Bathed By Light

© Laura G. Knight

<b>Bathed By Light</b>

Uploaded: July 27, 2012 12:51:00


R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic July 27, 2012 0

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! #1477200

Carol Quina level-classic July 28, 2012 0

Gorgeous! #10247334

Michelle Alton July 28, 2012 0

This has a very spiritual feel. Could be a centerfold in an illustrated Bible. #10247444

Laura G. Knight July 28, 2012 0

Thank you all for your gracious comments.. #10247649

Paul A. Harrett August 29, 2012 0

Really nice photo. #10295584

August 29, 2012 0

Beautiful #10295708

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe August 29, 2012 0

So beautiful. Congrats on a wonderful finalist. #10296887

Joannie Bertucci level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Positively stunning work Laura! A most deserved gold badge, congratulations! #10302569

Diane Dupuis September 01, 2012 0

GORGEOUS! Congrats! #10303123

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations on your beautiful second place winner, Laura. #10303462

Charles C. Berkeley level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Great sunrise beach scene. Congratulations! #10303588

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations on this fantastic 2nd Place Gold Winner Laura!

jo ann c. #10303935

Laura G. Knight September 02, 2012 0

Thank you all for your thoughtful comments.....I am very appreciative... #10304535

Cindy Bendush level-classic September 03, 2012 0

Beautiful! Congratulations on your win! #10306074

Lydia Williams level-classic September 03, 2012 0

Great image, Cheryl....congratulations! #10306755

Lydia Williams level-classic September 03, 2012 0

Oops, Sorry, Laura! Fantastic! #10306758

David M. Montero September 09, 2012 0

Fantastic composition of this beautiful sunset. Congratulations on your win Laura! #10315940

Mary L. Olson level-classic September 10, 2012 0

Gorgeous image, Laura. Congratulations.

Mary Lou #10316141

Carol Teal September 26, 2012 0

Spectacular! Congrats on your win! #10341469

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