Low Flyer

© Bob D. Hall

Low Flyer

Uploaded: March 24, 2010 11:25:06


Male Brown Pelican dressed in mating feathers flying low.

Exif: F Number: 20, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: NIKON D200


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe March 24, 2010 0

Outstanding capture of this handsome Pelican Bob! Jeff #1251582

Bob D. Hall level-classic March 24, 2010 0

Thanks, Jeff! #8477076

Joannie Bertucci level-classic April 01, 2010 0

This really should get a Finalist, the lighting is amazing! You've captured the light painting the pelican! #8501197

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 01, 2010 0

From your lips to God's ears!!!
Thanks! #8501424

Ellen Hodges April 19, 2010 0

Congrats and very best luck with this fabulous finalist, Bob!! #8544491

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 19, 2010 0

Thanks, Ellen!! #8545321

Joannie Bertucci level-classic April 19, 2010 0

I told you so! :-)
Congratulations Bob! #8547285

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 19, 2010 0

Thanks, Joannie!! #8547883

April 19, 2010 0

Beautiful background and capture of the pelican. #8550407

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 19, 2010 0

Thank you! #8550586

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 19, 2010 0

Big Congrats Bob on your Fantastic Finalist!! Jeff #8551493

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 20, 2010 0

Thanks, Jeff! #8551894

Leland N. Saunders level-deluxe April 20, 2010 0

Great photo, Bob. Congratulations !

Lee #8553855

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 20, 2010 0

Thanks, Leland! #8554130

Claudia Kuhn level-classic April 20, 2010 0

Congratulations on a fine capture and win Bob! #8555555

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Thanks, Claudia! #8555714

Joannie Bertucci level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Ok, I didn't predict the gold badge but it so deserved this honor, congratulations Bob! #8556680

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Huge CONGRATZ. on getting Golden, Bob.

UB. #8556839

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Thanks, Joannie and Usman! #8557668

Patrick Rouzes level-classic April 21, 2010 0

CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing Winner, Bob! WTG! #8558102

Rona L. Schwarz April 21, 2010 0

Wonderful capture of this pelican, Bob! The lighting is just awesome!! I've shot a lot of these (not flying!) and this is just superb! CONGRATULATIONS on your Gold Winner! #8558491

Lana Arcemont April 21, 2010 0

Congratulations on this well deserved win! Great capture of this pelican in flight! #8559271

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Thank you, Patrick, Rona and Lana! #8559429

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Awesome.....Congrats on your win! #8559603

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 22, 2010 0

Thanks, Linda! #8559976

Erica Murphy level-classic April 23, 2010 0

Congratulations Bob!! This is beautiful! #8562765

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 23, 2010 0

Thanks, Erica! #8562779

Ellen Hodges April 25, 2010 0

Huge congrats on this beautiful winner, Bob!! #8567545

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 25, 2010 0

Thanks, Ellen! #8567851

Rosemary Sampson level-classic April 27, 2010 0

Wonderful photo. Love the details and the steaks of light. A well deserves win! #8573154

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 27, 2010 0

Thanks, Rosemary! #8573273

Bob D. Hall level-classic April 27, 2010 0

Thanks, Rosemary! #8573277

March 23, 2016 0

I love the lighting in this shot. Amazing! #11450312

March 23, 2016 0

I love the lighting in this shot. Amazing! #11450314

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