Tunnel Vision

© Jessica Jenney

Tunnel Vision

Uploaded: July 16, 2012 14:55:56


July 2012 Second Place Win
*Digital Darkroom*

Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 6.10 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot G10


Jack Gaskin July 16, 2012 0


Jack #1475194

Liz blahh July 17, 2012 0

So beautiful! #10232333

Neal D. Hatcher July 18, 2012 0

BEAUTIFUL #10234501

Linda S. Smith level-classic July 20, 2012 0

Fantastic capture and treatment Jessica! #10237448

Pat Abbott level-classic August 29, 2012 0

Really gorgeous, love the tones. Congrats again, Jessica! #10295005

John Rivera level-deluxe August 29, 2012 0

Congratulations again!! A sure winner! #10295312

Stefania Barbier level-classic August 29, 2012 0

gorgeous Jessica, congratulations!!! #10295390

Liz blahh August 29, 2012 0

Congrats on your beautiful finalist! #10296078

JO ANN CLEVELAND August 29, 2012 0

Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Jessica!

jo ann c. #10296148

Emile Abbott level-classic August 29, 2012 0

Well done Jessica and congrats on another wonderful finalist. #10296266

Nancy L. Green level-classic August 29, 2012 0

CONGRATULATIONS Jessica on this wonderful finalist!! <>< #10296387

Cyn Valentine August 29, 2012 0

So beautiful! Congrats Jessica!! #10296404

Lynn M. Whitt August 29, 2012 0

Congratulations on your great finalist. #10296656

Katherine Kuhn August 29, 2012 0

Wonderful composition & effects, Jessica! Congratulations on all your finalists! #10297273

Tammy Espino August 29, 2012 0

Congrats on your beautiful finalist! #10297560

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic August 30, 2012 0

Very cool capture and treatment, congratulations!! #10297728

Neal D. Hatcher August 30, 2012 0


Teresa Moore August 30, 2012 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist. #10298099

Tarun Bose August 30, 2012 0

Big congrats Jessica for your excellent finalist.

Chris Budny level-deluxe August 30, 2012 0

Beautiful work, very enchanting. Congratulations! #10299135

David M. Montero August 31, 2012 0

I love the ray of light. Congratulations on your Finalist selection Jessica! #10301629

Mick Burkey August 31, 2012 0

Congratulations on the Finals, Jessica! #10301688

Phyllis H. Burchett August 31, 2012 0

Beautiful Jessica, congrats! #10302031

Stefania Barbier level-classic September 01, 2012 0

gorgeous winner, huge congrats Jes!!! #10302337

Lorna Shutter September 01, 2012 0

Woo Hoo!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place Win for this BEAUTIFUL image, Jessica!!!!! WTG!!! :)
Photobucket #10302416

Kathy Salerni level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Huge congrats on your winning Gold, Jessica! #10302423

Tammy Espino September 01, 2012 0

Congrats on this beautiful win~ #10302528

Sheryl Sturges September 01, 2012 0

Wowee! You did it again -- Congratulations on a well-deserved win. You continually inspire me! #10302540

Neal D. Hatcher September 01, 2012 0


Bojan Bencic level-classic September 01, 2012 0

It is beautiful. Congratulations on your win, Jessica. #10302900

Gail Sullivan level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Gorgeous work, Jessica...congrats! #10303045

Leslie McLain level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Congrats on a fantastic winner, Jessica. #10303060

Anita Hogue September 01, 2012 0

So very lovely, Jessica! Congratulations on your win! #10303147

John Rivera level-deluxe September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations Jessica on this beautiful Winner!!! #10303254

Monnie Ryan September 01, 2012 0

Fabulous, Jessica - congratulations big-time! #10303348

Claudia Kuhn level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Beautiful work, congratulations! #10303387

Emile Abbott level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Congratulation on this wonderful winner, Jessica. #10303458

Katherine Kuhn September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations on your beautiful winner, Jessica! #10303567

Diane Dupuis September 01, 2012 0

love it! congrats!!!!! #10303598

Terry Cervi level-deluxe September 01, 2012 0

Stunning work, Jessica! Congrats on your win! #10303898

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 01, 2012 0

Congratulations on this fantastic 2nd Place Gold Winner Jessica!

jo ann c. #10304141

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic September 01, 2012 0

Congrats again! #10304170

Renee Doyle September 01, 2012 0

Excellent dd work! Congratulations on this wonderful winner Jessica! #10304351

Phyllis H. Burchett September 03, 2012 0

Congrats Jessica!!! #10305998

Danny B. Head September 03, 2012 0

Beautiful framing! Congrats! #10306716

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 13, 2012 0

Super gorgeous as always, Jessica. Huge CONGRATZ on this stunning Second Place Gold!!!

UB. #10320769

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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