson June 25, 2005 0

WONDERFUL work Mata!! CONGRATULATIONS!! :0) #1519515

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congrats to you Mata!!! #1520347

Roxanne M. Bubar June 27, 2005 0

Congratulations on a beautiful image. #1527670

Jane Summa June 28, 2005 0

Here's a BIG smile & a BIG hug!!
(I'm sure this made your day..2nd PLACE!!!! yeeeeha!... LOL) Glad the thought of "us" ladies had a part in this! #1528372

Joy Rector June 28, 2005 0

congrats on this beautiful win. #1531441

Claudette Foote June 29, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Mata!! Great work!!!love all the colors!! #1533044

Michael F. Azucena December 18, 2005 0

this is so awesome!! nice effects too #2196989

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Mata Patan.
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