When Cats Have Nightmares

© Mary-Ella Bowles

When Cats Have Nightmares

Uploaded: May 11, 2005 06:27:36


I've entered this one before, but the other way around. I thought, oriented this way, it certainly fits this month's theme, though some might argue it's as SCARY as it is funny. ;-)


Danilo Piccioni May 11, 2005 0

YES! too funny indeed!!!! looks like a flyingcat!lol #247501

Sara Jensen May 11, 2005 0

Well, since I'm new here I haven't seen it before. Looking at it either way is great! #1338911

Patrick Campbell May 11, 2005 0

Too funny! Thanks Mary-Ella! #1338912

Rob Bishop May 11, 2005 0

Fantastic, Mary-Ella! Thanks for the laugh-out-loud humor in this wonderful shot.

Rob #1338917

Jordi Delgado May 11, 2005 0

Just fantastic, Mary-Ella!!!! How funny!!!

:-)) #1338920

S J May 11, 2005 0

Great fun shot, Mary-Ella!! Terrific idea!! #1338921

Dan Holm May 11, 2005 0

Static electricity, right?...I mean, that's how you got the cat on the ceiling, right?...;) .... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS, Mary, Ella!!! Looks like a WINNER to me!!!! Awesome and very, very creative shot! #1338944

BALA KRISHNAN May 11, 2005 0

Mary-Ella thats really cool! #1339008

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic May 11, 2005 0

LOL! Have to agree with Dan!! #1339090

Kathleen Clemons May 11, 2005 0

ROFL Oh this is a hoot Mary-Ella! #1339328

Roger Bernabo May 11, 2005 0

This is great Mary-Ella! #1339363

Joy Rector May 11, 2005 0

Cool. #1339753

Arienne Davey May 11, 2005 0

I tried rubbing my cat on my head and sticking her to the ceiling, but I just couldn't get it to work! Great shot. #1340033

Cathy Stancil May 11, 2005 0

EXCELLENT Mary-Ella !! LOL... #1340132

Mary-Ella Bowles May 11, 2005 0

You guys are too funny - Rubbing your cat on your head, LOL...
Thanks for all your kind comments - I'm glad this makes you laugh. :-) #1340238

Leesa White May 11, 2005 0

Very funny & cute! #1340370

Amanda Price May 13, 2005 0

hahahaha! #1345944

June 20, 2005 0

Fun! This one really made me laugh. #1494291

June 21, 2005 0

Thanks for making me laugh! "Somebody turn the gravity back on" #1498133

Stephanie Lyons June 22, 2005 0

Oh this is so awesome Mary-Ella! I hope we see this again! #1501227

Jordi Delgado June 22, 2005 0

Yes!! I know he'll get even higher!!


:-) #1502628

Mata Patan June 22, 2005 0

This is funny, fantastic and cool!!!!!! #1503029

Dr Silly level-classic June 22, 2005 0

That's using your head, it shows photo
have more then one life. Made me smile and that is the best thing a photo can

Dr Silly

Donna L. Cuic June 23, 2005 0

Awesome Mary Ella, I love it. Its so cute. Big Congrats on your winning photo.
~Donna #1509064

Eric Schneider June 23, 2005 0

Thats a great photo and the inversion takes it over the top. Well done indeed!!! Congrats !! #1509733

Michelle Ross June 23, 2005 0

Hey Mary Ella .. . big congrats on your win with this . . . looks like changing it was the answer( or at least for BP :-)


Amanda Price June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on your win! #1510085

Casey A. Hanson June 23, 2005 0

I don't know how I missed this one, but this is soooo great! Thanks for the laugh this morning, Mary Ella! LOL
Congrats on your win! :0) #1510273

Jill Flynn June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your SECOND PLACE WIN Mary Ella!! LOVE THIS! #1510284

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 23, 2005 0

I missed this!! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
A BIG CONGRATS Mary Ella!!!!!!!! Well deserved win. #1510382

Cynthia M. Kasuba June 23, 2005 0

SUPER KITTY !!!!! love this ! too funny! GREAT CAPTURE ! #1510460

Chuck Inglefield June 23, 2005 0

I'm so glad you entered this again. This is sooooo funny!!!! Great shot. #1510512

Heather Inich June 23, 2005 0

I love this shot!! SO cute!!! Made me laugh when I saw it!!! congrats!!!! #1510581

Kay Beausoleil June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Mary Ella -- the cat's funny and scary at the same time! #1510615

Deborah Sandidge June 23, 2005 0

LOL - love those eyes, too funny and perfect for this cat-agory! Congratulations!! #1511092

Jordi Delgado June 23, 2005 0

What did I tell you??? He was meant to fly high!!! Congrats!!!

:-)) #1511413

Kristi A. Howson June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Mary-Ella. This is fantastic!!!!! #1511758

Donna J. Taff June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation's on this fantastic and funny win, Mary- Ella!!! #1511997

Carol Brill June 24, 2005 0

Mary-Ella, so glad to see this one again and enjoy another big belly laugh, congratulations on your win with this!! #1513258

Allan L. Whitehead June 24, 2005 0

Mary-Ella, congratulations on your win in last month's contest in the 'Monthyly Theme' category. It is very richly deserved, my dear friend - your friend, Allan #1513907

Kathleen Clemons June 24, 2005 0

This still makes me laugh every time I look at it, Mary-Ella. Congrats! #1516286

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Always loved this one Mary-Ella! Congrats!! #1516980

Evy Johansen level-classic June 25, 2005 0

Many congratulations on your wonderful and well deserved win, Mary-Ella! #1517225

Marla A. Lehr June 25, 2005 0

Wonderful! Big congratulations. #1517691

Debra Booth June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations, Mary-Ella!! Great idea!! #1518143

Jeffrey D. Ziebell June 25, 2005 0

What a great shot and I must admit I laughed my butt off, FANTASTIC,Congrat on your win:) #1518226

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congrats to you Mary-Ella!!! #1520851

Adrianna Province June 30, 2005 0

This is hilarous! Arms streched and time to fly. Congratulations Mary-Ella! #1537603

Mark Oxley July 02, 2005 0

Wonderful image Mary-Ella! Amazing what uses Velcro has!! #1545578

brigitte stahre July 03, 2005 0

the right way around, it's a cute photo. this way, it's an eye catcher.. #1548828

Adrienne I. Brand July 07, 2005 0

Oh my God, I almost spit out my sandwich when I saw this. Absolutely hysterical! What a brilliant idea to turn it over. Now that's creativity! I think if you got this many responses, it's definitely a winner! :)
~ Adrienne Brand #1566471

Eti Swinford July 17, 2005 0

What a great idea. too funny. Cats are a hoot anyway. #1601970

Lori Carlson July 22, 2005 0

This is too funny Mary-Ella!!! Great idea!! CONGRATULATIONS!! :0) #1621105

Aneta Notestine August 20, 2005 0

Mary-Ella, I know you've received lots of praises for this shot but still, I have to thank you for this comic relief. Congratulations on being creative and making something so simple look so unique. You're my hero!!

Aneta #1739332

March 02, 2006 0

Just too cute! And that chubby little belly! What a doll!
Congats on the prize, well deserved...
Gen #2487548

Chris Welch June 27, 2007 0


This is soo funny! Great shot and idea.

Well done, congrats! #4448294

Amanda Chapman July 13, 2007 0

This is so funny!!!!!!!
Great capture! #4505641

Penny J. Irwin July 17, 2007 0

This is so ingenious for you to of flipped it upside down. That is what caught my eye! Not to mention how funny this is. Aren't cats wonderful subjects! Great photo #4516688

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 16, 2008 0

I just saw this on the contest home page. Talk about funny Mary. What an awesome winning image. Huge congratulations! #6184283

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 18, 2009 0

So did I and it's hillarious! Glad you won!

-Laura Swan #7642183

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic September 27, 2011 0

This came through on the contest page and this is the first time I saw it. I LOVE this capture and it was great for a good laugh! #9699300

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