Anatomy of a flower
Uploaded: January 23, 2019 00:25:49 | Entered: January 23, 2019 00:27:34
Anemone, also known as windflower, these tuberous flowers produce poppy-like blooms in early-to-mid spring.
Christine Greenspan January 23, 2019
Great colors and details, Usman! Works so well on the black background. #1720072Oscar J. Pung January 23, 2019
Those colors really pop Usman. Love the sharp details too. #11747073Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas January 23, 2019
Fantastic details, colors and lighting Usman!,Michele Peterson February 04, 2019
My favorite.... absolutely beautiful. #11749199Michele Peterson February 27, 2019
Happy to see this one win at 101 and I am noticing a SF here at BP! Hope to see it keep going, it's perfectly beautiful! #11751824Mitch Spence February 27, 2019
Congratulations on your gorgeous image and on your 101 monthly favorites win, Usman. #11751835Chris Budny February 27, 2019
Lovely, Usman! Congratualtions! #11751893Michele Peterson February 28, 2019
Yeah, I knew we would see this again. Congratulations on the Gold, Usman! #11752000Joannie Bertucci February 28, 2019
I love it when flowers dance! Gorgeous presentation Usman! Congrats on your gold badge win! fave #11752057Amanda D. Austwick March 01, 2019
You got the Gold you deserved, congratulations! #11752124Bojan Bencic March 01, 2019
Very well done, Usman. Congratulations! #11752148MARLON IGNACIO March 01, 2019
Congratulations, Bojan, on this stunner! #11752224Christine Greenspan March 01, 2019
Big congrats, Bojan! Fantastic winner! #11752366Christine Greenspan March 01, 2019
Sorry I meant Usman! My apologies! #11752367G. Margaret Hennes March 01, 2019
Beautiful winning image Usman! Congratulations! #11752403Ujjwal Mukherjee March 03, 2019
Congratulations on your fabulous Winner,Usman! #11752686Jeff Robinson March 04, 2019
Congrats on your outstanding Win Usman! #11752824Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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