Calm Fascination

© Asaad Al-Kharusi

Calm Fascination

Uploaded: January 25, 2010 13:22:39


It was a strange destiny made me drive 350 km from Muscat, capital of Oman to attend a traditional commercial market event. This event usually comes before each of the both Eids and this one was for the holly month (Ramadan). While I was having a look and trying to capture something unique, I saw this little 5 years old kid with his few for sale goats. He was very calm and wondering about this man holding his camera to shoot him. He just gave this gesture and I couldn’t stop my self from continuously freezing him.

Exif: F Number: 16, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 120.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300


Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict January 25, 2010 0

I love this Assad, is this from Oman?

Dominick #1230932

Debra P. Chenault level-classic January 28, 2010 0

Wonderful image, Assad. #8335753

Asaad Al-Kharusi January 30, 2010 0

Thank you very much Dominik & Debra.

Dominik .. yes he is an Omani little kid. He is from a place called Al Kamil and took this shot at Eid time. #8341354

Tess L. Yee February 22, 2010 0

Congrats on this really wonderful finalist, Asaad...excellent capture. #8406956

Katarina Mansson February 24, 2010 0

Fantastic portrait! Love his expression and the contact you have established. Congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round! #8411734

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 25, 2010 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Asaad. Hope to see it get Golden!!

UB. #8414336

Rolando Rosito February 25, 2010 0

Great Win! Congratulations Asaad! #8415950

Katarina Mansson February 26, 2010 0

So happy to see this with a golden badge! Congratulations again! #8417501

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Yes. A beautiful WINNER, Asaad!!

UB. #8417530

Tess L. Yee February 26, 2010 0

Congrats, excited that this earned a gold badge! #8418295

Asaad Al-Kharusi February 27, 2010 0

Thank you very much everybody for your congrats ..

It is my great pleasure to be the Second Winner in my first round at Betterphoto.

Many thanks again. #8419551

Anne McKinnell March 02, 2010 0

Outstanding!! Congratulations on your winner! #8425673

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict March 31, 2010 0

Congratulations Asaad on your Fine Winner, love it!!!!!

Dominick #8499187

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