Once the heavy wooden door of this cave closed it was complete darkness. On the floor was a grate. No sink or toilet or running water. No windows. Just a long cave-like hallway into this room you see here. Just you and the hot dessert sun baking you to death in darkness like an oven. "> Once the heavy wooden door of this cave closed it was complete darkness. On the floor was a grate. No sink or toilet or running water. No windows. Just a long cave-like hallway into this room you see here. Just you and the hot dessert sun baking you to death in darkness like an oven. "/>

Solitary Life

© Laura E. Swan

Solitary Life

Uploaded: April 05, 2017 08:51:37 | Entered: April 05, 2017 01:56:58


Old historical Yuma, Arizona Prison

This was solitary confinement.
It was called "DARK CELL".
Once the heavy wooden door of this cave closed it was complete darkness. On the floor was a grate. No sink or toilet or running water. No windows. Just a long cave-like hallway into this room you see here. Just you and the hot dessert sun baking you to death in darkness like an oven.


Ujjwal Mukherjee April 05, 2017 0

Wonderful play of light and shadow, very well seen and captured, Laura!. I first read about the life in a solitary confinement in Henri Charriere's story and the famous book, Papillon, it was dreadful. #1683326

charmaine Fivaz April 05, 2017 0

Laura well done, nice capture #11580049

Douglas Pignet April 05, 2017 0

kewl capture and great title #11580051

Harvey A. Ravitch April 05, 2017 0

Great thinking here! Wonderful light, & image. Excellent. #11580073

Teresa Burnett level-classic April 05, 2017 0

I would think your series on the Yuma penitentiary would be enough to deter anyone from a life of crime, Laura!! This is really spooky! The image portrays perfectly the feel of the description! Amazing story telling series! #11580108

John Connolly April 05, 2017 0

Not many of the comforts of home here Sister Swanee! What a dreadful way to live! #11580211

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 05, 2017 0

What an interesting use of light, very haunting image!! <>< #11580230

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic April 06, 2017 0

Superb portrayal, Laura... intense! #11580519

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe April 06, 2017 0

Love your originality in capturing light and shadow in this image, Laura...very artistic! #11580610

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer April 09, 2017 0

WOW! This is powerful, SSSLala. It gives me the creeps. If it were a movie, I would need a hand to hold :)
I cannot believe that anybody would to crimes in those days with a prospect of this. #11581522

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 31, 2017 0

Thank you all so much. It was a horrible place to visit and I so much wanted to convey this here. I appreciate your feedback a lot. When I took this photo, I had my husband stand there to get the shadow but only his torso and head showed up so I actually built the arms and legs myself in post, and gave the body more shape in DDR. I also flipped the image as somehow it felt more dramatic this way. I'm happy it got a Staff Fav! It took me a while to create this one. Thank you to the judges, too!

(SSS)Laura :) #11601937

Harvey A. Ravitch May 31, 2017 1

This is Fantastic, & SO Real! It is one scary image, & unimaginable place to be stuck in ! This shot is Brilliant & So Well Deserving! Go For Gold! #11601939

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer May 31, 2017 1

Yayyyyyyy!! Staff Fav! I'm voting for gold :) :) #11601945

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 31, 2017 0

Hi Harvey and SSSKiki! :) I think once a Staff Fav, always a Staff Fav?? I hope I am wrong! :D !! Thank you for all the positive vibes!
SSSLala :) #11601951

Joannie Bertucci level-classic May 31, 2017 0

Laura, you have totally captured the dreaded feeling one must have had as the shadow of the jailer was the last image the prisoner saw! Excellent work! fave #11601966

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 01, 2017 0

Nice to see this again. Congratulations on your Finalist! #11602082

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 01, 2017 0

Thank you Joannie and Joanna! :D #11602133

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 01, 2017 0

Congrats Laura on this Fantastic Win! #11602735

Ujjwal Mukherjee June 01, 2017 0

Congratulations on this wonderful Winner,Laura!! #11602737

Chris Budny level-deluxe June 01, 2017 0

Very well done, Laura! Love the mood and the overall feel of the image. Congratulations! #11602925

Harvey A. Ravitch June 01, 2017 0

Gold for Golden ! Congratulations, so Scary & So Memeorable! #11603008

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe June 01, 2017 0

Congratulations on this awesome gold winner, Laura! #11603024

Terry Cervi level-classic June 01, 2017 0

Awesome work, Miss Laura!! The story you tell is so well portrayed in your work. What a way to go! Huge congrats on your win! #11603038

Emile Abbott level-classic June 01, 2017 0

Congratulation Laura on your Gold Winner #11603206

Bojan Bencic level-classic June 02, 2017 0

Very dramatic, Laura. Congratulations! #11603767

Val Feldman level-classic June 02, 2017 0

Very dramatic indeed...the sense of utter and complete despair, loss and hopelessness is conveyed and felt palpably via your presentation, Laura. Excellent work, LOTW - this can't help but stir up some powerful emotions in the viewer, for sure! Congratulations on your well-deserved Gold Winner! #11603839

Joannie Bertucci level-classic June 02, 2017 0

Congrats on your gold badge win Laura! Not suprised on the one! :-) #11603881

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 03, 2017 0

So glad to see this one wearing Gold, Laura!! Huge Congratulations!! #11603983

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer June 04, 2017 0

Hi SSSLala. Gold looks SO good on this amazing creation. Huge congratulations!!! #11604411

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 04, 2017 0

Thank you so much everyone. :) I really appreciate it. #11604484

Terry Cervi level-classic July 24, 2017 0

Congrats on your awesome POTD, Miss Laura! #11623818

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic July 24, 2017 0

Laura, congratulations on this fabulous POTD! :o) #11623909

Teresa L. Brooks July 24, 2017 0

Very eerie. So sad, sometimes there is a fate worse than death. Congrats on the double gold. #11623982

Lydia Williams level-classic July 24, 2017 0

Oh My, dear Laurra, this is amazing....congratulations on your goldens,,,well done!! So Happy, :) #11624175

Chuck Green level-classic July 24, 2017 0

Excellent work, Laura! Congrats on your Winner and POTD! <>< #11624214

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 24, 2017 0

Congrats Laura on your now POTD award - Looks great along with your Gold Win!!! #11624220

Colleen Edwards level-classic July 25, 2017 0

Wow - truly amazing capture! Congrats! #11624398

Harvey A. Ravitch July 25, 2017 0

Congratulations! This image belongs as POTD, & with a Gold! #11624415

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic July 26, 2017 0

Congratulations on your double gold win! #11624972

Gord MacEachern July 28, 2017 0

Great big congrats Laura !! #11625628

Ray level-classic July 28, 2017 0

Congratulations on your outstanding Double Gold image, Laura! #11625702

John Connolly July 28, 2017 0

Congratulations on your POTD Sister Swanee! WTG. #11625751

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 01, 2017 0

What a wonderful honor to come home to from my 2 week vacation! Happily it was far far away from this sad prison!

Thank you all so much for the congratulations. I really appreciate them.


And Thank You BP Judges! What a wonderful thing! .
-Laura :D #11626797

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures August 03, 2017 0

Laura, congratulations on your double Gold image, it is a very powerful in its presentation!! #11627593

Laura L. Gonzales level-classic December 18, 2018 0

Wow, I love this!! Super moody and great treatment!! Congratulations!! #11742634

Laura E. Swan level-classic December 18, 2018 0

Hi John and Laura!! Thank you so much. It was so creepy being in there. Thanks to hubby casting the shadow for me, I was able to capture what I was feeling. #11742640

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