
Uploaded: September 13, 2017 18:28:24 | Entered: September 13, 2017 18:29:12


Candace M. Cleveland September 12, 2017

But its so peaceful looking. Nice and quiet. Love the fog. #1695870

Chuck Green level-classic September 12, 2017

Agree with Candace, John! Is there a lake in the mist? <>< #11640333

Gord MacEachern September 12, 2017

Love the misty,foggy light John, nice place captured beautifully! #11640338

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 12, 2017

Looks fine to me. Love the thick fog. #11640350

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures September 12, 2017

Looks like a nice place to go and relax in any weather, but I love the mood the fog sets!! Wonderful capture John, is that large metal bin for fires?? #11640374

Leslie McLain level-classic September 12, 2017

Beautiful misty capture, John. #11640450

Connie S. Bingham September 12, 2017

What a fantastic improvisation on your sunrise morning! That foggy morning gives your image a feeling of crisp morning air. Love your composition! Beautiful! #11640454

Rudi Reiner level-classic September 12, 2017

Great foggy am shot John! #11640486

Ann Coates level-classic September 13, 2017

I love these sorts of images, beautifully captured John #11640496

Ujjwal Mukherjee September 13, 2017

The foggy mood and background add a different dimension to this excellent morning capture,John!! #11640583

Patrick Rouzes level-classic September 13, 2017

Wonderful scene, comp, mood & capture here, John! #11640598

Nancy L. Green level-classic September 13, 2017

Wonderful capture of this hazy morning, WTG!! <>< #11640639

Emile Abbott level-classic September 13, 2017

Love the fog and wonderful composition, John. #11640674

John Connolly September 13, 2017

Thank you for you kind comments, they are appreciated! #11640713

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures September 13, 2017

Thank you for letting me know about the fire pit John I thought that is what it was, nice that you can sit around a fire at night and enjoy this place!! #11640827

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic September 13, 2017

Wonderful comp that leads your viewer's into the picture. Love the mood. #11640846

Martha R. Mazon level-classic September 14, 2017

Looks like you were the only one there, John! The perspective and lines are great, as are the tree branches peeking in and out of the wonderful fog. #11640984

John Connolly September 14, 2017

Thanks John, Reynaldo and Martha! #11641181

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