Uploaded: May 06, 2005 15:02:54
Lisbon - Portugal
Christian P. Nicolas May 06, 2005 0
this is a superb shot. Love it. Great job Sérgio. #245636Brian Cassar May 06, 2005 0
Good composition. #1325363Nemil B. Chabebe May 06, 2005 0
This is an excellent picture. #1325413Derrald R. Farnsworth-Livingston May 06, 2005 0
Very nice composition! #1325432Lise Butler May 06, 2005 0
Great lines and lighting. Well done. #1325620
Guy D. Biechele
May 06, 2005
Marcie A. Fowler May 06, 2005 0
Simply gorgeous image. Excellent lighting and wonderful capture of lines and reflections!! #1326012Stephanie Lyons May 07, 2005 0
This is awesome Sérgio! We should definitely see this one again! #1326867
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
May 07, 2005
Siete Meeter May 07, 2005 0
magnificent #1328436
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
June 22, 2005
Chris Macer June 22, 2005 0
Congrats on the finalist Sergio! Fantastic image! #1501825Kerby Pfrangle June 23, 2005 0
SergioCongratulations on your second place win.
Excellent job.
Kerby #1510128
Adilson F. Ferreira
June 23, 2005
Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005 0
Beautiful Color And Light Well Done!Congratulations On Your Win Sergio! #1521037bob cornelison June 26, 2005 0
Cool shot!Luis Lobo Henriques July 11, 2005 0
Aquela foto-orgulho!! E sem tripé, caneco!
Luigi Di Serio
July 13, 2005
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