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© Cora Miller

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Uploaded: February 05, 2005 07:03:33


Taken after sunset in Taos, NM


Leanne M.E. Boyd February 05, 2005 0

This is beautiful Cora! I like the light, composition and colour. #212331

Deborah Lewinson level-addict February 05, 2005 0

Marvelous image, Cora!
-Debby #1085152

Cora Miller level-classic February 05, 2005 0

Thank you, Leanne. Thank you, Debby. :) #1085698

Nobu Nagase February 05, 2005 0

I sure would love to take the invitation to go up...
...especially if it's your vacation house..., or hideout..., ...
Spanish motif, colors, and textures are wonderful! #1085926

Jane Summa February 06, 2005 0

Wonderful image, Cora! The colors, lighting & textures are so inviting as Nobi has stated! Terrific presentation! #1086364

Carol Brill February 06, 2005 0

Terrific capture of light and those pastel tones, Cora, and from a very inviting perspective! #1086495

Cora Miller level-classic February 06, 2005 0

Nobi, Jane, and Carol, thank you so much for the nice compliments!

And Nobi, I wish it was my vacation house! #1086514

Susana Matos February 22, 2005 0

absolutely beautiful!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #1126219

Cora Miller level-classic February 28, 2005 0

Thank you, Susana! #1137443

Nobu Nagase March 16, 2005 0

You are on a roll, Cora!!!
My 4th congratulations to you on your finalist...
Best wishes for the next round for all, Cora!!! #1176652

Colette M. Metcalf March 16, 2005 0

Congrats again, Cora!!! #1180269

Cora Miller level-classic March 17, 2005 0

Nobi and Colette, thanks again and again and again and again!!! :) #1183429

Joannie Bertucci level-classic March 17, 2005 0

Ok Cora, how many more of these am I going to find? Too cool young lady! Another very, very well deserved win! #1185636

Murry Grigsby March 17, 2005 0

Congratulations on another fine image and win Cora!! #1185664

William C. Raco level-classic March 17, 2005 0

Fantastic photo and win, Cora
Congratulations, again!


Nobu Nagase March 17, 2005 0

Congratulations again, Cora, on your great win!! #1185919

S J March 18, 2005 0

Congratulations again on this super winning iamge, Cora!! #1186298

Jane Summa March 18, 2005 0

I was behind you all the way, Cora! Congratulations :-)!! #1186633

Carol Brill March 18, 2005 0

So well deserved, Cora, congratulations on your win here!! #1186735

Colette M. Metcalf March 18, 2005 0

Congratulations Cora!!! #1186745

Kathleen Clemons March 18, 2005 0

Lovely, Cora- congrats! #1187361

Ed Heaton March 18, 2005 0

Good morning Cora,
Congratulations on this tremendous image! Awesome work! #1187588

Leanne M.E. Boyd March 18, 2005 0

Congratulations Cora! #1188530

Deborah Lewinson level-addict March 19, 2005 0

Congratulations, Cora, on your win for this fabulous image!!! #1189475

Evy Johansen level-classic March 19, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your beautiful win, Cora! #1189769

Leonard Pierce March 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Cora!!! #1191767

Susan T. Evans level-classic March 20, 2005 0

Congrats Cora, awesome!!! #1193181

Cora Miller level-classic March 27, 2005 0

You folks are the greatest!!! Thank you all! #1208762

Jill Odice level-classic July 03, 2005 0

Cora, Barbie sent me here to find your photos! I just joined too and am muddleing my way thru figuring out where everything is and how it all works :-) Congrats on all these awards for your beautiful photos! Well deserved :-) Glad you all had a good time in Provincetown :-)
xoxo Jill Odice #1550617

Cora Miller level-classic July 06, 2005 0

Thanks Jill! I appreciate your congratulatory wishes and welcome to BP! #1559761

Sylvia Rossler September 13, 2005 0

WOW Cora you have a really impressionating,beautiful gallery !
You have a great eye to find and capture beautiful things ! #1830320

Cora Miller level-classic September 25, 2005 0

I'm sincerely flattered by your very generous compliment, Sylvia. Thank you very much! #1882848

Nemil B. Chabebe May 29, 2006 0

Beautiful image great framing and colors, congratulations! #2828867

Cora Miller level-classic July 09, 2006 0

Thank you, Nemil. #3002108

Keith L. Clayton August 05, 2007 0

Very beautiful image!! #4605513

Cora Miller level-classic August 07, 2007 0

Thank you, Keith. #4611607

Meg Voyzey February 20, 2008 0

Have you ever looked at a photo and it gives you goosebumps? This one did it for me...it's beautiful! #5518510

Cora Miller level-classic February 29, 2008 0

WoW Meg, that's the ultimate compliment! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with me. You really made my day! #5570322

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