
Uploaded: January 25, 2010 09:48:01


2nd Place Flowers January 2010.

For the PG101 High Key Theme.

Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 macro lens, tripod, natural window light, diffusor, reflector.
Raw conversion and basic adjustments in Bridge and CS3.

Exif: F Number: 10, Exposure Bias Value: 1.33, ExposureTime: 1/6 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 30D


Nikki McDonald level-classic January 25, 2010 0

This is stunning, Katarina. I love the subtle shadows of the background and the way the hints of green help us identify the flowing, graceful lines of the flower. Lovely theme entry. #1230820

Katarina Mansson January 25, 2010 0

Dr. Silly
Beautiful theme photo. :O)
1/25/2010 2:45:48 AM

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic January 25, 2010 0

Oh so loverly! #8327647

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict January 25, 2010 0

Great florals and composition, Katta, HTD!!!!

Dominick #8327852

Joy Rector January 25, 2010 0

beautiful #8327877

Monnie Ryan January 25, 2010 0

Simply gorgeous, Katarina! #8328125

Jane Holestine January 25, 2010 0

Gorgeous, Katarina. You captured the softness of this beautifully. HTD! #8328311

Joan Powell January 25, 2010 0

lovely , looks like a water color #8328744

Mitch Spence level-classic January 25, 2010 0

Delicacy is the word that first occurs to me here, Katarina, from the gentle tones of the background to the glow of the white to the understated touches of green. Lovely. #8328839

Bunny Snow January 25, 2010 0

Delicate is my first thought, as well, Katarina. Mitch said it best and I agree, it is lovely. #8329413

Bunny Snow January 25, 2010 0

Delicate is my first thought, as well, Katarina. Mitch said it best and I agree, it is lovely. #8329415

Leslie McLain level-classic January 26, 2010 0

Beautiful high key image, Katarina. #8330144

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 26, 2010 0

Wonderful use of high key tones and textures Katarina! #8330563

Chuck Bruton level-classic January 26, 2010 0

Beautiful image for high key

wish my 30D did as well.....hum #8331448

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 26, 2010 0

This is getting hard.

Excellent work Katarina!!!

HBTD!!! #8331666

Susana Ms Heide January 26, 2010 0

It's very pretty Katarina! Wonderful detail of this lovely floral! #8332258

Cesar J. La Rosa January 27, 2010 0

Beautiful high-key image, Katarina!!!
Cesar #8332698

Katarina Mansson January 31, 2010 0

Thanks everyone! #8343395

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic February 19, 2010 0

on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #8395883

Cathy Barrows February 19, 2010 0

congrats on your finalist...gorgeous #8396524

Melissa G. Meiselman February 20, 2010 0

Stunning high key photo and wonderful finalist!! Congratulations, Katarina!! #8399115

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 20, 2010 0

congratulations on your gorgeous finalist!!!!! #8399569

Debra R. Harder February 20, 2010 0

WOW, Katarina! This is just PERFECTION! Congratulations on your SUPERB finalist!! Deb #8400989

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 20, 2010 0

Congratulations on your finalist! Captivating! #8401654

Sharon Smith level-classic February 21, 2010 0

So lovely... congrats! #8404099

Lester A. Garcia February 21, 2010 0

Very elegant! Congratulations. #8404500

Elida Gutierrez level-classic February 23, 2010 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist!!!

The best of Luck!!! #8410185

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 25, 2010 0

spectacular win, congrats!!! #8415265

Michelle Alton February 25, 2010 0

A superb floral winner, Katarina. Congratulations! #8415547

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic February 25, 2010 0

on your very deserving Second Place WINNER! 8o) #8415915

Cathy Barrows February 25, 2010 0

Congrats on your 2nd place very pretty #8416226

Debra R. Harder February 25, 2010 0

Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, Katarina, on another OUTSTANDING GOLD WINNER! This is truly BEAUTIFUL!! Deb #8416268

Renee Doyle February 25, 2010 0

Superb high key work Katarina!!! Big congrats on another outstanding winner!! #8416273

Bunny Snow February 26, 2010 0

You were persistent and stayed in there, Katarina, and you won!!!

Congratulations! This is quite lovely. #8416717

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Gorgeous floral capture, Katarina. CONGRATZ on your beautiful WIN!!

UB. #8417340

Ujjwal Mukherjee February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations,Katarina on yet another wonderful Winner!!! #8417456

David Phalen February 26, 2010 0

BIG Congrats on a stunning Winner!! #8418400

Sharon Smith level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Congrats again on this beautiful image! #8418821

Michael Umbreit February 27, 2010 0

Katarina - Congrats again!! - Mike #8419896

Susana Ms Heide February 28, 2010 0

Your talent never ceases to amaze me Katarina!!!Your wins are always so well deserved! CONGRATULATIONS again!!! :o)) #8421128

Datha Y. Thompson February 28, 2010 0

B E A U T I F U L ! ! ! #8421259

Sharon Day March 01, 2010 0

Beautiful image, Katarina!! Congratulations again! #8422818

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict March 31, 2010 0

Congratulations Katarina on your Win!!!!

Dominick #8499190

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