The Making Of A Flower

© Ed Lauderdale

The Making Of A Flower

Uploaded: May 20, 2017 16:36:17 | Entered: May 20, 2017 09:37:24


Nancy L. Green level-classic May 20, 2017 0

I love the clarity ad the wonderful pastels Ed, this is GORGEOUS!! <>< #1686730

Ed Lauderdale level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Thank you, Nancy! Tomorrow the flower. #11596504

Teresa Burnett level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Gorgeous capture, Ed!! Super detail, tones and textures!! #11596511

Ed Lauderdale level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Thank you , Teresa! #11596534

Susan D. Royce level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Love the colors and detail! #11596587

John Connolly May 20, 2017 0

Wonderful tones and detail Ed! Your background is outstanding too! #11596606

Chuck Green level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Beautifully done, Ed! <>< #11596614

Oscar J. Pung level-classic May 20, 2017 0

Gosh, very nice Ed. #11596638

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures May 20, 2017 0

Nice title and capture Ed, such great clarity, color and light!! Wonderful composition! #11596650

Harvey A. Ravitch May 20, 2017 0

This is special! The details are a WoW, the light, composition are Super! Great image. #11596657

Bob D. Hall level-classic May 22, 2017 0

Wonderful Macro, Ed! Love this! #11597388

Bob D. Hall level-classic June 15, 2017 0

Big Congrats, ED!!! #11608662

Harvey A. Ravitch June 15, 2017 0

Congratulations! Well,Deserving, & anAwesome Choice! #11608670

Bob D. Hall level-classic June 15, 2017 0

WTG again, Ed!!! #11608778

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 16, 2017 0

I missed this one, Ed, but the details and comp are excellent! Congratulations on your Finalist and best wishes for the GOLD round! :o) #11609408

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 16, 2017 0

Huge Congratulations on the Silver badge, Ed!! Hope to see this one wearing Gold soon!! #11609447

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures June 16, 2017 0

Glad to see this as a Finalist Ed, congratulations and good luck in the gold round!! #11609657

Bob D. Hall level-classic June 16, 2017 0

Way to go Ed!!!!! #11609991

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures June 17, 2017 0

So glad to see this wearing gold Ed, congratulations!! #11610070

Terry Cervi level-classic June 17, 2017 0

Congrats on your excellent win, Ed! #11610177

Oscar J. Pung level-classic June 17, 2017 0

Congratulations Ed! #11610424

Bojan Bencic level-classic June 17, 2017 0

Fantastic. Congratulations, Ed! #11610541

Teresa L. Brooks June 17, 2017 0

Congrats on your beautiful winner, Ed. #11610591

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe June 17, 2017 0

So pretty! Congratulations! #11610846

Val Feldman level-classic June 17, 2017 0

Wow! That's one spectacular and super interesting flower-to-be, Ed! Great color, textures, details and dof! Big congrats on your Gold Win, TX Guy! (So what is it? Went back into your gallery and tried to find the next day's submit you mention would show the flower - but couldn't find! Inquiring minds need to know! :) :) #11610899

LJ Corliss level-classic June 18, 2017 0

Big Congrats :) #11611215

Joannie Bertucci level-classic June 18, 2017 0

Ed, this is beautiful! Your dof is perfect to show off this begining flower! Congrats on your gold badge! #11611417

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 19, 2017 0

Ed, kindest congratulations on your fabulous Second Place GOLD! #11611571

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 19, 2017 0

So glad to see this one wearing Gold, Ed!! Huge Congratulations!! #11611735

Ed Lauderdale level-classic June 20, 2017 1

I want to thank ALL of you for your support, encouragement and wonderful comments!!!! I couldn't do this without you!!! Val, the flower was entered on 5/21. BTW, When I said the "making of a flower" I meant it - these are seed pods. #11612067

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