Golden Splash

© Debra R. Harder

Golden Splash

Uploaded: February 08, 2011 17:27:26


This is the Pfeiffer Arch at Pfeiffer Beach State Park in Big Sur, California. As the waves surge through the opening, they would make contact with the rocks in the foreground. I was able to capture this illuminated splash.

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: -1.67, ExposureTime: 1/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3


Lisa J. Boulden level-classic February 08, 2011 0

Very cool capture, Deb!
Looks like fireworks.
Fantastic light and timing.
~♥~Lisa #1351404

Linda Blair February 08, 2011 0

Awesome capture...I agree it looks like first I thought you had added the fireworks to the cool is this!!!!! #9220970

Carla Capra Anderson February 08, 2011 0

Hi Debra;
Stunning image. I love the lighting. The lighting and detail on the foreground splash is awesome.
;) CC #9221096

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 08, 2011 0

WINNER for sure! Love it Deb!

jo ann c. #9221154

Dayna Cain level-classic February 08, 2011 0

Breathtaking! Congrats ahead of time on this winner!!!!! #9221169

Courtenay Vanderbilt February 08, 2011 0

Oh this is gorgeous, JSB! I agree it looks like fireworks. Bet we see it again! #9221197

Denny E. Barnes level-classic February 08, 2011 0

Fantastic timing and capture of the golden light in the splash, Deb! You won't see this very often and you got it perfectly!! Very beautiful image!! #9221203

Renee Doyle February 08, 2011 0

Perfect timing - Perfect exposure - just PERFECT!! Superb capture JSB! #9221265

Glenn E. Traver February 08, 2011 0

Beautiful composition,a wonderful explosion of water and light. Congratulation on this super capture Debra ~GT #9221410

Carol L. Fowler February 08, 2011 0

That's amazing! Looks like fireworks! #9221413

Phyllis H. Burchett February 08, 2011 0

Absolutely amazing Debra, AWESOME! #9221432

Kathleen Rinker February 08, 2011 0

Excellent, I am so happy for you that you were able to capture this!! I think you should frame it and hang it on the wall!! It's something special!! #9221633

Lindley Johnson level-classic February 08, 2011 0

Perfect timing and light, Deb! A terrific image! #9221665

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic February 09, 2011 0

Amazing capture and the splash! What causes the orange colors? #9221817

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 09, 2011 0

INCREDIBLY fabulous and awesome, Deb! WHAT a SHOT! :-) k #9221899

Debra R. Harder February 09, 2011 0

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! Shelly...the orange colors in the splash is caused by the beam of light through the opening of the arch. #9221906

Kathy Salerni level-classic February 09, 2011 0

What a stunning capture, Deb! This is the best shot of that opening that I have ever seen! This is a winning shot, for sure! #9221952

Terry Cervi level-classic February 09, 2011 0

My goodness, this is wonderful, Deb! What perfect timing to create such a beautiful capture! #9222008

Michelle Alton February 09, 2011 0

This is awesome, Deb. #9222345

Ken Smith level-classic February 09, 2011 0

I see another gold for you, Deb. I've seen other photos of the sun shining thru the arch, but never with a freeze-frame capture of the water. Outstanding! #9222432

Lois Adomite February 09, 2011 0

Wow, the lighting is beautiful and the splash, what great timing. very nice. #9222882

Karen Celella February 09, 2011 0

Absolutely fantastic, Deb!! #9222971

Leslie McLain level-classic February 09, 2011 0

Amazing capture, Deb. #9223022

Julianne Bradford February 09, 2011 0

O-o-o I got happy chills Deb! What a winning capture!! #9223385

Ellen Hodges February 10, 2011 0

Extremely fabulous capture, Deb!!!! #9223844

Chris Schlosser February 10, 2011 0

WOW! This is an amazing capture, Deb! #9224480

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic February 11, 2011 0

This is certainly a WOW shot, great capture!!! #9228407

Dianna Murphy February 11, 2011 0

Wow, that color and light and your timing... wow! #9232893

Kim Lund level-classic February 12, 2011 0

Awesome capture! This is a winner in my book Deb. Way to go. #9234529

Beverley Scott February 15, 2011 0

Fantastic capture, Deb! We'll be seeing this again for sure! #9241405

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 15, 2011 0

Beautiful light and stop action, nicely done! #9242078

Summer A. Kozisek February 16, 2011 0

Wonderful capture Deb, great timing!! #9243503

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 21, 2011 0

Outstanding Deb, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations again! #9301731

Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 21, 2011 0


HUGE CONGRATS on your finalist!
Best of luck in the next round!


Lindley Johnson level-classic March 21, 2011 0

Beautiful finalist, Deb - congratulations! #9301994

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic March 21, 2011 0

on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #9302216

Patti Coblentz March 21, 2011 0

Absolutely amazing, Deb...congratulations!! #9302874

Kathy Salerni level-classic March 21, 2011 0

I knew we would see this again, Deb! Huge congrats on your well deserved finalist! #9302971

Ellen Hodges March 21, 2011 0

Huge congrats, and very best luck in the next round on this awesome finalist, Deb!!! #9303166

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 21, 2011 0

A stunner. Beautiful light and scene. CONGRATZ on a well deserved Finalist award, Deb. Expect Gold soon!

UB. #9303338

Cheryl Winn March 21, 2011 0

Stunning! #9303485

Bojan Bencic level-classic March 21, 2011 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Debra! WOW! #9303593

Renee Doyle March 21, 2011 0

Didn't I say this was perfect :-)
Big congratulations JSB on this EXCELLENT finalist!! #9303658

Anita Hogue March 21, 2011 0

A real stunner, Debra! Congratulations on this gorgeous capture! #9304080

Shawn Jennings March 21, 2011 0

Deb, I don't think you could take a bad picture if you tried! Congratulations on this beautiful finalist! #9304141

Courtenay Vanderbilt March 21, 2011 0


Terry Cervi level-classic March 21, 2011 0

This is awesome, Deb! Congrats on your Finalist!! #9304457

JO ANN CLEVELAND March 21, 2011 0

Wowza! Great capture Deb, bet we see gold on this soon!

Congrats on your wonderful finalist!

jo ann c. #9304894

Lorna Shutter March 21, 2011 0

I'm with Jo Ann! This is fabulous and deserves Gold!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist Award for this awesome image, Debra!!!!! :)
Photobucket #9305311

Carla Capra Anderson March 21, 2011 0

Hi Girlie;
This is Outstanding. Congratulations on this amazing Finalist.
;) CC #9305391

Julianne Bradford March 21, 2011 0

Yay!! This is such an outstanding finalist Debra! Congratulations! #9305422

Denny E. Barnes level-classic March 21, 2011 0

Congratulations, Deb on your beautiful and well deserved finalist! Outstanding!! #9305453

Carol Eade level-classic March 21, 2011 0

What an amazing capture, Debra, congratulations! #9305478

Wanda Judd level-classic March 21, 2011 0 awesome. Congratulationssssss! #9305538

Val Feldman level-classic March 21, 2011 0 of the most incredible photos I have ever seen on BP - this is truly one amazing capture...your sense of timing, brilliant and your angle perfect to capture a blast of golden water fireworks! Never saw anything like it before...Excellent work, Deb - all the best in the upcoming round - I'll be rootin' for you! ~Val #9305657

Mitch Spence level-classic March 21, 2011 0

Incredible colors, amazing action. Just beautiful, Deb. Congratulations. #9305684

Erin Appelbaum March 21, 2011 0

Outstanding timing. Gorgeous finalist Deb. Peter #9305844

Hendrik Storme March 21, 2011 0

WOW! I see a winner here Deb!!! #9305875

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe March 21, 2011 0

Congratulations on this fantastic finalist, Debra! #9306106

Ryan Murphy March 21, 2011 0

Absolutely stunning. Congrats on this fantastic image #9306131

Karen Celella March 21, 2011 0

Congratulations on your superb finalist, Deb! #9306161

Carol L. Fowler March 21, 2011 0

Congrats! WTG! #9306535

Phyllis H. Burchett March 21, 2011 0

Awesome...congrats Deb! #9306702

Lana Arcemont March 22, 2011 0

A fabulous capture! #9307220

Cindy Bendush level-classic March 22, 2011 0

Truly amazing Deb! Congratulations on both of your finalists! #9307280

Rona L. Schwarz March 22, 2011 0

Another awesome, spectacular capture, Deb and superb timing that I'm sure was no accident! CONGRATULATIONS on your superb FINALIST and Good luck in the next round! I have a feeling we'll see this one again! #9307453

Nadia Paul March 22, 2011 0

What a stunning capture Debra - congrats on your finalist! #9307660

Ken Smith level-classic March 22, 2011 0

No surprise here, rock in this area..congrats to you! #9307846

Kara L. Hendricks March 22, 2011 0

Wow... Looks like a liquid firework!!

Congrats Deb!! #9307871

Stephen Zacker March 22, 2011 0

Amazing capture and light. Congratulations #9307876

Leslie McLain level-classic March 22, 2011 0

Congrats on your amazing finalist, Deb. #9308060

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic March 22, 2011 0

Wow Debra...I love it. Congrats on this amazing finalist! #9308081

Dianna Murphy March 22, 2011 0

So glad to see this beautiful image again. Congratulations. #9308851

Linda Blair March 22, 2011 0

Spectacular finalist...congratulations!!! #9308972

Mark Dodge March 22, 2011 0

Your work is always solid and a pleasure to view. Well done Debra... congratulations! #9309129

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic March 22, 2011 0

What a beauty Deb!!! Congrats!!! #9309217

Jeana Clark March 22, 2011 0

Congratulations on your fantastic finalist Deb!!! Best of luck in the next round!!!

~J~ #9309278

Glenn E. Traver March 22, 2011 0

Congratulations Debra, I think that this has all the makings of a winning Photo, Congratulations ~ GT #9309480

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 22, 2011 0

WTG on this wonderful winner!!! :-) k #9309822

Courtenay Vanderbilt March 23, 2011 0

CONGRATULATIONS, JSB! Well deserved Win! #9309878

Julianne Bradford March 23, 2011 0

YAY!! So glad to see Gold on this golden capture Debra! #9309885

Lester A. Garcia March 23, 2011 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS on this one, Debra! A real winner. #9309890

Val Feldman level-classic March 23, 2011 0

I knew it, I knew it!!! So happy to see Gold attached to this wonderful Winner, Deb! Congratulations! #9309937

Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 23, 2011 0


HUGE CONGRATS on your Win!


Liz blahh March 23, 2011 0

Congrats on your beautiful Gold winner! #9309976

Patti Coblentz March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on your beautiful gold win, Deb...WTG!! #9309994

Lorna Shutter March 23, 2011 0

Woo Hoo!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place Win, Debra!!!!! :) #9310044

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic March 23, 2011 0

on your very deserving WINNER! 8o) #9310069

Terry Cervi level-classic March 23, 2011 0

I love this, Deb! Congratulations on your gorgeous First Place win!! #9310104

Terry Cervi level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Sorry, Deb, I meant Second Place win. But it could have easily been a First Place win as well! #9310129

Lana Arcemont March 23, 2011 0

A Big Congratulations! #9310152

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Congrats Deb!!! Beautiful Winner!!! #9310272

Lindley Johnson level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on your beautiful winner, Deb! #9310283

Phyllis H. Burchett March 23, 2011 0

Congrats Deb on this stunning winner!!! #9310342

Leslie McLain level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Congrats on your stunning winner, Deb. #9310366

Linda D. Lester level-classic March 23, 2011 0

WTG!!! Love this....Congratulations! #9310428

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic March 23, 2011 0

WTG, Deb!
Love this Spectacular capture!
Big congratulations!
~♥~Lisa #9310660

Cecil Whitt March 23, 2011 0

Congrats on this wonderful image. C #9310725

Cindy Bendush level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Big congrats on your fabulous win Deb! #9310770

Kathy Salerni level-classic March 23, 2011 0

WooHoo, I knew this would be a
Winner, Deb! BIG congrats! #9310808

Ellen Hodges March 23, 2011 0

Huge congrats on an very fabulous winner, Deb!!! GORGEOUS!! #9310865

Lois Adomite March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations, such an awesome photo, your work continually amazes me with its beauty. #9310955

Bojan Bencic level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on your win, Debra! #9311123

Mary K. Robison March 23, 2011 0

Outstanding capture, Debra ~
CONGRATULATIONS on your well earned win! #9311175

Barbara Waldoch March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on this wonderful image! #9311222

Renee Doyle March 23, 2011 0

Didn't I say this was PERFECT!!!! So happy to see Gold here JSB!!! HUGE congrats to you! #9311305

Erin Appelbaum March 23, 2011 0

Awesome winner Debra. Congrats.

Danny B. Head March 23, 2011 0

Congrats on a great win! #9311458

Stefania Barbier level-classic March 23, 2011 0


Carol Eade level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations, Debra! #9311842

Jessica Jenney March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations, Debra on your stunning win! #9311853

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic March 23, 2011 0

WTG Debra! A big congrats to you on this beautiful winner! #9311904

Carla Capra Anderson March 23, 2011 0

Congrats, Debra.
Awesome winner!!
;) CC #9312258

Denny E. Barnes level-classic March 23, 2011 0

Outstanding, Deb!! Congratulations on your very beautiful and well deserved Winner!! Gorgeous image!! #9312378

Monika Sapek March 23, 2011 0

Wonderful! Perfect timing and lighting to create such an awesome capture, Debra! Many congratulations on your Second Place Win! #9312437

Rona L. Schwarz March 23, 2011 0

WTG Deb! I knew this one would be back! A brilliant capture for a very talented and skilled photographer.HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this superb SECOND PLACE GOLD WINNER! #9312479

William88 March 23, 2011 0

The lighting and the timing for this shot is perfect and hard to control. Your hard work deserved the awards! Congratulations on your win! #9312499

Henry Jr. R. Doctolero March 23, 2011 0

This is incredibly perfect shot Miss Debra:)
Congrats on your win :)

dukeHenry #9312507

Kathleen Rinker March 23, 2011 0

Congrats on your win Deb!! #9312613

Lynn M. Whitt March 23, 2011 0

Congratulations on your beautiful winner... #9312668

Susan M. Campbell March 23, 2011 0

Congrats Debra on this awesome winner. #9312703

Rolando Rosito March 23, 2011 0

Big congratulations Debra, great winner! #9312842

Merna L. Nobile March 24, 2011 0

Yes, you heard right! Congratulations you are a winner! Merna


Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 24, 2011 0

Good to see this again. Huge CONGRATZ on striking Gold, Deb!!!

UB. #9313652

Evy Johansen level-classic March 24, 2011 0

Wonderful image! Big congratulations on your win, Debra!! #9313678

Anita Hogue March 24, 2011 0

Congratulations on this winner, Debra! A stunner for sure! #9314385

Karen Celella March 24, 2011 0

Congratulations on your spectacular winner, Deb! #9314419

Debra R. Harder March 24, 2011 0

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and congratulations!! I appreciate it so much!! Deb #9314726

David M. Montero March 24, 2011 0

Congratulations Deb! So cool! #9314914

Lydia Williams level-classic March 24, 2011 0

Fantastic capture, Deb! Congratulations! #9314918

Carolyn Morgan March 25, 2011 0

Big Sur always produces great views for the lens but this is exceptional --- Congratulations! #9315700

Datha Y. Thompson March 25, 2011 0

AMAZING!!!! Congratulations on your GOLD Debra!!! :) #9316811

Linda Blair March 25, 2011 0

Congratulations...I knew we'd see this in the winners circle!!! #9316870

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 25, 2011 0

Happy Dance!!!! What a super GOLDEN WIN.

Congratulations Deb, I'm so happy for you!!! You are a gifted photographer and artist!!! #9316881

Kathy Cline March 25, 2011 0

Just Incredible Deb!! #9317164

Glenn E. Traver March 26, 2011 0

Congratulations Debra, #1 in my book, masterpeice !! ~ GT #9317659

Maria Coulson March 26, 2011 0

Debra, great capture. Congratulations! #9318692

Bill Houghton March 28, 2011 0

Debra, this is a beautiful capture. You did a great job in getting this shot. Thanks for your comments. Have a great week, Bill #9321795

Ruth Mora March 31, 2011 0

awsome capture !!! great masterpiece CONGRATS!!!!

Thomas E. Hinds April 12, 2011 0

Really an unworldly, stunning image! Superb work, Deb! #9346107

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