A Love for the Arts
Uploaded: May 06, 2005 11:11:06
Love is mutual.
Stephanie Lyons May 06, 2005 0
Amazing! Love this shot Lee - your creativity on this is wonderful! Very well done, and my guess is that we'll see this one again! #245532Casey A. Hanson May 06, 2005 0
AWESOME!! Definitely a winner! Well done, Lee :0) #1325005Nemil B. Chabebe May 06, 2005 0
I love it, I'm also a musician, what a great idea and composition. #1325439Patricia Marroquin May 06, 2005 0
How did you do this, Lee? It's very different and creative. This will be a top winner for sure. Congratulations! #1325639Jennifer Rennison May 06, 2005 0
Simply fabulous, Lee! Love the red on white and the way the reflection made a heart, excellent image! #1325857Lisa D. Greer May 06, 2005 0
This is awesome Lee! I agree, this one is bound to be a winner! :) #1325867Lee S. May 06, 2005 0
Thank you everyone. This was done by placing a filter along the curve of the binding of some piano music that I have. I'm sorry for the blue in the upper area of the image. I must have uploaded the wrong copy of the shot and that is my mistake. Is there any way to alter the submission or to change the file? I'm new here so I don't know and I would hate to see a discrepancy in my final placing as a result of uploading the wrong photo. The edit intended for submission may be viewed here. http://www.deviantart.com/view/14540763/ #1326041Nicole Kessel May 07, 2005 0
This one has to win! So incredibly creative and beautiful!#1327110
Cody C. Greene June 21, 2005 0
Great picture! I hope it wins!Cody #1498599
Jennifer Rennison June 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your fabulous finalist, Lee! #1505115Patricia Marroquin June 22, 2005 0
Congratulations, Lee! :-) #1505949
Dr Silly
June 22, 2005
Dr Silly
bob cornelison June 22, 2005 0
Excellent shot and expression!Stephanie Lyons June 22, 2005 0
Lee ... I'm so pleased to see this one here - I knew we'd see it again! Well deserved congratulations! #1507268Stephanie Lyons June 23, 2005 0
Congratulations Lee, on your win! #1509010Lee S. June 23, 2005 0
Thank you all! Wow .. this is a rush! #1509420Roseann E. Dreasher June 23, 2005 0
I recognize this from DPChallenge! Congrats!!!! #1509710Chris Macer June 23, 2005 0
Wow!!! Amazing shot! I love the color, congrats! #1510609Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win, Lee! #1510847bob cornelison June 24, 2005 0
Congrats on this expressive shot!Elizabeth Coachman June 24, 2005 0
Wow, Lee! This picture is the coolest, most creatively well done depiction of the love of the arts that I have ever seen. Stupendous! I liked it sooo well, that I showed it to my mom, and she adores it. She says it is worthy to be framed. Great job!by His Grace and For His Glory,
Elizabeth Coachman #1514884
Mette Vendelboe Allison
June 25, 2005
Fawn M. Schutt June 30, 2005 0
This is breath-taking. Something about this Photo calls to the romantic side of me... of everyone I would assume. It is great.Http://TimeExposure.tripod.com #1537642
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