Retired yet Again
Uploaded: January 24, 2010 04:59:01
Playing with texture overlays.....This image was featured in the March '11 issue of Color magazine.
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 10/1600 seconds, Flash: did not fire., White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: NIKON D70
Nikki McDonald
January 24, 2010
Chuck Bruton
January 24, 2010
Sherry Karr Adkins
January 27, 2010
Connie L. Carpenter February 21, 2010 0
terrific image....congratulations on your finalist #8402891
Sharon Smith
February 21, 2010
Katarina Mansson February 24, 2010 0
Going straight into my favorites! Love the POV, colors and textures. Congratulations on your finalist and good luck next! #8412368
Sherry Karr Adkins
February 25, 2010
Renee Doyle February 25, 2010 0
Beautiful dd work!! Congratulations on this wonderful winner Sherry! #8416229
Usman M. Bajwa
February 26, 2010
UB. #8417242
Katarina Mansson February 26, 2010 0
I just love this and am so happy to see it with a golden badge! Congratulations on your winner Sherry! #8417432
Sharon Smith
February 26, 2010
Michael Umbreit February 27, 2010 0
Sherry - Congratulations on your win!! - Mike #8419884Susana Ms Heide February 28, 2010 0
Sherry, and OUTSTANDING winner!!!! Many Congratulations to you!! #8421122Datha Y. Thompson February 28, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your Awesome Winner Sherry LOVE it :) #8421252Anne McKinnell March 02, 2010 0
The textures look great. Congratulations on your winner! #8425657
Cindy Bendush
March 24, 2010
Nancyj E. Hovey
March 24, 2010
Dr Silly
March 24, 2010
Judy Tillson March 24, 2010 0
I'd like to add my CONGRATULATIONS for this outstanding image and well-deserved Gold. WTG Sherry! #8477484Daniella Puente March 24, 2010 0
I see this in my mail (DD#84) and is really great Sherry :) congrats on the winner and the featured! #8477515Rona L. Schwarz March 24, 2010 0
Congrats on the feature in DD, Sherry! And to the Winner! Glad I caught this - the textures are terrific! #8477726Anne McKinnell March 24, 2010 0
Beautiful textures and POV Sherry! Congrats on your feature in digital darkroom! #8477886
Sherry Karr Adkins
March 25, 2010
Chris Budny
March 25, 2010
Sherry Karr Adkins
March 25, 2010
Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 25, 2010 0
Congratulations on your win and feature Sherry! Great work! #8478731
Dominick M. Dimacale
March 31, 2010
Dominick #8499194
Sherry Karr Adkins
April 02, 2010
Robert Jensen May 06, 2010 0
Outstanding work #8593292
john forrant
May 06, 2010
Sherry Karr Adkins
May 07, 2010
Carla Capra Anderson May 07, 2010 0
Hi Sherry,
Sherry Karr Adkins
May 07, 2010
Richard D. Love May 07, 2010 0
Beautiful image, Sherry. I really like the light and the textures you added.Rick #8594465
Merna L. Nobile May 07, 2010 0
Hi Sherry: This old timer may be retired, but I am sure it will not be forgotten.Fran J. Jagger May 16, 2010 0
Love the textures! Congrats on your win!! :) #8615063
Sherry Karr Adkins
May 19, 2010
Maxine C. Schnitzer June 15, 2010 0
I just saw this on WEYG and WOW! The image itself is fantastic, but the textures and overlays you added make the shot. #8696831Merna L. Nobile July 29, 2010 0
Daily Photo WinnerMerna L. Nobile August 05, 2010 0
Hi Sherry: I am on a mission to get as many members as I can to enter this month’s contest. The theme is “Reflections” and Carla and I would be honored to have your photograph entered. Thank you for your participation. Merna #8808175
Sherry Karr Adkins
August 10, 2010
Robert Jensen August 12, 2010 0
Just revisiting this one - your classic car work is simply outstanding #8823074
Sherry Karr Adkins
August 22, 2010
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