King of the Hill

© Carol Quina

King of the Hill

Uploaded: April 03, 2014 16:51:47 | Entered: June 18, 2014 12:02:05


An Albino Peacock captured at the Leo Carrillo Ranch State Park, Carlsbad, CA, on a fun excursion with the photochicks.


Tiia Vissak April 03, 2014 0

a cool portrait! #1568911

David Phalen April 03, 2014 0

Excellent animal portrait with outstanding light, colors and details backed by a fabulous sky!! #11016767

Candace M. Cleveland April 03, 2014 0

Gorgeous Carol! #11016806

Kathy Shogren April 03, 2014 0

Beautiful pose and lovely BG Carol. #11016954

Kathy Salerni level-classic April 04, 2014 0

Gorgeous pose, light and sky, Carol! Well done! #11016981

Linda L. Ruiz April 04, 2014 0

I really do love this one. Awesome #11017075

Jill Odice level-classic April 04, 2014 0

Straight into my favorites Carol! This is going to be a winner! #11017112

Debbie Bray April 04, 2014 0

That beautiful sky accentuates the white of the peacock, Carol - a real beauty! #11017134

Colette M. Metcalf April 04, 2014 0

Oh, I absolutely love this! What a GREAT capture, Carol! #11017197

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic April 04, 2014 0

Love this one and really hope we see it again in the winners circle. Excellent comp, light, color and gorgeous sky. #11017428

Susan M. Campbell April 04, 2014 0

Wow. I love this. The sky is beautiful. #11017470

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 04, 2014 0

OH MY GOSH!!!! Another albino!!! I LOVE the wonderful BG, WTG!!! <>< #11017513

Michelle Alton April 05, 2014 0

His all-white plumage, his perch, his backdrop and your awesome skill makes this a favorite and a winner. #11017580

JO ANN CLEVELAND April 05, 2014 0

What a beauty! A fave for me girl!

jo ann c. #11018053

frank w. degenhardt April 05, 2014 0

Who would have thought that a peacock with out its gorgeous colors can still look so beautiful. This is so pretty Carol. I love the way you composed the picture with the bird on top of the hill and that beautiful sky behind it. Even the way the bird has his head looking back is awesome. Look at those amazing details and that crown. A winner my friend. #11018116

Ellen Hodges April 07, 2014 0

Super beautiful capture with an awesome sky and such a gorgeous subject!!! #11018857

Leslie McLain level-classic April 07, 2014 0

Fantastic capture, Carol. #11018866

Carrie M. Groseclose April 10, 2014 0

This is just beautiful! #11021181

Linda S. Smith level-classic July 11, 2014 0

Very beautiful capture of this unique albino peacock Carol! Love your pov with the beautiful sky! #11083206

Deborah Lewinson level-addict July 31, 2014 0

Gorgeous finalist, Carol! Love your perspective!

Debby #11095642

Naomi Weiser July 31, 2014 0

wow, was a great shot, I love those cloud, congrats! #11096145

July 31, 2014 0

Majestic! #11096557

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 31, 2014 0

Glorious work Carol, congratulations! It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can hang out again! #11096614

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 31, 2014 0

Wowza! Congrats on this wonderful finalist Carol!

I ditto the Judge!

jo ann c. #11096807

Merna L. Nobile July 31, 2014 0

The diversity, quality and edition skills of your photography are amazing. Congratulations, Merna Nobile

Michele Peterson level-classic August 01, 2014 0

Huge congrats, Carol! I love this image!! #11097630

Kathy Salerni level-classic August 01, 2014 0

Big congrats on your Gold Winning image, Carol! #11097648

Jill Odice level-classic August 01, 2014 0

A big Congrats on your win Carol. I love this! #11097870

Colette M. Metcalf August 01, 2014 0

Big congrats on your WIN!!! #11097973

Terry Cervi level-classic August 01, 2014 0

Congrats on your beautiful win, Carol! #11098247

Julianne Bradford August 01, 2014 0

Congrats on your beautiful Gold Carol! "Whitey" would be proud..but then he is a peacock :) #11098343

Bojan Bencic level-classic August 01, 2014 0

Fantastic. Congratulations on your win, Carol! #11098482

Deborah Lewinson level-addict August 01, 2014 0

Huge congrats on your win, Carol! #11098741

JO ANN CLEVELAND August 02, 2014 0

Congratulation on this super 2nd Place Winner Carol!

jo ann c. #11098873

Debbie Bray August 02, 2014 0

Absolutely gorgeous, Carol!! Big congratulations on your gold place win! #11099123

Lydia Williams level-classic August 03, 2014 0

Carol...this is magnificent...congratulations! #11099753

Ellen Hodges August 03, 2014 0

Huge congrats on a fabulous winner, Carol!! #11099956

Ann Coates level-classic March 10, 2016 1

Beautiful image. Congratulations on this image being picked by Jim as one of his favourites over the last 20 years. #11444681

Lydia Williams level-classic March 11, 2016 0

Awesome Carol....yes MAGNIFICENT! :) #11445159

Emile Abbott level-classic March 11, 2016 0


Gerda Grice level-classic October 01, 2017 0

Beautiful capture of this very regal bird, Carol! Beautiful background, too! #11645175

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