Go With The Flow

© Dee Langevin

Go With The Flow

Uploaded: August 02, 2015 05:04:13 | Entered: August 02, 2015 05:05:04


Canon 7D Mark II with Canon 70-200mm IS lens @70mm, ISO 200, f/13, 2 sec


Joy E. Cobb August 02, 2015

I have no idea how you accomplished this, Dee, but it's really cool. Love the three different colors and stop-action! #1625699

Linda M. Solari level-classic August 02, 2015

Dee this is a great image, I like everything about it. I am trying to figure out how you did it. #11340636

Candace M. Cleveland August 02, 2015

Me three!!! #11340680

Cathy Kovarik level-classic August 02, 2015

Uniquely creative and well done! #11340686

Dee Langevin level-classic August 02, 2015

Thank you Joy, Linda, Candace and Cathy! This was a fun and easy shoot. (Easy - because someone else set it up!!) The glasses are affixed to a mirrored board on a ramp with a spring attached. When released the board travels about six inches and stops suddenly creating the splash pattern. It was shot in the dark with a flash, timed to the motion of the glasses. A really neat effect! "-) #11340724

Mitch Spence level-classic August 02, 2015

Doesn't sound easy to me, but it does definitely look spectacular.

Dee Langevin level-classic August 02, 2015

Thanks Mitch! #11340838

George R. Thomson August 02, 2015

Very striking. Very sharp. #11340902

Dee Langevin level-classic August 03, 2015

Thanks George! #11340987

Karen E. Gold level-classic August 03, 2015

Very cool capture and well done. #11341193

Dee Langevin level-classic August 03, 2015

Thank you Karen! #11341230

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic August 11, 2015

Very creative! #11344710

Dee Langevin level-classic August 11, 2015

Thanks Margaret! #11344721

Teresa Burnett level-classic October 01, 2015

Love it, Dee!! Huge Congratulations on your Win!! #11380235

Linda M. Solari level-classic October 01, 2015

Congratulations on your win Dee! #11380408

Dee Langevin level-classic October 01, 2015

Thank you Teresa and Linda! #11380745

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 02, 2015

Ohhh Dee! This has been one of my FAVORITES of all time! Big congrats, only I would have give it higher recognition! #11381183

Teresa Burnett level-classic October 04, 2015

Huge Congratulations on this wonderful POTD, Dee!! #11382068

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic October 09, 2015

Big,congrats on your win and POTD! Very well deserved #11383971

Patricia A. Casey level-classic October 09, 2015

Wow Dee...look at you go girl....congratulations on the win & POTD.....Cheers... #11384014

Dee Langevin level-classic October 09, 2015

Thank you Jo Ann, Teresa, Margaret and Patricia! I'm thrilled to have this image selected as POTD!! #11384067

Sharon D. Ebert October 15, 2015

Like your creative mind! #11386019

Dee Langevin level-classic October 16, 2015

Thanks Sharon! #11386056

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic June 28, 2016

Congrats Dee on ATF!! #11489405

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic July 11, 2016

So glad to see this as ATW Dee! Huge congrats! #11494788

Dee Langevin level-classic July 11, 2016

Thanks so much Margaret!! #11494824

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