
Uploaded: May 02, 2005 15:51:40


This is my son, Jacob (in the wagon) and his buddy, Gabe.

Applied buzz, diffuse glow, melancholytron filter and layered for texture in PS7.


Tammy Scott May 02, 2005 0

How cute, Julie!!! Reminds of summer! #243889

Sandy Landon level-classic May 02, 2005 0

Love this photo. Captures the essence of little boys. Loks just like a painting. Good job. #1311690

June Marie Sobrito May 02, 2005 0

Very sweet...effects are great! #1311711

Linda D. Lester level-classic May 02, 2005 0

Cute shot! Love the effects! #1311718

Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. May 02, 2005 0

Great composition and effects, color etc. and the fence trailing off adds great effect. Good job! #1311765

Judy A. Lawhon May 02, 2005 0

Julie....these two little guys are adorable and what a marvelous job of editing...looks like a painting!! #1311984

Goshka G. May 02, 2005 0

Really nice effects, Julie! #1312015

Colette M. Metcalf May 02, 2005 0

I love this Julie!!! #1312052

Julie Abston May 02, 2005 0

Thank you so very much Tammy, Sandy, June, Linda, Marvin, Judy, Goshka and Colette!!! All of your comments mean so much!!!!! #1312353

Carla Metzler May 02, 2005 0

This is a beautiful image, Julie! I the effects. #1312410

Kara L. Hendricks May 02, 2005 0

This is absolutely superb Julie.. Your choice of filters and effects only add to this darling image.. Wonderful job! #1312453

Marsha S. Smith May 02, 2005 0

The subject, scenery and composition are all spot on. But I really believe it is the magic you work with effects that makes this shot soooo spectacular.
And spectacular it definitely is! I think my favorite of yours to date. #1312590

Melissa L. Zavadil May 03, 2005 0

This is really cute! great job! #1312942

Bobbie Davis May 03, 2005 0

This image reminds me of a post card...."Wish you were here" sort! Just awesome! I love the effects and the image as whole! Great job Julie! #1313316

Julie Abston May 03, 2005 0

Thank you so much Carla, Kara, Marsha, Melissa and Bobbie! What extremely kind and encouraging comments!! I appreciate them all so very much! #1313473

Bryan Yates May 03, 2005 0

Outstanding Work! This is fantastic work!! #1315003

Michael McCook May 03, 2005 0

Excellent Job, Julie!!!! #1315165

Marcie A. Fowler May 17, 2005 0

Beautifully done Julie!! Love the soft watercolor feel you created here!! #1361222

June 20, 2005 0

Very nice use of a combination of digital techniques! #1494095

Julie Abston June 21, 2005 0

Thank you so much Bryan, Michael and Marcie!

Thank you judges for taking the time to comment!!! #1495003

Sharon Day June 22, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your finalist, Julie!!! #1501685

Sandy Landon level-classic June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations!!! I love it still! #1502184

Debra Booth June 22, 2005 0

Beautiful work, Julie! Congratulations! #1503507

KHAWLA Haddad June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist!!!
Love it Julie well don! #1506355

Lisa Deaton June 23, 2005 0

So Beautiful!!! Congrats !! #1508002

Julie Abston June 23, 2005 0

Thank you very much Sharon, Sandy, Debra, Kelly and Lisa!!!!!! #1508242

Patricia A. Kuniega June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Julie!! This is really a lovely image that takes me back to childhood days! Looks like it came from the House at Pooh Corner! #1509148

Tammy Scott June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Julie! #1509245

Laura Clay-Ballard June 23, 2005 0

congrats on this awesome WINNING image! #1509642

Sharon Day June 23, 2005 0

BIG Congratulations on your second place win, Julie!!! Wonderful image! WTG! #1509882

Dale Ann Cubbage June 23, 2005 0

A lovely, special image, Julie! Congrats on the win!

da #1510034

Kerby Pfrangle June 23, 2005 0

Julie congrats on your second place win.

Excellent job. Kerby #1510148

Noel Baebler June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Julie! #1510215

Casey A. Hanson June 23, 2005 0

Congrats Julie!! :0) #1510341

Susan T. Evans level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Congrats Julie, awesome winner! #1510554

Linda D. Lester level-classic June 23, 2005 0

I loved this one! Congratulations! #1511062

Kara L. Hendricks June 23, 2005 0

Oh I am so glad to see this one win Julie!!! COngratulations!! #1511312

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 23, 2005 0

Congrats to you Julie, This is an awesome image, and a well deserved win! #1511515

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005 0


William C. Raco level-classic June 23, 2005 0

So very lovely, Julie!

bill #1511909

Bobbie Davis June 23, 2005 0

Well deserved win Julie!!!!! Congratulations!!!! #1512138

Debra Booth June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Julie! #1512223

Darren K. Fisher June 23, 2005 0

OH WOW what a beautifully done image. I hope you have this one blown up and hanging on the wall. Congrats on a very well deserved win. #1512574

Joannie Bertucci level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Pure charm Julie a very well deserved win! #1512717

bob cornelison June 24, 2005 0

Great job!
~:O) #1512921

Julie Abston June 24, 2005 0

Wow! Thank you all SO MUCH! I appreciate all of your support and kind words!!! You all are great!!! #1513058

Cora Miller level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Your effects enhance this precious shot perfectly! Congratulations on your win, Julie! #1513169

Gail Vitikacs level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Beautiful win...Congratulations! #1515367

Julie Abston June 24, 2005 0

Thank you so much Cora and Gail! I appreciate it!!!! #1515980

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Congrats Julie, such a sweet image with great effects! #1516858

Cathy Barrows June 25, 2005 0

Congrats...this is so darling #1517133

Julie Abston June 25, 2005 0

Thank you very much Claudia and Cathy!!! #1517481

Wally Orlowsky June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this adorable and nostalgic winner, Julie! #1517897

Stephen Zacker June 25, 2005 0

Truly a wonderful image. Super effects. Congratulations #1518517

Terry L. Ellis level-classic June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations, Julie, on this so darling winner! #1519671

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congrats to you Julie!!! #1520317

Susana Ms Heide June 26, 2005 0

Another BIG CONGRATS Julie on bringing home the GOLD with this beautiful image!! #1520603

Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005 0

Hi Julie! A Big Congratulations To You On This Super Capture And Your Win!I Really Like Youe Editing On This One:-) #1521093

Julie Abston June 26, 2005 0

Thank you so much Wally, Stephen, Terry, Colette, Susan and Terry!!! #1522279

Lori S. Aschbrenner June 27, 2005 0

Congrats, Julie!! #1527682

Keith L. Clayton June 04, 2006 0

Love your art effects on your photos - You have an outstanding gallery! #2851591

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 07, 2017 0

Ahhh, the beauty of friendship! You've beautifully portrayed the sweetness and sentiment of a true friend, Julie. Love the little red wagon. Well done!!! #11605805

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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