Fair Ride

© Aaron Wilbert

Fair Ride

Uploaded: July 21, 2012 15:49:53


Taken with my 28-105mm Lens. 2 second exposure.


Joy Rector August 23, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #1481900

Mary K. Robison August 23, 2012 0

A celebration of color, Aaron. Well done and beautiful!
Congratulations on this well deserved POTD!

Marilyn Cornwell August 23, 2012 0

Gorgeous light painting! Congratulations on POTD! #10286605

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic August 23, 2012 0

The lovely colors and the up-close feel of the ride has an instant impact on the viewer, Aaron. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #10286607

Marilyn Cornwell August 23, 2012 0

Gorgeous light painting! Congratulations on POTD! #10286614

Nikki McDonald level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Very cool - I may just have to go to the state fair next week! Congratulations on the POTD, Aaron. Wonderful colors and motion blur. #10286650

Carol A. Grady August 23, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD Aaron - well deserved. This is a fantastic shot! #10286675

Mariann Kovats level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Congrats on your POTD, awesome colors and capture! #10286684

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Great explosion of colour. Congrats on POTD! #10286700

Lauren Simmons August 23, 2012 0

Another POTD...nice job! Well deserved Aaron!

Daniella Puente August 23, 2012 0

Congrats! GREAT capture #10286715

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 23, 2012 0

Outstanding exposure, light, design and motion. An incredible image and POTD, congratulations Aaron!! #10286716

Cathy Barrows August 23, 2012 0

Congrats on your great POTD...i love shooting at the fair #10286718

Sara B Coffey level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Terrifically Wonderful!!! Perfect combination of color, light & motion!
Congratulations on your POTD Aaron!
Sara :) #10286807

Sara B Coffey level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Terrifically Wonderful!!! Perfect combination of color, light & motion!
Congratulations on your POTD Aaron!
Sara :) #10286928

Lindley Johnson level-classic August 23, 2012 0

Fantastic light and motion! Congratulations on your outstanding POTD, Aaron. #10287007

Stanley C. Sims August 23, 2012 0

Outstanding Aaron. Congrats on the POTD. #10287228

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 23, 2012 0

Congrats Aaron on your Fantastic POTD! #10287239

Aaron Wilbert August 24, 2012 0

Thank you everyone!! I was excite to learn this. Always great to have your photo chosen. I am honored. #10287725

Leena Robinson August 25, 2012 0

Excellent work, Aaron! Congrats on your well deserved POTD! #10288737

Naomi Weiser August 29, 2012 0

congrats, great shot! love the motion and colors #10296044

Nancy Marie Ricketts August 29, 2012 0

Beautiful night shot finalist! Congratulations, and good luck in the next round! #10296622

Carmody Baker August 29, 2012 0

I knew I would see this one again. Congratulations! #10297549

David M. Montero August 30, 2012 0

I'm dizzy just looking at it. Outstanding work! Congratulations on your Finalist selection Aaron! #10299997

Diane Dupuis September 01, 2012 0

perfect!! congrats!!!!! #10303562

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations on this fantastic 2nd Place Gold Winner Aaron!

jo ann c. #10304140

Richard D. Love September 05, 2012 0

Congratulations, Arron. Wonderful colors and sense of motion!

Rick #10309858

David M. Montero September 09, 2012 0

Congratulations on your win for this very cool capture Aaron! #10315995

Aaron Wilbert September 10, 2012 0

Thank you everyone! This has been so exciting. I appreciate you all taking the time to write. #10316752

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 13, 2012 0

A double Gold badge, for a wonderful image. CONGRATZ, Aaron!

UB. #10320765

Stanley C. Sims September 17, 2012 0

Just went to our local fair and took some pics. Wish ours was bigger. Congrats on this wonderful image, and the double gold. #10325890

Ye Tun October 27, 2012 0

Congratulation ... Love your shot. #10386135

Alexandra Hankova March 14, 2013 0

Impressive and fun! Congratulations! :-) #10609549

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