japanese tea garden

© Anton Falcon

japanese tea garden

Uploaded: July 30, 2004 04:31:31


in infrared


Isabel L July 30, 2004 0

nice shot anton. I like the effects that you did. #152800

Kristen McKain July 30, 2004 0

Beautiful!! #676960

Anton Falcon July 30, 2004 0

thank you Isabel and Kristen!! #677297

Linda McLellan July 30, 2004 0

beautiful-this has a dreamy, etheral quality that is very pleasing. #677360

Alisha May Furbish July 30, 2004 0

This is georgous, very well done! #677590

Anton Falcon July 30, 2004 0

thanks Linda and Alisha! #677939

Kerby Pfrangle June 22, 2005 0


Congrats on your finalist.

Good luck in the finals.

Kerby #1499641

Kristi A. Howson June 22, 2005 0

As always..I love the moods your portray so creatively Anton. Congratulations on a another awesome winner. Best of Luck to you! #1505447

bob cornelison June 22, 2005 0

~:O) #1507138

Joline Frazier June 23, 2005 0

Congratulations. This is really lovely, and the effect fits the subject so well. #1511710

bob cornelison June 24, 2005 0

I saw this win coming yesterday!
~:O) #1512909

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic June 25, 2005 0

Great beautiful looking pic! Congrats! #1518112

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