Sunflower Details

© Scott W. Pierson

Sunflower Details

Uploaded: May 04, 2005 01:16:32


Dedicated to my darling wife Connie


Linda D. Lester level-classic May 04, 2005 0

AWESOME.....Great detail...Great shot, Scott! #244538

Ronald Balthazor May 04, 2005 0

Great detail and composition, Scott. #1317254

Lise Butler May 04, 2005 0

Spectacular...colors are stunning! #1317356

Scott W. Pierson May 04, 2005 0

Thanks everyone, I was drawn to the wonderful textures of the back of the sunflower and the contrasting colors. An extension tube allowed me to get closer to the flower to bring out the detail.

Thanks again. #1317460

Michelle Lea Guinn May 04, 2005 0

Beautiful image Scott!! love everything about it!!! mlg #1318444

Susan Patton May 04, 2005 0

This is really beautiful Scott. #1318842

Scott W. Pierson May 04, 2005 0

Thanks Michelle and Susan, I have seen so many great sunflower photos submitted in the past. I'm glad I got the opportunity to take some of my own. Sunflowers are very photogenic.

Thanks again everyone! #1319699

Tammy Scott May 06, 2005 0

WOW!!! What a gorgeous shot, Scott! I love the detail and color! #1323509

Jennifer Rennison June 22, 2005 0

Gorgeous colors and textures, Scott! Congratulations on this beauty of a finalist!! #1505295

Scott W. Pierson June 22, 2005 0

Thanks Again everyone. I appreciate your comments. #1506232

Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second place win, Scott! #1510827

Carol Brill June 24, 2005 0

Scott, congratulations on your win with this awesome close-up shot, the fine detail and rich colors are just marvelous! #1513214

Scott W. Pierson June 24, 2005 0

Thanks Jennifer, Thanks Carol.

Viva La Extension Tube! #1513340

Souha Dooly June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Scott!!Beautiful work!! #1513438

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