
© Susana Matos


Uploaded: January 26, 2005 08:45:19


National Park Peneda-Gerês, North Portugal!


Dan Holm January 26, 2005 0

This is beautiful, Su! Your perspective and capture are outstanding! #209044

Susana Matos January 26, 2005 0

Thank you Dan, you are always so nice, I have no words!
Have a nice day, Cheers from Portugal, Su #1063560

Stanley J. Contrades January 26, 2005 0

Terrific scenic view, Susana, with wonderful colors and textures! Very nicely done!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1063567

Jordi Delgado January 26, 2005 0

Terrific shot, Susana!!! Excellent comp, light, textures......!!!

:-)) #1063584

John P. Roberts, Jr. January 26, 2005 0

Beautiful shot, Susana. The way you've handled the colors accentuates the sense of history here. Good work! #1063608

Paul Michko January 26, 2005 0

Beautiful composition, Susana. #1063618

Dominique Declerck January 26, 2005 0

Là encore une jolie perspective bien équilibrée, harmonieuse ...

J'envie les touristes qui peuvent envoyer à leurs amis cette belle carte postale.. Le Portugal vous appartient Susana!!!


Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic January 26, 2005 0

Outstanding, Su!!! Just excellent!!! #1063638

Janet L. Skinner January 26, 2005 0

Beautiful in every way, Su!!! #1063672

Kathleen Clemons January 26, 2005 0

Wonderful image, Su! #1063809

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic January 26, 2005 0

Wonderful image Su!!! Great composition on this!!! #1064258

Murry Grigsby January 26, 2005 0

Nice perspective, light, colors and textures Su!! #1064915

William C. Raco level-classic January 26, 2005 0

Fantastic composition!
What amazing lines, shapes, colors, patterns and scene.
This is so beautiful, Su
It looks like a fairytale world where the sky is blue every day, the grass is always green and the sun always shines.
A very uplifting and pleasing image.
Well done!!

bill #1064995

Susana Matos January 27, 2005 0

WOW, I say WOW to your comments!!! You make of me a happy girl!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #1065944

Mata Patan January 27, 2005 0

This is very, very nice! Susana youare enchanting me with your Portugal!!! You make me feel as I want to be there now! Wonderful Su!!!Cheers Mata, Italy! #1066226

Susana Matos January 31, 2005 0

Thank you Mata, that´s really nice! Well, you do live in a Beautiful country, don´t you? But , yes, I like the MInho, my little region!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #1074130

Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego January 31, 2005 0

Great picture, it is one of my favourite !!! Great composition, tones and colors.
Cheers from Belgium ! #1074836

Frederic David February 12, 2005 0

Great rural picture with a mood of medieval mystery in it!

fred #1098937

Jill Battaglia February 19, 2005 0

Wonderful, Su!! Congrats!! :-) #1112762

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe February 19, 2005 0

Congratulations on the great finalist, Su!

      LarryL http://lsqrd.blogspot.com/


Kelly Abernathy level-classic February 19, 2005 0

Congratulations on a wonderful finalist! -K #1113932

Donna W. Neal February 19, 2005 0

Congratulations on this well deserved finalist Su #1114230

Dominique Declerck February 19, 2005 0

Cette superbe photo méritait une mention d'excellence, c'est fait!!!

.. félicitations, Susana!!! #1115169

Evy Johansen level-classic February 19, 2005 0

Congrats on your finalist selection, Su with this beautiful image! #1115407

Mata Patan February 19, 2005 0

I knew it was a finalist, hope could be winner too! #1115482

William C. Raco level-classic February 19, 2005 0

I just love this, Su!!
What a wonderful photo, full of color, lines and good cheer.
Best wishes for further success!



Murry Grigsby February 19, 2005 0

Congrats on your terrific finalist Su!! #1116154

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 19, 2005 0

Congrats Su! Jeff #1117400

Susie Peek-Swint February 19, 2005 0

Many congrats Su ~ beautiful image! #1117574

Stanley J. Contrades February 19, 2005 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Su, and good luck to you in the next round of judging!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1117670

Karen Engelbreth February 19, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Susana! #1117807

Cora Miller level-classic February 19, 2005 0

Gorgeous light and wonderful perspective. I love your work, Susana! Congratulations on making the finals! #1117891

Robin L. Wehrman February 19, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Susana!!!! #1118116

Gary H. Minish level-classic February 20, 2005 0

What superb shot of this piece of history, Su!! Your choice of composition, as always is excellent. Congratulations and good luck in the next round with this one.

btw; hope you got my email letting you know I got the prints. I am thoroughly enjoying them :-) #1118921

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic February 20, 2005 0

Congratulations Susana!!!
Abraços do Brasil!!! #1119660

Kathleen Clemons February 20, 2005 0

Congrats, Su! #1120436

David L. Stevens February 21, 2005 0

Congrats Susana-good luck! #1121717

Susana Matos February 21, 2005 0

I REALLY, REALLY want to THANK YOU a lot for all your words! I appreciate it a LOT because I know the time it takes to make comments and there are so MANY wonderful photos to comment!
THANK YOU so very much, I have no words sometimes!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #1122910

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 21, 2005 0

Big congrats on your winner, Su!! #1123431

Cathy Stancil February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations ! Felicitations Su !!!Bravo ! #1123703

Noel Baebler February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Su! #1123775

Sharon Day February 22, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your win, Susana!!! WTG!!! Outstanding photo! #1123777

Susan T. Evans level-classic February 22, 2005 0

Congrats Su, awesome!!! WTG #1123880

Dan Holm February 22, 2005 0

Woo Hoo!!! Alright, Su!! CONGRATULATIONS!! #1124048

Kelly Abernathy level-classic February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win! Way to go! -K #1124252

Jim Kinnunen level-classic February 22, 2005 0

Congrats on this very excellent winning image, Su!!! #1124321

Murry Grigsby February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win Su!! #1124357

Evy Johansen level-classic February 22, 2005 0

Big congratulations on your win, Su!! #1124439

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 22, 2005 0

Excellent image!! Congratulations on your win!! Great textures Su!! #1124690

Andre Marhaug February 22, 2005 0

Well composed, - and beautiful, vivid colors. Congrats on your win, Susana!. #1124719

Mata Patan February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations Susana!! #1124724

Danilo Piccioni February 22, 2005 0

Great to see you won! Congrats!

Dado #1124739

Stanley J. Contrades February 22, 2005 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS once again, Susan! Beautiful win!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1124821

Gabriela Cunha February 22, 2005 0

WOW, WOW, WOW, dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!! long time no see your images here!!!!!
:) gy #1125024

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your well deserved win Susana!!! #1125200

Susana Matos February 22, 2005 0

THANK YOU, I hardly have words to say how much I appreciate your words!
You are really wonderful!!! I promis I will come with more time to comment.
Cheers from Portugal, Su #1125284

Eric Schneider February 22, 2005 0

Congrats on your win! #1125488

Karen Engelbreth February 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Susana :0)! #1125912

Deborah Sandidge February 23, 2005 0

Beautiful, congrations Susana! #1126759

Joe Terni February 23, 2005 0

Congratulations Su,very well deserved. I always look forward to seeing your latest photos.Great work. #1127001

S J February 23, 2005 0

Many congratulations on your win, Susana!! #1127196

Susana Matos February 23, 2005 0

THANK YOU!!! I feel so happy to read those names I have been used to see here at betterphoto, it feels like if we all knew each other!
I really, really appreciate your words!
Regards from Portugal, Su #1127339

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 23, 2005 0

Well deserved winning iamge Su! I always enjoy seeing your work! Jeff #1127801

Dolores Neilson February 23, 2005 0

I like this image alot, Susana!! Excellent exposure...has mood and lovely color!! Big congrats to you!!

Photography by Dolores #1127953

Carol Brill February 26, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win for this wonderful image, Susana! #1133892

Kristi A. Howson February 27, 2005 0

Very Interesting and I like the perspective Susanna. Congratulations on this winner! #1135849

Susana Matos February 27, 2005 0

THANK YOU Jeff, Dolores, Carol, Kristi, I grew up as a photohrapher here at betterphoto seeing your work, learning from it, trying my own approach of things, and it is always a pleasure to share it with you and to read from you.
I am really sorry for not making comments very often, I am out most of my time.
THANK YOU indeed for your words,
Many regards from Portugal, Su #1136644

Alberto Calheiros January 30, 2006 0

Mas que bem! #2356798

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