Warehouse Window

© Terry A. Stoa

Warehouse Window

Uploaded: January 07, 2013 14:58:26


Many old warehouses along what used to be the Wabash Railroad tracks in Decatur, Illinois are in need of repair. It's often to see windows and doors replaced with brick - as it's easier to maintain and less likely to be vandalized. This is a shot of a 2nd floor window, just above a cedar-sided overhang which is also in need of repair.
f/8, 1/125 sec, ISO 400
Photo taken January 2013.
Resub to EOD 2013-05-27

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 67.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Nikki McDonald level-classic January 07, 2013

Another excellent design elements shot, Terry - this was a good place to wander with your camera and photographer's eye. #1507652

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 07, 2013

Nicely seen design and textures! #10504477

Joy Rector January 08, 2013

great shot #10504857

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic January 08, 2013

What a special find, and beautifully composed! #10504972

Terry A. Stoa January 08, 2013

Thanks so much Nikki, Donna, Joy, and Melinda. I need to hang out more on the wrong side of the tracks for these shots... #10505413

Dr Silly level-classic May 28, 2013

Wonderful capture. :O) #10711457

Terry A. Stoa May 29, 2013

Joanna and Doc - thanks for looking and for kind remarks! #10714858

Martha R. Mazon level-classic July 01, 2013

Congratulations on your superb winner, Terry! I always loved this one. Glad to see it with gold! #10751689

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 01, 2013

Congratulations on this awesome 2nd Place Gold Winner Terry!

jo ann c #10751837

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic July 01, 2013

Love the designs Terry; and Congratulations on your Gold Winner@ #10752115

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic July 01, 2013

Love the designs Terry; and Congratulations on your Gold Winner!!! #10752116

Dr Silly level-classic July 01, 2013

Congratulations Terry on your Gold Win. :O)

Bunny Snow July 01, 2013

Excellent designs, composition, colors and tonality, Terry. Very well seen and executed!!!

Congratulations on your second place gold medal winner. #10752761

Chris Budny level-deluxe July 01, 2013

Well done! Wonder how long that collapsed shutter will stick around! Congratulations! #10752803

Virginia Kickle July 01, 2013

Congratulations on your Gold, Terry! #10752905

Daniella Puente July 01, 2013

Congratulations on this cool capture Terry! #10752918

Terry A. Stoa July 02, 2013

Thank you Martha, Jo Ann, Doc, Amanda, Bunny, Chris, Virginia, Daniella, and Chrstine. I appreciate your kind remarks. #10754132

David Phalen July 02, 2013

BIG Congrats on your outstanding Winner!! #10754195

Terry A. Stoa July 03, 2013

Thanks, David. #10755449

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 03, 2013

Good to see my fave pick got judges approval, Terry. CONGRATZ on the Gold Winner!

UB. #10755761

Katarina Mansson July 07, 2013

Congratulations on your well found, impressive and outstanding winner Terry! #10759189

Terry A. Stoa July 07, 2013

Thanks Usman and Katta! #10759339

Richard B. Hallick July 07, 2013

WTG, Terry. Congratulations on this terrific winner. #10759693

Terry A. Stoa July 08, 2013

Thanks, Richard. #10760029

Merna L. Nobile July 08, 2013

With half of the year gone, I am sure that many beautiful photographs have been taken and entered on Better Photo, including yours.
CONGRATULATIONS for a successful month of May, 2013. Merna

Terry A. Stoa July 08, 2013

Thanks, Merna! #10760461

Alexandra Hankova October 17, 2013

What an interesting place! Congratulations on your win! :-) #10873811

Terry A. Stoa October 17, 2013

Thanks, Alexandra! #10873877

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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