
Uploaded: May 01, 2005 07:15:15




Sharon Day May 01, 2005 0

Absolutely gorgeous, Karen!!! I love this so much! Well done! #243345

Ali Atri May 01, 2005 0

Very nice closeup shot. I like the mild contrast of green and orange. thanks. #1307894

Kate Jackson May 01, 2005 0

Fantastic capture of an emerging tulip Karen. Love the curly wurlies!! #1307899

Cathy Stancil May 01, 2005 0

Beautiful Karen ! I love the soft colors, dof and curves of the petals... #1307906

Patricia A. Kuniega May 01, 2005 0

Beautiful unfurling and DOF, Karen! #1307916

S J May 01, 2005 0

Very unique macro capture, Karen!! Wonderful colors and DOF!! I absolutely love it!! #1307927

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you for the nice comments, Sharon, Ali, Kate, Cathy and Patricia! #1307930

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you to you too, Sanjay - I always appreciate your comments :0)! #1307932

Donna Roberts May 01, 2005 0

Karen - I could imagine this as part of a 'time lapse' series to track this beautiful bloom as it unfurls......
:-) from 'downunder' #1307941

Patty Razonable May 01, 2005 0

Wow! That is a super macro capture and DOF!! Excellent image!! #1307958

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you for the nice words, Donna and Patty! #1307976

Carla Metzler May 01, 2005 0

So beautiful, Karen! Wonderful macro! #1308027

Kathleen Clemons May 01, 2005 0

Gorgeous, Karen! #1308065

Joy Rector May 01, 2005 0

What an unusual shot, love it. #1308105

Donna W. Neal May 01, 2005 0

Stunning Karen love it #1308121

Stephanie Lyons May 01, 2005 0

Excellent macro shot Karen! Love the DOF and the composition! #1308153

Tom Andersen May 01, 2005 0

This is so beautiful, Karen! The color, lighting and DOF are all perfect! Great job! #1308159

Lewis P. Church May 01, 2005 0

Excellent! #1308214

Tammy Scott May 01, 2005 0

Superb image and soft colors, Karen! #1308348

Deborah Lewinson level-addict May 01, 2005 0

Gorgeous image, Karen, great colors, DOF, and presentation!
-Debby #1308394

Debra Booth May 01, 2005 0

Gorgeous, Karen! #1308442

Judith G. Secco May 01, 2005 0

What a beauty!!! #1308527

Marsha S. Smith May 01, 2005 0

How wonderful, catching it at this unusual stage of opening. Beautiful! - I love the perfect dof that makes the bloom just pop out at us. #1308561

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you for all the nice words, Carla, Kathleen, Joy, Donna, Stephanie, Tom, Paul, Tammy, Debby, Debra, Judy and Marsha - I really appreciate! #1308636

Nobu Nagase May 01, 2005 0

Fantastic capture, Karen!!!
Great dof, beautiful colors!!! #1308825

Casey A. Hanson May 01, 2005 0

Awesome macro! #1308885

Evy Johansen level-classic May 01, 2005 0

Wow - wonderful image, Karen! #1308889

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Nobi, Casey and Evy!


Jennifer Rennison May 01, 2005 0

Outstanding, Karen! Beautiful colors, dof and composition! #1308996

Noel Baebler May 01, 2005 0

What a beautiful coming out, Karen! #1309076

Karen Engelbreth May 01, 2005 0

Thank you for the great comments, Jennifer and Noel :0)! #1309316

Arya Bandyopadhyay May 02, 2005 0

Brilliant shot, gorgeous colours!! #1310146

Karen Engelbreth May 02, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Arya! #1311073

Rob T. Henry May 02, 2005 0

This is Awesome, Karen!! Love the swirl pattern!!! #1311827

Kathryn (Love) Scheet level-classic May 02, 2005 0

superb image Karen!! #1311855

Karen Engelbreth May 02, 2005 0

Thank you for the nice comments, Rob and Kathryn! #1311928

Goshka G. May 02, 2005 0

Just beautiful Karen!!!! #1311961

Kerby Pfrangle May 02, 2005 0

karen this is a beautiful coral color and so delicate. Stunning capture.

Kerby #1312107

Karen Engelbreth May 02, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Goshka and Kerby! #1312119

Mary K. Robison May 02, 2005 0

Wow, Karen! Such a different stage of a tulip, so beautifully detailed! Love the delicate shades of orange and green! #1312502

Karen Engelbreth May 02, 2005 0

Thank you for the kind comment, Mary! #1312511

Kara L. Hendricks May 02, 2005 0

Oh, the detail you have captured here Karen.. Wonderful shot, and love you dof!! #1312522

Karen Engelbreth May 02, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Kara! #1312586

Claudia Kuhn level-classic May 02, 2005 0

Beautiful macro Karen, love all those twists and curls!! #1312816

Karen Engelbreth May 03, 2005 0

Thank you, Claudia! #1313458

May 04, 2005 0

Beautiful Karen, love it! #1317622

Karen Engelbreth May 04, 2005 0

Thank you, Reine :0)! #1318168

Lucia De Giovanni May 04, 2005 0

Very beautiful, Karen - I stared at this for a long time.... #1319282

Karen Engelbreth May 04, 2005 0

Thank you for the nice words, Lucia - i'm happy you like it! #1319287

May 05, 2005 0

Simply Beautiful.........:) #1323282

Karen Engelbreth May 05, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Janice :0)! #1323319

Linda Murphy May 06, 2005 0

Wonderful capture Karen! #1324724

Karen Engelbreth May 06, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Linda Ann! #1325164

DiAnna F. Paulk May 07, 2005 0

Karen, this is beautiful! I suspect we'll be seeing this again in the finals! :)

Thanks for your kind comment on my "Daughter...Granddaughter" photo! #1329013

Karen Engelbreth May 07, 2005 0

Thank you for the nice words, DiAnna! #1329021

Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 20, 2005 0

This is lovely!! The colors are very nice!! #1370120

Karen Engelbreth May 20, 2005 0

Thank you, Donna :0)! #1370312

June 20, 2005 0

Nice shot - I like the shallow depth of field and bright orange contrasting color. #1494199

Michael Khoury June 21, 2005 0

Congrats Karen!! #1498712

Mary K. Robison June 21, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen!! #1499287

Tammy Scott June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations again, Karen! #1499832

Karen Engelbreth June 22, 2005 0

Thank you very much, Michael, Mary and Tammy! #1501926

Noel Baebler June 22, 2005 0

Beautiful, Karen! Congratulations! #1504308

S J June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on this OUTSTANDING Finalist, Karen!! #1504816

Karen Engelbreth June 22, 2005 0

Thank you Noel and Sanjay :0)! #1505381

Jennifer Rennison June 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Karen! #1505571

Dominique Declerck June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen!!!! #1508810

Stanley J. Contrades June 23, 2005 0

Superb image in color, details and clarity, Karen! CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win with this beauty!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1508912

Michael Khoury June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Karen! #1509052

Tom Andersen June 23, 2005 0

Congratulation on this beautiful winner, Karen! #1509069

Tammy Scott June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen! #1509275

Patricia A. Kuniega June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Karen! #1509325

Alan L. Borror June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your winner, Karen! #1509346

Mata Patan June 23, 2005 0

WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! #1509447

Laura Clay-Ballard June 23, 2005 0

congrats on this awesome WINNING image! #1509684

Diane Addonizio level-classic June 23, 2005 0

congratulations! #1509908

Dale Ann Cubbage June 23, 2005 0

So beautiful Karen! Congrats my friend!

da #1510060

Paul C. Gazzanigo June 23, 2005 0

Nothing less than stunning ...

Congratulations, Karen! #1510074

Noel Baebler June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen!!! #1510194

Jill Flynn June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your SECOND PLACE WIN Karen!!!! #1510252

Joergen Joergensen June 23, 2005 0

Tillykke Karen:-)) #1510535

Susan T. Evans level-classic June 23, 2005 0

Big Congrats Karen, awesome winner! #1510596

Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Karen! #1510864

Deborah Sandidge June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on your beautiful win, Karen!! #1511122

Goshka G. June 23, 2005 0

Congrats on this gorgeous win, Karen!! #1511491

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 23, 2005 0

Way to go Karen, congrats on this lovely winner! #1511575

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005 0


William C. Raco level-classic June 23, 2005 0

This is so very lovely!
Wonderful work

bill #1511900

Janet Williams June 23, 2005 0

Karen - many congratulations - a really beautiful image in every way. #1512025

Debra Booth June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen!! #1512195

Darren K. Fisher June 23, 2005 0

WOW awesome image Karen. Congrats on your win. #1512606

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win Karen!!! #1512708

Murry Grigsby June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your wonderful floral image and win Karen!! #1513009

Nobu Nagase June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations, Karen, on your great win for this real beauty!!! #1513039

Carol Brill June 24, 2005 0

Karen, congratulations on your win with this delicate beauty! #1513241

Souha Dooly June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win,Karen!!Beautiful!! #1513451

Donna Roberts June 24, 2005 0

I am so pleased to see this evolve from a finalist to a well deserved 2nd place win Karen.
I am so thrilled for you - an excellent result!!!!!
:-) from 'downunder' #1513517

Jenny Bosmans June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Karen!!!
GREAT! #1513792

Allan L. Whitehead June 24, 2005 0

Karen, congratulations on your win in last month's contest in the 'Details and Macro' category. It is very richly deserved, my dear friend - your friend, Allan #1513967

S J June 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on this outstanding WIN, Karen!! #1514686

Monika Sapek June 24, 2005 0

Wonderful, Karen! Big congratulations on your Second Place Win!

Kathleen Clemons June 24, 2005 0

So beautiful, Karen. Congrats! #1516220

Dolores Neilson June 24, 2005 0

Sorry I missed this one when you posted it, Karen! Big congrats to you! #1516792

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005 0

Guess I missed this too, just beautiful Karen, congrats on your win! #1516942

Evy Johansen level-classic June 25, 2005 0

Many congratulations on a well deserved win, Karen! #1517215

Judy S. Fung June 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win, Karen!! #1517624

Wally Orlowsky June 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Karen! #1517926

Stephen Zacker June 25, 2005 0

Beautiful, and great use of dof. Congratulations #1518554

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005 0

Congratulations to you Karen!! This is beautiful!! #1520787

Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005 0

Beautiful Macro Image Karen!Congratulations On Your Win!! #1521288

Karen Engelbreth July 02, 2005 0

What a wonderful surprise to get home to a winner picture, thanks a lot for all the nice words - it is a great pleasure!

EVELYN T. COFER July 02, 2005 0

Very interesting. I like it. #1545896

Linda Murphy July 19, 2005 0

Wonderful capture Karen. Congrats!! #1609315

Tonya R. Boles May 03, 2006 0

Great capture.. #2721715

Karen Engelbreth May 04, 2006 0

Thank you very much, Evelyn, Linda Ann and Tonya :0)) #2724095

Cheryl E. Molennor December 27, 2006 0

What a great macro Karen. #3742537

Karen Engelbreth December 27, 2006 0

Thank you very much, Cheryl :0)) #3743064

October 12, 2007 0

Beautiful image & fantastic GALLERY Karen.
~S~ #4916661

Karen Engelbreth October 12, 2007 0

Thank you for the wonderful commen, S - you make my day :0)) #4916671

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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