I Like Being Me!

© Gerri R. Jones

I Like Being Me!

Uploaded: November 12, 2014 08:48:13 | Entered: November 12, 2014 08:48:13


Blurred background and added textures to original photo to take away distractions in background of Christmas tree.


Colette M. Metcalf November 12, 2014

What a sweetie:0) #1594974

JO ANN CLEVELAND November 12, 2014

Adorable Gerri! She certainly looks asscertive in this shot! lol #11184504

Gerri R. Jones November 12, 2014

Thanks Colette and JoAnn! Yes, she does look assertive, doesn't she...makes me laugh!!! #11184519

Terry Cervi level-deluxe November 12, 2014

She is the cutest, Gerri! I love her expression and also her nails!! LOL. #11184608

Jane E. Miller level-classic November 12, 2014

Gerri - Very Cute!! Congrats!! Jane #11184944

Kathy Shogren November 15, 2014

I can tell she's her own person. Wonderful expression captured Gerri, nice complementary BG too. #11187235

Teresa Burnett level-classic December 31, 2014

Huge Congratulations on your Second Place Win, Gerri!! Wonderful image!! #11216197

Irene Colling level-classic January 01, 2015

Her expression makes me smile. Congratulations on your winning image Gerri. #11216996

Lydia Williams level-classic January 02, 2015

Love this Gerri...Congratulations on your golden win! #11217793

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 05, 2015

Sooo deserving Gerri! Congrats on the Gold! #11219359

Gerri R. Jones January 05, 2015

Thanks so much for the comments...been without a computer for three weeks waiting for repair so not able to comment on everyone's beautiful winners. #11219427

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