Natural circles
Uploaded: May 05, 2005 15:45:53
I took this picture on a friend's garden. I love the symmetry and the quantity of circles that you can see.
Kevin S. Lewis May 05, 2005 0
Great image Sergio! Love the dimension as well! #245246Sergio Izquierdo May 05, 2005 0
Thank you Kevin :o) #1322334Patricia Marroquin May 05, 2005 0
Fascinating, Sergio! I like the various sizes and dimension. In a thumbnail, the image looked like blue roses. :-) Well done! :-) #1322341Sergio Izquierdo May 05, 2005 0
Thank you a lot :o) #1322466Susana Ms Heide May 05, 2005 0
WOW!! This is an awesome image! Love the detail and the shapes and how the whole frame is filled with the subject. The lighting is beautiful too!! This is something I'd put on my wall! Good eye sergio! #1322662Sergio Izquierdo May 05, 2005 0
Thank you, I like the lighting too. I took it in the afternoon. #1322685Gena A. Tussey May 05, 2005 0
Very cool. When I first saw it, I thought it was a van Gogh sky-likeness. Extremely nice capture!!! #1322748Kerby Pfrangle May 05, 2005 0
Sergio this is awesome.One of the best foral images I seen on here. I love the detail of these flowers. UNREAL....Love this. Kerby #1322753
Sergio Izquierdo May 05, 2005 0
Thanks :-) #1322772
Cora Miller
June 23, 2005
Kerby Pfrangle June 23, 2005 0
SergioCOngrats on your second place win.
Well done.
Kerby #1508861
Kevin S. Lewis June 23, 2005 0
Glad to see the win Sergio! Very much deserved! #1510898
Cora Miller
June 24, 2005
Susana Ms Heide June 24, 2005 0
I was crossing my fingers for this one Sergio!!! I was so glad to spot it among the winners! Every bit a deserving winner! CONGRATS!!!! #1513380Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005 0
A Beautiful Frame Full Of Color Nicely Done!Congratulations On Your Win Sergio!! #1521023Sergio Izquierdo June 27, 2005 0
Thanks everybody :o) #1525148Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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