All The Marbles
Uploaded: January 24, 2005 08:09:59
One marble always seems to stand out.
Donna Roberts January 24, 2005 0
Fantastic capture Dan......So, thats where the "marbles that I lost" are LOL.Marbles seem to be "the" subject this month - Dan, if you have time seek a photo by Angel Mitchell from a few evenings ago, to see what I mean.
Donna (from "downunder") #208297
Leanne M.E. Boyd January 24, 2005 0
Excellent shot Dan! Crystal clear! #1059320Dan Holm January 24, 2005 0
Terrific capture, Dan!!! Love your perspective as well as selective focus on this!!! Another outstanding composition!! Sanjay Pindiyath
Dan Holm January 24, 2005 0
Fantastic capture and composition, Dan!!! Patty Razonable
Dan Holm January 24, 2005 0
Fantastic!Great one!
Danilo Piccioni
Dan Holm January 24, 2005 0
Dan,What a cool photograph! I remember playing marbles as a kid on the playground (long time ago). Wonderful detail and color and the DOF is great here with the other marbles. I feel as if I can grab that first one!
Phillip L. Sauvey
Jordi Delgado January 24, 2005 0
Dan, you just read my mind, I was just thinking about making a very similar shot!!!Excellent shot, amazingly clear and great DoF!!!
:-)) #1059341
Paul Michko January 24, 2005 0
Tremendous shot, Dan. I'd love to take a shot like this, but I've lost mine. :) #1059381Jonna Bergström January 24, 2005 0
Terrific shot, Dan!!!
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 24, 2005
Donald K. Cherry January 24, 2005 0
Excellent, Dan! #1059411Marsha S. Smith January 24, 2005 0
Great shot. Those are "cat eyes" aren't they? I think that may show my age, but I remember when all the little boys at school played with them at recess - many, many years ago. #1059421Judy S. Fung January 24, 2005 0
Terrific capture, Dan! #1059423Cathy Gregor January 24, 2005 0
Cool, Dan! I used to have a really neat marble collection. Had lots of those 'cat eyes'.Gianna Stadelmyer January 24, 2005 0
Terrific shot, Dan! Love the shallow DoF, the crystal clear focus and the composition and POV. Terrific!!! #1059484Wally Orlowsky January 24, 2005 0
Ditto what Jan just said ... terrific shot, Dan. #1059523Allan L. Whitehead January 24, 2005 0
Especially in a crowd, eh… (he, he, he) Marvelous presenstation, Dan, I love the color, the stunning bg, and the composition. Very well done, my dear friend - your good friend, Allan #1059526Cathy T. Vettes January 24, 2005 0
Ditto What most everyone just said. Magnificent !! LOL Paul.. Yes.. I think you have.. #1059582Cindy Paquette January 24, 2005 0
Never ceasing to amaze...I love this the clarity of that marble..this is fabulous Dan! #1059585
Deborah Lewinson
January 24, 2005
-Debby #1059697
Janet L. Skinner January 24, 2005 0
Always loved marbles! Wonderful capture and DOF, Dan!!!!! #1059698Mata Patan January 24, 2005 0
Very nice Dan! This shot brought me in the past, when I was a child I used to collect and play with them! #1059731Alan L. Borror January 24, 2005 0
WOW!!! Excellent image, Dan! Terrific use of selective focus and composition is great. A winner in my opinion. #1059819Colette M. Metcalf January 24, 2005 0
Excellent!!!! #1059896Stan Kwasniowski January 24, 2005 0
Dan, isnt it amazing, we use to play with these, eons ago (at least for me)lol and you captured a memoryStan Kwasniowski #1060136
Kristy E. Lane January 24, 2005 0
Wow, these take me back! Haven't seen them in years--terrific composition and DOF. Nice work, Dan. #1060181Marcie A. Fowler January 24, 2005 0
Glad to see you haven't lost your marbles Dan!! Great DOF on this image. Very well done. And brings back childhood memories as well!! #1060190Kara L. Hendricks January 24, 2005 0
Great image Dan.. DOF is great. Interesting subject matter. Amazing the things that make a great shot... #1060243Jessica McCollam January 24, 2005 0
Excellent work, Dan! Excellent composition! Love how the clarity of the one marble, sets it apart from the rest! EXCELLENT shot!:) #1060244Cathy Stancil January 24, 2005 0
Marbles seems so simple but are sooo beautiful and unique. They kept me busy for hours as a little girl ! Beautiful image Dan. #1060279Mellanie January 24, 2005 0
Awesome DoF and composition, Dan! #1060428Murry Grigsby January 24, 2005 0
Spent many an afternoon on my knees playing migs (may be a Denver expression?) trying to win the other kid's agate or steely. Terrific image and thanks for the memories Dan :0) #1060596Donna J. Taff January 24, 2005 0
Great image, Dan!!! #1060651Karen Engelbreth January 24, 2005 0
Excellent shot, Dan! #1060656Shirley L. Carpenter January 24, 2005 0
Love this Dan!! Excellent!! #1060676
Candice C. Calhoun
January 24, 2005
ccc #1060742
Amy N. Cappelli January 24, 2005 0
This is beautiful! I love the perspective! #1060757
Kathleen K. Parker
January 24, 2005
Sandra Wehrman January 25, 2005 0
dan, I do believe you are that marble - well done! #1060894Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 25, 2005 0
This is so clear and cool. My kids were actually playing marbles the other day. Brought back memories. Great comp!! #1060918Mary K. Robison January 25, 2005 0
Beautifully composed shot, Dan. Like the white bg a lot for all those aquatic colors. #1060920Elisabeth A. Gay January 25, 2005 0
Awesome composition Dan, really takes me back to those good old days before video games!!Terry R. Hatfield January 25, 2005 0
Love The DOF Dan Nice Job:-) #1060991Deborah Sandidge January 25, 2005 0
Great composition, love those cats eyes, wonderful work as always, Dan! #1061047Terri L. Scribner January 25, 2005 0
Great shot, Dan!! Great clarity and DoF! #1061058Dan Holm January 25, 2005 0
Donna R., Leanne, Sanjay, Patty, Danilo, Phillip, Jordi, Paul, Jonna, Carolyn, Donald, Marsha, Judy, Cathy G., Jan, Wally, Allan, Cathy M., Cindy, Debby, Janet, Mata, Alan, Colette, Stan, Kristy, Marcie, Kara, Jessica, Cathy S., Mellanie, Murry, Donna T., Karen, Shirley, Candice, Amy, Kathleen, Sandra, Donna P., Mary, Ann, Terry, Deborah and Terri: Thank you all so much!! I truly appreciate it! #1061076Janet S Weaver January 25, 2005 0
Wonderful capture Dan! Great DOF and perspective!!! #1061081Stephen Zacker January 25, 2005 0
Neat concept and great use of dof. Well done #1061136
Kathryn (Love) Scheet
January 25, 2005
great job here!! #1061207
Susana Ms Heide January 25, 2005 0
What a great Macro, Dan!!!! Really like the "rule of thirds" composition. Another ode to your creativity!! #1061315Dan Holm January 25, 2005 0
Janet, Stephen, Kathryn and Susana: Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate your kind feedback and supportive comments! #1061501
Laurence Saliba
January 25, 2005
Nobu Nagase January 26, 2005 0
Great composition, making the marbles look so dynamic!Marie Fields January 26, 2005 0
Terrific image, Dan! Love it! #1064281Patricia Marroquin January 26, 2005 0
Gorgeous! Love the shine and the feel of childhood. Well done, Dan! :-) #1064750Janet Detota January 27, 2005 0
Great nostlagic feeling here. Marbles are so cool! Excellent perspective and DOF! #1065645Dan Holm January 27, 2005 0
Laurence, Nobi, Marie, Patricia and Janet: Thank you!! I'm glad you like it and I truly appreciate your generous feedback and comments! #1065900
Evy Johansen
January 28, 2005
Sharon Day January 28, 2005 0
Fantastic image, Dan!!! I love the composition and color! #1068036Dan Holm January 29, 2005 0
Thanks so very much, Evy and Sharon!! I appreciate it! #1069979Nobu Nagase February 19, 2005 0
Many congratulations, Dan, on your finalist!!! #1112354Kara L. Hendricks February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!! #1112362Tom Andersen February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Finalist, Dan! #1112444Jane Summa February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan!! Way 2 go!! :-) #1112634Lucia De Giovanni February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations on your Finalist Dan!!! #1112670Michelle R. Kovach February 19, 2005 0
Congrats Dan! Good Luck! #1112679Wally Orlowsky February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan! Good luck on the next roll ;) #1112692
Claudia Kuhn
February 19, 2005
Cindy Paquette February 19, 2005 0
I get to love it two times! Still amazing...congratulations Dan! #1113115Elisabeth A. Gay February 19, 2005 0
And they say three times lucky Cindy! Hope we will see this in the winner's circle Dan, congratulations,Terry R. Hatfield February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations To You Dan!!! #1113633Stan Kwasniowski February 19, 2005 0
Dan, congratulations,Stan Kwasniowski #1113770
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 19, 2005 0
This is awesome, congratulations on your finalist win!! #1113792
Laurence Saliba
February 19, 2005
Marsha S. Smith February 19, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS!! Dan on all of your finalists - I think this one is going to be the big one. #1114183
Kelly Abernathy
February 19, 2005
Cathy Gregor February 19, 2005 0
Congrats on your cat eyes, Dan! #1114371Donna Roberts February 19, 2005 0
I may have been the first to say so, but I won't be the last.....excellent to see this in the finals Dan.Susana Ms Heide February 19, 2005 0
You may have lost your "marbles" but now you've won them back :o) CONGRATS and good luck in the next round! #1114574Judy S. Fung February 19, 2005 0
Congrats, Dan!!! #1114639Darren K. Fisher February 19, 2005 0
Boy it was a long ways to the bottom here....LOL.. A big congrats Dan and best of luck next round. #1115002Kristi A. Howson February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan...wonderful perpsective!!!!! #1115037Casey A. Hanson February 19, 2005 0
You are such an amazing artist, Dan. I looked at your gallery and, I must say, you have some awesome stuff! And this is no exception! Congrats :0) #1115265Danilo Piccioni February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!
Evy Johansen
February 19, 2005
Mata Patan February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!! #1115486Patricia A. Kuniega February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan! So nice to see that this photo brought back so many happy memories for people and took them back to another time! #1115588Thomas F. Andersen February 19, 2005 0
This is a great image Dan. Simple, clean, well composed but most of all very creative. Well done and congratulations! #1115605Allan L. Whitehead February 19, 2005 0
Dan, congratulations on all six of your finalist selections. Well done, and good luck with each one of them on the next step of the journey - your good friend, Allan #1115635Alan L. Borror February 19, 2005 0
Congrats, Dan! I called this one right. #1115721Sandra Wehrman February 19, 2005 0
Congratulatons Dan! #1115881Donna W. Neal February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations on a well deserved finalist Dan. I missed this one the first time around. Good luck on the next round. #1116062Wendy Stevenson February 19, 2005 0
Congrats Dan on making the finals with this excellent macro!! Best of luck in the next round!! #1116142
Ellen Peach
February 19, 2005
Murry Grigsby February 19, 2005 0
Congrats and good luck collecting all the marbles Dan! :0) #1116322Tammy Nuxoll February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!! Good luck next round!!!! #1116370
Larry Lawhead
February 19, 2005
Sharon Day February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!! Good luck next round! #1116676Donna J. Taff February 19, 2005 0
Congrat's, Dan!!! #1116829Jennifer Rennison February 19, 2005 0
Excellent image, Dan! Congratulations on your finalist! #1116988Stephen Zacker February 19, 2005 0
A cool image. Congratulations #1117108
Candice C. Calhoun
February 19, 2005
ccc #1117254
Jonna Bergström February 19, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan!!! #1117391Stanley J. Contrades February 19, 2005 0
Fabulous, Dan!! CONGRATULATIONS for the nth time and much good luck to you in the next round!Jessica McCollam February 19, 2005 0
YEAH!! Congrats on NINE finalists, Dan! Best of luck in the finals!:) #1117749Susie Peek-Swint February 19, 2005 0
Great perspective Dan ~ many congrats! #1117946Karen Engelbreth February 19, 2005 0
Congrats Dan :0)! #1117974
Deborah Lewinson
February 19, 2005
Robin L. Wehrman February 20, 2005 0
Congratulations to you, Dan!!! This sure is outstanding!!! #1118270Deborah Sandidge February 20, 2005 0
Congrats, Dan and best of luck!! #1118531Anette Linnea Rasmussen February 20, 2005 0
Beautiful Dan!Best wishes Linnea #1119048
Adilson F. Ferreira
February 20, 2005
Noel Baebler February 20, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan! #1120524Monika Sapek February 21, 2005 0
Many congratulations on your finalist, Dan!Patricia Marroquin February 21, 2005 0
Fantastic image! I hope this wins big, Dan. Congrats! #1121320Jordi Delgado February 21, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan!!!:-)) #1121472
Patricia A. Kuniega February 21, 2005 0
Looks like all your marbles are in the right place! Congratulations on your terrific win, Dan! #1123391
Claudia Kuhn
February 21, 2005
cj patterson February 21, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!!! #1123437Susana Ms Heide February 21, 2005 0
YIPEEE for a terrific image in the winning circle!! CONGRATS! #1123474Stan Kwasniowski February 21, 2005 0
Dan, CONGRATULATIONSStan Kwasniowski #1123477
Davide Patanè February 21, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your second place! #1123547Kara L. Hendricks February 21, 2005 0
Congratulations on your winner Dan!! #1123573Mary K. Robison February 21, 2005 0
Way to Go! Congratulations on another winner, Dan!!! :) #1123659Wendy Stevenson February 22, 2005 0
Great "shot" - congrats on your win!!! #1123676Charlene Bayerle February 22, 2005 0
Well deserved Dan...Congratulations!!!! #1123735Marsha S. Smith February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan!! I am so glad for you and this super image. #1123748Cathy Stancil February 22, 2005 0
Another well deserved win !!Bravo Dan !! #1123769Noel Baebler February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan! #1123804
Deborah Lewinson
February 22, 2005
Anette Linnea Rasmussen February 22, 2005 0
Beautiful Dan!Best wishes Linnea #1123840
Tom Andersen February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on another win, Dan! #1123869
Susan T. Evans
February 22, 2005
Donna J. Taff February 22, 2005 0
Congratulation's on your win, Dan!!! #1123903Michelle R. Kovach February 22, 2005 0
Congrats again Dan!Terry R. Hatfield February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations To You On Your Winner Dan!!!! #1124025Jill Flynn February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win Dan! You have a great eye!!!! #1124100Wally Orlowsky February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on this well-rounded winner, Dan! #1124161Debra Booth February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win, Dan!! #1124191
Kelly Abernathy
February 22, 2005
Monika Sapek February 22, 2005 0
Many congratulations on your Second Place Win, Dan!
Bonnie C. Lackey
February 22, 2005
Murry Grigsby February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win Dan!! Well you got almost all the marbles :0) #1124378Jill Battaglia February 22, 2005 0
Congrats! This is wonderful! #1124421
Evy Johansen
February 22, 2005
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 22, 2005 0
Another congratulations is in order!! Excellent image!! Congratulations on your win!! #1124694Alan L. Borror February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on yet another wonderful winner, Dan! #1124717Mata Patan February 22, 2005 0
Dan, you are Betterphoto masterpiece! Congratulations! #1124727Jordi Delgado February 22, 2005 0
Yet another great winning shot!!!Congratulations, Dan!!!! As Mata said, you are Betterphoto's master!"
:-)) #1124733
Danilo Piccioni February 22, 2005 0
That's the way to go, again and again!Danilo #1124749
Dan Holm February 22, 2005 0
Thank you all so VERY very much for your genrous comments, encouragement and support! I sincerely appreciate it! Thank you! #1124761Stanley J. Contrades February 22, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS again, Dan! Love it!Judy S. Fung February 22, 2005 0
Big congrats on your win, Dan!!! #1124848Donna W. Neal February 22, 2005 0
WTG Dan...
Adilson F. Ferreira
February 22, 2005
Jonna Bergström February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!! Very well deserved win! It such a great image! #1125782
Laurence Saliba
February 22, 2005
Walter Graziano February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations Dan!!! #1126017Jennifer Rennison February 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win, Dan!! #1126222Deborah Sandidge February 23, 2005 0
Wow - congratulations, Dan!! #1126768Nobu Nagase February 23, 2005 0
Congratulations, Dan, on your another super win!!! #1126811Stephen Zacker February 23, 2005 0
Very creative. Congratulations #1126955S J February 23, 2005 0
Many many congratuations on this win, Dan!! Another beautiful shot!! #1127274Dolores Neilson February 23, 2005 0
Woo hoooo!! Another winner!! No surprises here, Dan!! Congrats to you!!Photography by Dolores #1127959
Candice C. Calhoun
February 23, 2005
ccc #1128290
Eric Highfield
February 23, 2005
Hasmik Hatamian
February 24, 2005
Carol Engstrom
February 24, 2005
Carol Brill February 26, 2005 0
Terrific gamesmanship here, Dan, just goes to show what can be done when one is in possession of all his marbles! Congratulations! #1133932Kristi A. Howson February 27, 2005 0
Congratulations on this winner Dan..great perspective on marbles. I really like the DOF!!!!! #1135875Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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