Uploaded: October 13, 2010 12:30:17
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: -2.30, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 43.00 mm, Model: E-3
Usman M. Bajwa
October 13, 2010
UB. #1317045
Bonnie C. Lackey
October 13, 2010
Shelly A. Van Camp
October 13, 2010
Vickie L. Holt October 13, 2010 0
Thanks everyone. This was actually a very under-exposed photo of this cat taken in her pet-carrier. After working with curves and other editing tools, I was able to reveal the cat while leaving the background as dark as the original image. She is a rescued cat at Angels of Assisi animal shelter, where I volunteer as their adoption website photographer. #8963916Connie Fore October 13, 2010 0
This is a beautiful pet portrait! Wonderful lighting! #8963975Linda Blair October 13, 2010 0
Wow...love this dramatic portrait...great moody portrait...I bet we see this again!!!! #8964722Kathy Cline October 24, 2010 0
Hi Vickie, I have to say that this is one of the best kitty portraits here at BP. Im sure this will win an award.Michelle Alton October 24, 2010 0
Rare to see a pet photo getting big-time recognition here. But then this is no ordinary pet shot! It's absolutely stunning portraiture, Vickie. Congratulations on this great selection for POTD! #8992374Liz Mackney October 24, 2010 0
Great save all the way around! Congratulations on your wonderful POTD! #8992386Katarina Mansson October 24, 2010 0
Magnificent portrait! Congratulations on your POTD! #8992390
Marisol Pastor
October 24, 2010
Julie Christiansen October 24, 2010 0
Congrats on the POTD. Superb. #8992402
Usman M. Bajwa
October 24, 2010
UB. #8992415
Richard M. Waas October 24, 2010 0
Very nice Vickie.....Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #8992417Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 24, 2010 0
I love this cat portrait Vickie, the lighting works so well. A huge congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #8992426Jessica Jenney October 24, 2010 0
Congratulations, Vickie on your gorgeous POTD! #8992483Leslie Carson Wolfe October 24, 2010 0
Beautiful cat, beautiful lighting, perfect moment! #8992504JO ANN CLEVELAND October 24, 2010 0
Fannnnn...tastic Vicki! Congrats on your POTD!That black bg really shows this beautiful cat off well....great clarity and composition..
jo ann c. #8992512
Nancyj E. Hovey
October 24, 2010
Anthony L. Mancuso October 24, 2010 0
Congrats on your awesome POTD Vicki! #8992532Vickie L. Holt October 24, 2010 0
Thanks so much, everyone! This recognition makes me want to tell more about her story. She was rescued by authorities and animals rescue workers, along with over 100 more animals from a really bad hoarding situation in Bedford County, Virginia in September. The man was living in a double-wide trailer with all these animals, and when animal control went in, they went in Haz-mat suits, it was so bad. Not all animals were found alive. On the day I took this photo, I photographed over 50 more animals, as well. I go each Saturday to photograph new arrivals at the shelter, and it took three Saturday's to finish photographing this group. She didn't even have a name then. She was just number 21. Now she's Catherine, and hopefully soon, once all the court decisions are made, she can finally be posted on the adoption website and find a good home. #8992568Wayne T. Fisk October 24, 2010 0
Picture Purrrfect!Joy Rector October 24, 2010 0
congrats on the POTD #8992576Kathy Cline October 24, 2010 0
Mary Beth Aiello
October 24, 2010
Lana Arcemont October 24, 2010 0
Congratulations, Vickie!Cathy Barrows October 24, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD...i'm not a cat person but this is one awesome cat portrait #8992612Jean-Pierre Ducondi October 24, 2010 0
This is an amazing portrait. Big congrats.Karen Seargeant October 24, 2010 0
BEAUTIFUL! AWESOME shot! Congrats! #8992671Maria Coulson October 24, 2010 0
Outstanding! Congratulations. #8992715
Nikki McDonald
October 24, 2010
Leslie Carson Wolfe October 24, 2010 0
What a great story, Vickie. That's a wonderful thing you do to help the animals. #8992737
Kathleen K. Parker
October 24, 2010
Marsha S. Smith October 24, 2010 0
This image and this kitty are so gorgeous! All of my cats are strays that I have taken in, had neutered and adore so I hope that someone will give her a Forever Home.Congratulations on the POTD, you and Catherine both deserve it. #8992776
Lisa J. Boulden
October 24, 2010
Phyllis H. Burchett October 24, 2010 0
Wonderful portrait work...congrats on your POTD Vickie! #8992810Vickie L. Holt October 24, 2010 0
Leslie: Thanks! It's something I actually encourage other photographers to do at their local shelter. I have proven that better photos on a website get animals adopted. After all, people shop online FIRST, and only go out to a shelter if they see an animal that catches their attention. A huge part of catching someone's attention online is to have a photograph that catches their attention. I breaks my heart to think of how many animals have been euthanized in the past ten years because their online photograph (done by shelter staff) didn't catch anyone's eye. Photography is fast becoming one of the most important tools in animal adoption efforts. Just go to any adoption search engine to see how poor most adoption photographs are. Please volunteer and help me save more.PiperAnne L. Worcester October 24, 2010 0
Wow! WOW at the portrait and WOW at what you do for the shelter animals! #8992818
Sara B Coffey
October 24, 2010
Vickie L. Holt October 24, 2010 0
I've told so much about Catherine and her fellow refugees, but haven't said anything yet about the actual mechanics of the shot! :-) Since the lighting seems to be the feature that so many are mentioning, let me tell you how I did it. An animal shelter is not a studio. It's more like triage. Where most people in shelters tend to use a flash, I use a 100 watt natural-light ligtbulb screwed into a common, clamp-on auto shop light. I take many of the sheter's cat photos in a large plastic bin with lights clamped onto the side, but for photographing cats in cages and carriers, I simply clamp the light onto the opening of the cage and shine it inward. For this shot, completely by accident, the light reflected just right to create the under-exposure due to excessive light. Because the light was so bright, however, Catherine was waiting just under the darkness to be revealed in her beauty. The shot was taken while I was sitting in the floor in front of her carrier, surrounded by other volunteers feeding, watering and cleaning cages. #8992829Vickie L. Holt October 24, 2010 0
Catherine took three amazing shots, actually. The one I will be posting as her adoption photo is the 25th photo in my gallery, and is called "Mysterious". #8992880Michael McCook October 24, 2010 0
Vickie, this is such a beautiful portrait. The sharpness and lighting are wonderful. But to me, the thing that makes it exceptional, is Catherine's expression...or lack of one. There is something about it which strikes an emotional cord within me.Now that I know her story, I understand that look on her face. We have 4 cats, 3 rescue and one stray. Thank you for sharing your story and this fantastic image. Congratulations on your well deserved POTD. Good luck in the contest, I'm sure this is a winner! #8992894
Pamela Koch October 24, 2010 0
Amanda D. Austwick
October 24, 2010
Lee McHugh October 24, 2010 0
Absolutely Outstanding. Beautiful capture. Handsome cat too. #8993016Bunny Snow October 24, 2010 0
I hope the light will guide her into a wonderful home that you and she deserves. You, for capturing the wonderful and stately portrait, executing the well done photoshop work. This is the best and best lighted portrait of an animal I've seen at BP. I look forward to it being in the winner's circle.My prayers will be with Catherine also, that she receives a deserving home with someone that will love and give her the care she needs.
Kathleen Rinker October 24, 2010 0
Beautiful portrait of this kitty, I hope she finds a good home. Congrats on your POTD!! #8993037
Stephanie Halstead
October 24, 2010
Erica Murphy
October 24, 2010
Siete Meeter October 24, 2010 0
Beautiful!!Congrats on your POTD!! #8993213
Jeff Robinson
October 24, 2010
Christine Pentecost October 24, 2010 0
This is an absolutely AWESOME photo! What an interesting story as well, but certainly with a happy ending, or at least it will definitely be a happy ending when she is adopted. Great job!! #8993317Toni Riggs October 24, 2010 0
Gorgeous animal portrait, congrats! #8993320
Nancy L. Green
October 24, 2010
Patricia A. Casey
October 24, 2010
Diana Powell October 24, 2010 0
Most beautiful Cat photo I have seen in a long time, and what a story this cat has. I wish I could take her in, but my two would have a fit :)
Cindy Bendush
October 24, 2010
Virginia L. Allison October 25, 2010 0
Beautiful portrait. Clear eyes and soft fur..love it! #8993582Raymond Pauly October 25, 2010 0
Outstanding! Beautiful cat and portrait! #8993673Deborah A. Ciullo October 25, 2010 0
This truly is outstanding!!! Wonderful lighting! Fantastic job!!! Congratulations on your very well deserved win! Also, thank you for sharing your story. Because of this I am now going to volunteer my services for our local shelter! #8993697Vickie L. Holt October 25, 2010 0
Deborah: THANK YOU!!! If you need any tips on handling shelter furries for quick and easy shots, feel free to ask! Most of the photography I do there, I do without any assistance, so I'm handling the animal and the camera at the same time. It works best this way, actually, as the animal will then have nothing to concentrate on but you. The first thing you might want to get is a rectangular storage bin of about the 100 gallon size (about $10.00 at Wal-mart) and about 3 yards of white fleece. #8994183Richard D. Love October 25, 2010 0
Congratulations, Vickie. Outstanding lighting and comp. Well done.Rick #8994239
Leslie Carson Wolfe October 25, 2010 0
Vickie, I'm interested in checking out the shelter here and seeing if I can help out. Where do I start? #8994464Vickie L. Holt October 25, 2010 0
Leslie: The first thing to do is to contact the shelter and to convince them to let you help. Most shelters are unaware that their poor photography is holding them back and may not be immediately convinced you can do anything to help them. You may want to direct them to angelsofassisi.org to see the work there, and how on so many of their pages, they honor the photography being done. You can let them know that you heard about a place in Virginia that had over a 25% increase in adoption rates when a professional photographer began volunteering. If you (or anyone) would like more information and reference points, please email me! vickieholt@cox.net #8994494Vickie L. Holt October 25, 2010 0
Just to let everyone know how rare having good photography in an animal shelter is: Since I began, I've practically become a celebrity for it in my city. I was recently featured on the news and have been invited to be a guest on a British podcast about photography. I'm also writing a book that will include all the tips, tricks and techniques I have developed to get these kinds of photographs in the challenging atmosphere of a busy animal shelter. I urge everyone to volunteer. It helps to boost your photography business, just through celebrity! #8994523Leslie Carson Wolfe October 25, 2010 0
Thanks for all the helpful ideas. I'm filling out a volunteer application form at this moment! #8994626Stanley C. Sims October 25, 2010 0
Like everyone else, I am in awe. Big congrats on your very well deserved POTD. #8994802Deborah A. Ciullo October 26, 2010 0
Thanks so much for all of the great information Vickie! I am away on vacation until Thursday but as soon as I get back I will be calling my local shelters too! Looking forward to this experience. Will e-mail you when I get back, for more suggestions. Thanks so much! Not only did you win a POTD here, you have also done something wonderful to help some homeless animals!!! #8995744Vickie L. Holt October 26, 2010 0
Deborah: Thanks again! Leslie has already contacted her shelter and they have eagerly asked her to come for a tour. Both of you are great! I can't tell you how big my heart has swollen to know that my efforts to spread the word about shelter photography has finally begun to reach others. This is just the beginning. Until all shelters are no-kill, lets save as many as we can. Thank you, little Catherine! Remind me to give you scritches and pets on Saturday! #8995792Mary K. Robison October 26, 2010 0
Vickie, it's obvious from the enthusiastic response to this image that your skills, both in-camera and in the Digital Darkroom, are outstanding. CONGRATULATIONS on the selection of this regal portrait as a POTD!The back story for Catherine and animal shelter photos is fascinating. The moment she becomes available for adoption, you can bet there'll be a line forming outside the shelter door, with everyone wanting to add her to their family.
Thanks for the wonderful work you do. You're a very special lady. #8996153
Linda Blair October 27, 2010 0
Congratulations on your gorgeous POTD!!!!! #8999411Vickie L. Holt October 27, 2010 0
You've all been so kind and thoughtful in your well-wishes for Catherine that I thought I'd let you all know that we got the all-clear, and she has finally been posted to the adoption website and is available for adoption, along with nearly 100 of her fellow refugees from the same hoarding rescue. If you'd like to see them all, please visit angelsofassisi.org. In the animal list, they are all clearly marked with "Bedford Rescue" after their names. Let the adoptions begin! #8999818Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 28, 2010 0
HUGE congrats on this awesome POTD! #9000188Melissa G. Meiselman November 15, 2010 0
I am very impressed with this shot, Catherine's story and your description of how you photograph these animals!! Congrats on this exquisite finalist, Vickie!!! #9036910Leslie Carson Wolfe November 15, 2010 0
Congratulations on your Finalist award, Vickie! #9037059
Deborah Lewinson
November 16, 2010
Debby #9038118
Merna L. Nobile November 16, 2010 0
I would personally like to congratulate you on your winning photograph for October, 2010 and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Merna Nobile #9038369
Kathy Salerni
November 16, 2010
Mary K. Robison November 16, 2010 0
Congratulations on your well earned Finalist/POTD, Vickie! Such a beautiful capture! #9040258Shawn Jennings November 16, 2010 0
Fantastic! Congratulations on your finalist, Vickie! #9041679
Judy V. Kennamer
November 17, 2010
Bojan Bencic
November 17, 2010
Kathy Salerni
November 17, 2010
Maria Morrow November 17, 2010 0
Outstanding image, beautiful light on your beautiful subject. Congratulations! #9045980
Mary Beth Aiello
November 17, 2010
Nancyj E. Hovey
November 17, 2010
PiperAnne L. Worcester November 18, 2010 0
You deserved this! Congratultions on such a fantastic image! #9046584Michael Umbreit November 18, 2010 0
Vickie - Congratulations!! - Mike #9046588
Amanda D. Austwick
November 18, 2010
JO ANN CLEVELAND November 18, 2010 0
BIG Congrats on a spectacular First Place Winner Vickie!!jo ann c. #9046894
Melissa McCabe November 18, 2010 0
Fantastic image, congrats! -mm #9047478Mary K. Robison November 18, 2010 0
So happy to see Catherine again, this time with her well earned golden award, Vickie!
Evy Johansen
November 19, 2010
Sara B Coffey
November 19, 2010
Linda Blair November 19, 2010 0
Gorgeous winner...congratulations!!!! #9051973Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 20, 2010 0
It is great to see this image in the winner's circle Vickie, congratulations on your win! #9052393
Cindy Bendush
November 20, 2010
Stanley C. Sims November 21, 2010 0
Congratulations Vickie. This deserves the gold. #9054397
Usman M. Bajwa
November 21, 2010
UB. #9054547
Vickie L. Holt November 22, 2010 0
Thank you everyone for your congratulations, admiration and well wishes for little Catherine. I'm so happy she has inspired you. I hope she can also inspire at least some of you to visit your local shelter and offer yourself as a volunteer so you can help save more just like her. #9056966Phyllis H. Burchett November 22, 2010 0
Congrats on this wonderful winner Vickie! #9057552Vickie L. Holt December 04, 2010 0
Hello everyone! And thanks! Just to let you all know - Catherine was adopted on Thursday, 12/02! She went home with another of the Bedford County kitties. Happy ending! #9080258JO ANN CLEVELAND June 28, 2011 0
Totally gorgeous Vickie! I love this..who would think this was an adoptable pet??Congratulations...you are inspiring me to get involved!
jo ann c. #9492369
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