An umbrella for two

© Stefania Barbier

An umbrella for two

Uploaded: November 04, 2008 07:20:51


father and son. Perugia on a rainy day, Umbria, Italy

Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II


Max Aureli November 04, 2008 0

Stefania, this is a fantastic shot!!! Love the street action and the point of view of the father and son!! Great tones on this BW!!! Brava mom wife and aunt!! :-)) #1028828

Stefania Barbier level-classic November 04, 2008 0

Ann J. Przyojski

Contact Ann
Ann's Premium Gallery

member since: 1/1/2008 I knew it. I was going to ask if that was you little one until I read the description. Wonderful Father/Son capture, Stef. Love the B&W presentation.
11/3/2008 11:44:35 PM #6704717

Margaret R. Barry November 04, 2008 0

Fantastic capture, Stefania. Great composition, tons and light! #6704800

Troy Gallagher November 04, 2008 0

Great B&W capture Stefania, like the tones, title, and mood.

Troy #6704816

Avril Young November 04, 2008 0

wow great tones...and very creative shot indeed...stunning work and capture Stefania! #6704827

Karen Engelbreth November 04, 2008 0

Wonderful image - love it, Stefania! #6704842

Brett Dolsen November 04, 2008 0

Great tones and composition!!Excellent rainy day capture Stefania!!Brett #6704860

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict November 04, 2008 0

Lovely image done in B/W.

Dominick #6704927

Melissa G. Meiselman November 04, 2008 0

Fantastic street scene so well done in black and white with wonderful tones and composition, Stefania!! #6705000

Yulianto Soeroso November 04, 2008 0

fantastic the clever people you got stefania hehehe
humanist and street foto nice and I never got such founded #6705001

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 04, 2008 0

Lovely street scene. Super pov, too.

UB. #6705017

Vitor Dias November 04, 2008 0

Super foto, very well done Stefania, congts.

rgs Vitor #6705018

Michelle Alton November 04, 2008 0

This is a wonderful image...even untouched. But your treatments are exactly perfect! Great work! #6705107

Hendrik Storme November 04, 2008 0

Wonderful moody capture!!! #6705111

William C. Raco level-classic November 04, 2008 0

Very good perspective and presentation, Stefania #6705147

Mike Clime November 04, 2008 0

Excellent POV and I like the tones, Stefania! #6705151

Ray Clarke November 04, 2008 0

Lovely composition and capture Stefania.!!!(R) #6705181

Tiia Vissak November 04, 2008 0

great tones, pov & mood! #6705198

Bill Wyatt November 04, 2008 0

Terrific high key image with great tone and composition! #6705233

Carol Sawyer November 04, 2008 0

Fantastic B&W capture, Stefania! #6705253

Deb Koskovich November 04, 2008 0

Wow, great presentation with the high key background, love the way father & son stand out. #6705262

Paul E. Earl November 04, 2008 0

Wonderful, Stefania!! #6705303

Anna Diederich November 04, 2008 0

Stefania, I love this!!! #6705309

Joy Rector November 04, 2008 0

love this shot #6705628

Stephen Zacker November 04, 2008 0

Fun capture. Making the best of a wet day #6705729

Kumiko Parkinson November 04, 2008 0

Great eye, wonderful capture and treatment, wow, I love this, Stefania!!! #6705898

Sherry L. Davis November 04, 2008 0

Great capture and work, Stefania! Love it! #6706047

Jim Baines level-classic November 04, 2008 0

Excellent composition and tones, Stef! Very nice! #6706103

Nadine A. Lewis November 04, 2008 0

PERFECT in high-key b&w capture, Stefania!!! FANTASTIC image!!!! <>< #6706502

David Phalen November 04, 2008 0

What a great Dad!! Excellent clarity and tones in this outstanding High Key image!! #6706610

Jennifer L. Taranto November 04, 2008 0

WOW - those tones, such fantastic contrast, I just love the way they stand out!! soooo sweet!! perfetto!! #6706968

Amber J. Skene November 04, 2008 0

Great POV and tones! #6707059

Nadya Johnson November 04, 2008 0

Great capture of a fabulous moment, Stef!! And I really like your high-key treatment here, as well! #6707062

John Connolly November 04, 2008 0

Love this high key street scene Stefania! A superb presentation! #6707255

Jillian Danielson November 04, 2008 0

Stephina, this is soooooo cute!! Wonderful job! #6707309

November 04, 2008 0

wonderful street capture!!!

daniele #6707508

Kim Dietrich Elam November 04, 2008 0

great image - to become a sentimental keepsake, I'm sure! #6707654

November 04, 2008 0

I love this shot Stefania! Great tones and lighting!! #6707747

Beverley Scott November 04, 2008 0

I love the title, composition and high key treatment of this image. Great job. #6707763

Barbara Waldoch November 04, 2008 0

Wonderful shot and effects, Stef! #6707770

Angela Azzinnaro November 04, 2008 0

I LOVE THIS Stef!!!!! #6707860

Anita Hogue November 04, 2008 0

A fantastic street scene, Stefania!!! #6708117

Eugenio Diaz November 05, 2008 0

WOOOOW!!! Stunning shot, excellent B&W lovely light, love it #6708249

April Riggs November 05, 2008 0

A special shot! #6708805

Teresa Burnett level-classic November 05, 2008 0

What a wonderful capture, Stefania!! Love seeing dads with the kids!! Love the tones and lighting in this shot!! #6708835

Lorraine A. Cook November 05, 2008 0

Awwww...Now that's using your head and shoulders, Stefania!<:)) Beautiful capture in B+W!

I was unable to access BP last night to comment<:(( #6709096

ROLAN NARMAN November 05, 2008 0

Fantastic B & W image Stefania! Beautiful find, great tones and ligting! Excellent work! #6709321

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer November 05, 2008 0

Very creative photo, Stefania. Wonderful perspective and dof. #6709404

Robert K. Bemus level-classic November 05, 2008 0

Great tones and capture-- love the raindrops too, Stefania!! #6709553

Manuel Barrera November 05, 2008 0

tells a story by itself, no words needed, that is what photography should be about, hope to see it again #6710001

Angela Pound November 05, 2008 0

Stefania this is one of my fav photos that you have taken. I just love this. WONDERFUL. #6711028

Laurence Saliba level-classic November 05, 2008 0

Oh this is so cute Stefania!!!! #6711985

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 05, 2008 0

I love the wonderful focus here Stefania, this is so well taken, I bet we see this again!! <>< #6712499

Patricia Ronan November 05, 2008 0

Gorgeous! I love it Stefania:) #6713056

Gena L. Talbot November 06, 2008 0

Such a great capture Stefania!!! Wonderful in every way! :) Smiles Gena #6716295

Claudia Kuhn level-classic November 06, 2008 0

Wonderful Stefania, love your comp and tones. #6717571

Nikki McDonald level-classic November 06, 2008 0

Great capture and the conversion and background treatment are superb, Stef. I love this. #6717603

Nancy (Peaches) Harker November 06, 2008 0

WHat a beautiful capture Stefania, I really like this! Sweet! #6717713

Bill Knaps November 07, 2008 0

Great B & W Capture Stefania. Bill #6718849

Susie Peek-Swint November 07, 2008 0

This is such a fun capture Stefania ~ well seen and captured! #6719441

Marisol Pastor level-classic November 07, 2008 0

Fantastic capture Stefania. Love the theme, the choice of B&W and the tones. #6721424

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic November 07, 2008 0

Lovely capture Stefania!,
Amalia #6721879

Stefania Barbier level-classic November 08, 2008 0

thank you so much for your comments everyone, I truly appreciate them! #6723211

Lorna Shutter November 08, 2008 0

You've captured a very special moment in time here, Stefania! Love the softness of the background (or is it the foreground since they are facing the other way? LOL!) and the clarity of your wonderful subjects! Looks like a busy street! Excellent work! :) #6724265

Stefania Barbier level-classic November 08, 2008 0

thank you Lorna! #6724329

Debra R. Harder November 08, 2008 0

OMGOSH, Stefania! This is absolutely incredible! WINNER all the way...and going into my favs! Brilliant work girl!! Deb #6724875

Stefania Barbier level-classic November 08, 2008 0

thank you Debra! #6724918

Laurence Saliba level-classic December 15, 2009 0

Ahhhh GREAT!! You did well to resubmit this one!! It will have its credit now, Congrats again!!!! #8218128

Tammy Espino December 15, 2009 0

Big Congrats on this great capture!! :) #8218473

Courtenay Vanderbilt December 16, 2009 0

Awesome, Stef, CONGRATULATIONS! #8218895

Deborah Lewinson level-addict December 16, 2009 0

Congrats again Stef, love this image!

Debby #8219216

Amy M. Wilson December 16, 2009 0

Congratulations on your excellent Finalist, Stefania!!! #8219820

Chris Henning level-classic December 16, 2009 0

Love this, Stef!! Congrats on your finalist! #8219886

Christine Lobsinger level-classic December 16, 2009 0

Hi Stef, CONGRATS TO YOU MY FRIEND... A lovely Finalist image you made...

Becky J. Parkinson level-classic December 16, 2009 0

I missed this one before and it is just wonderful! Congratulations on the much deserved finalist! This is a very tender image and I like the high key b&w treatment! #8220779

Lorna Shutter December 16, 2009 0

I love this one, Stef! CONGRATULATIONS on your well-deserved Finalist Award!!! WTG, girl!!!!! :) #8220809

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic December 16, 2009 0


UB. #8220976

Ujjwal Mukherjee December 16, 2009 0

That's double the delight!!
Huge congratulations, Stef!!! #8221191

Hendrik Storme December 16, 2009 0

Congratulations Stef!!! #8221395

ROLAN NARMAN December 16, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on this lovely finalist Stef! #8221846

Ken Smith level-classic December 16, 2009 0

Awesome, Stef...glad to see this one!! #8222273

Gina Cormier December 16, 2009 0

Congrats Stef on this awesome image!!!! #8222582

Julianne Bradford December 16, 2009 0

Great idea and composition Stefania! Congratulations, this is awesome! #8222742

Margaret R. Barry December 16, 2009 0

Congratulations on another fantastic finalist, Stefania! #8223028

Christian Rosito December 16, 2009 0

Congratulations Stefania, excellent B&W work!!! #8223167

Debra R. Harder December 16, 2009 0

This is one of my favorites, Stef...and should be a GOLD WINNER in my view. Congratulations on your outstanding finalist!! Deb #8223180

Anita Hogue December 16, 2009 0

A fabulous high key street image Stefania! Congratulations! #8223358

December 16, 2009 0

A very Big HUGE CONGRATS to you Stefania for your Finalist Pick. A Very Well deserved Picture you have here. I wish you the very best in the next round. I too am in the running


Ann Coates level-classic December 17, 2009 0

I seem to have missed this one. I can see why it got a finalist. Huge congratulations Stefania. #8224536

Sharon Sawyer December 17, 2009 0

WTG, Stef!!! Another terrific and well deserved finalist!!! All the best in the next round. #8224815

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic December 17, 2009 0


on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #8224915

Robert K. Bemus level-classic December 17, 2009 0

Congratulations on your 3 Finalists, Stefania-- best of luck in the next round!! #8225510

Max Aureli December 17, 2009 0

LOL I remember this image!!! Congratulations for this fantastic Finalist, Stefania!!! :-)) #8225961

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe December 17, 2009 0

Truly a favorite image of mine, Stefania!!
Congratulations on your finalists!!
KK #8226471

Kristi A. Howson December 17, 2009 0

Congratulations on this wonderful and best of luck in the next round! Great shot and amazing B&W conversion Stef! #8226580

Mitch Spence level-classic December 17, 2009 0

Great shot, great treatment, Stefania. Congratulations on the finalist. #8226826

Toni Riggs December 17, 2009 0

Congratulations!!! #8227464

Aimee S. McMaster December 18, 2009 0

....congratulations on this wonderful finalist Stef....Aimee #8227773

Stefania Barbier level-classic December 18, 2009 0

thank you all for your comments and support! #8228569

Nikki McDonald level-classic December 19, 2009 0

Wonderful capture and I love the effects, Stef. Congratulations on the well-deserved finalist. #8231819

Stefania Barbier level-classic December 19, 2009 0

thank you Nikki!!! #8232201

Marisol Pastor level-classic January 03, 2010 0

Congratulations! #8267093

Stefania Barbier level-classic January 03, 2010 0

thank you Marisol! #8267275

Tiia Vissak February 19, 2010 0

Congratulations! #8396030

Erica Murphy level-classic February 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your excellent finalist Stefania! #8396108

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic February 19, 2010 0

on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #8396322

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 19, 2010 0

Great shot, Stef -- I'll bet you smiled when you saw this one :) Congratulations on the finalist and good luck in the next round. #8396519

Mitch Spence level-classic February 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your delightful finalist, Stef. #8396720

Renee Doyle February 19, 2010 0

Once again Stef ... big congratulations!! #8396795

Linda D. Lester level-classic February 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your finalist! Good luck in the next round! !!!!!! #8396860

Courtenay Vanderbilt February 19, 2010 0


Schiavonn M. Hasslinger February 19, 2010 0

Beautiful work!!! #8397570

Amy M. Wilson February 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your excellent Finalist, Stefania!! #8397695

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 20, 2010 0

Congrats Stefania on your Outstanding Finalist! Jeff #8397932

Val Feldman level-classic February 20, 2010 0

An absolutely wonderful and sweet capture, Stef...huge congrats - WTG! #8397937

Patti Coblentz February 20, 2010 0

This is wonderful, Steph...congratulations!!

Patti #8398078

Aimee S. McMaster February 20, 2010 0

...and again......congratulations on this beautiful & touching finalist, Stef.... #8398127

Max Aureli February 20, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania on this great Finalist!! :-)) #8398146

Deborah Lewinson level-addict February 20, 2010 0

Wonderful finalist, Stef!

Debby #8398340

Ken Smith level-classic February 20, 2010 0

Way to go, Stef!! Congrats to you!! #8398733

Christine Lobsinger level-classic February 20, 2010 0

Congrats again Stef...


Laurence Saliba level-classic February 20, 2010 0

Congrats again Stefania!! Missed this yesterday cos it already had a badge I guess!! :) #8399448

Laura E. Swan level-classic February 20, 2010 0


On Your FANTASTIC Finalist, Stef! How neat is that, that it's even your FAMILY here?!

-Lala :D #8399675

Mary K. Robison February 20, 2010 0

This is SO sweet, Stef!
Congratulations on its selection as a finalist, and best of luck next level with it, and your other deserving finalists!! #8399829

Lynne Morris February 20, 2010 0

Love it Stef, congratulations on this and all your other finalists. #8399833

Beverley Scott February 20, 2010 0

So glad to see this again, huge congrats Stefania! #8399857

Mukesh Srivastava February 20, 2010 0

Great high key work,Stef!!!! Huge congratulations on yet another Finalist Win!!!!!! #8400702

Cindy Bendush level-classic February 20, 2010 0

Superb finalist Stef! Excellent editing work! #8401090

Debra R. Harder February 20, 2010 0

This will always be one of my favs, Stef! Huge congratulations on another SUPERB finalist. Hoping for GOLD on this!! Deb #8401303

Stephen Zacker February 20, 2010 0

Makes you smile :-) Congratulations #8401350

Lorna Shutter February 20, 2010 0

I'm a little confused ... Did you resubmit this one and get a Finalist Award AGAIN, Stef??? If so, CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN, my friend!!!!! LOL! :)
Photobucket #8401539

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic February 20, 2010 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist. Well taken and well deserved. #8401903

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 21, 2010 0

Nicely seen Stef! Congratulations on your finalist! #8402498

Ann Coates level-classic February 21, 2010 0

This is gorgeous Stefania, congratulations on your finalist award. #8402598

ROLAN NARMAN February 21, 2010 0

Huge Congratulations on your gorgeous finalist Stefy! I'm glad you put it back! #8402852

Kathy Coombs February 21, 2010 0

Congrats! #8403219

Maria A. Gonzalez February 21, 2010 0

Congratulations on this beautiful portrait and captured moment... #8403384

Anita Hogue February 21, 2010 0

A fantastic high key street scene! Such a delightful image! Congratulations, Stefania! #8404882

a2o akmal aini othman level-classic February 22, 2010 0

awesome! Congrats Steff! #8405968

Katarina Mansson February 22, 2010 0

I love this one!!! Congratulations Stefania! #8406160

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 25, 2010 0

CONGRATZ again on this very beautiful Finalist, Stef!

UB. #8414039

Laurence Saliba level-classic February 25, 2010 0

A BIG Congratulations Stefania!!! I am sure you are so proud of this image!! WTG!!!! #8415242

Gail Vitikacs level-classic February 25, 2010 0


Deborah Lewinson level-addict February 25, 2010 0

Hardy congrats, Stef, on your awesome winner!
Debby #8415303

Michelle Alton February 25, 2010 0 I'm it "hardy" or "hearty?" Or maybe it's all the same?

Anyway, congratulations on this wonderfully unusual street capture. It is definitely a winner from the start! #8415351

Dr Silly level-classic February 25, 2010 0

Congrats on your wonderful fun Gold, Stefania. :O) #8415379

Kelly S. Cavanaugh February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations on your fantastic win, Stefania! #8415416

Max Aureli February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania on this fantastic Winner!! :-)) #8415417

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 25, 2010 0

I know you must be ecstatic to see this particular image win, Stef. Huge CONGRATZ. on getting Golden!!

UB. #8415463

Jeana Clark February 25, 2010 0

Huge Congrats for this
Fantastic Winner Stef!!!

~J~ #8415580

Amy M. Wilson February 25, 2010 0

Huge congratulations on your fabulous Win, Stefania!!! #8415587

Mitch Spence level-classic February 25, 2010 0

I love this image, Stef. Congratulations to you. #8415592

Aimee S. McMaster February 25, 2010 0

...knew it...congratulations on this awesome winner Stef..... #8415613

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Stefania. #8415658

Sheila D. Robertson February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania. This is beautiful as well as touching. #8415705

Mike Clime February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations on your winner! #8415710

Courtenay Vanderbilt February 25, 2010 0

Big Congratulations, Stef!! #8415750

Tiia Vissak February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations! #8415751

Bojan Bencic level-classic February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania! #8415782

Jennifer L. Alder February 25, 2010 0

A wonderful win, Stef! CONGRATS :) #8415830

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 25, 2010 0

Wonderful Stef, congrats on your winner! #8415867

Val Feldman level-classic February 25, 2010 0

So happy to congratulate you on this wonderful capture and WIN, Stef! WTG! #8415922

Brett Dolsen February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations on your wonderfull winner Stefania! #8415947

Gina Cormier February 25, 2010 0

Hugh congrats Stef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #8416031

Lorraine A. Cook February 25, 2010 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS on this adorable capture, Stefania!!<:)) #8416041

Rona L. Schwarz February 25, 2010 0

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful GOLD WINNER, Stefania! It is a terrific street scene and beautifully done. #8416157

Cathy Barrows February 25, 2010 0

Congrats on your 2nd place it #8416179

Renee Doyle February 25, 2010 0

Beautiful work Stef!!!! Congratulations!! #8416197

Debra R. Harder February 25, 2010 0

I'm so happy to see GOLD on this one, Stef!!! WHOOOO-HOOOO! Huge congratulations on your SUPERB GOLD WINNER!! Deb #8416204

Ellen Hodges February 25, 2010 0

Huge congrats on a fabulous winner, Stef!!! #8416216

John Connolly February 25, 2010 0

Congratulations on your win, Stefania! This is well deserved indeed! #8416261

Anita Hogue February 25, 2010 0

This has to be a very special win for you! Congratulations, Stefania! An awesome capture for sure!!! #8416341

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 25, 2010 0

A delightful capture with stunning post processing, Stef. Congratulations on the win. #8416355

Erin Appelbaum February 25, 2010 0

Awesome winner Stefania. Congrats. Peter #8416382

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations on your winning photo Stef!!! #8416471

Bob Cournoyer level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Way to go, Stefania!! #8416507

Ken Smith level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Awesome, Stef!! Congrats to you!! #8416558

Barbara Waldoch February 26, 2010 0

Congratultaions on your beautiful Win, Stef! #8416573

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 26, 2010 0

WTG on this fantastic winner, Stefania!!! :-) k #8416583

Sharon Sawyer February 26, 2010 0

Stefania, HUGE congratulations on your family's winning image. WTG!!! #8416888

Tammy Espino February 26, 2010 0

Congrats!!! #8416897

Mukesh Srivastava February 26, 2010 0

Huge congrats on this fantastic GOLD,Stef!!!!! #8416919

Graham Robards February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania, you must be so thrilled. Your son looks so cute! ~Pat #8416939

Lorna Shutter February 26, 2010 0

A W E S O M E !!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your Second Place Win, Stefania!!!!! You Go,Girl!!! :)
Photobucket #8417021

Christine Lobsinger level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Excellent Stef... CONGRATS TO YOU MY FRIEND!!!

SMILING #8417062

Beverley Scott February 26, 2010 0

Huge congratulations, Stefania - I knew this just had to be a winner!!! #8417323

Manuel Barrera February 26, 2010 0

Great big congratulations, Stefania, well deserved #8417417

Ujjwal Mukherjee February 26, 2010 0

Huge congratulations,Stef!!!! #8417431

Katarina Mansson February 26, 2010 0

YEDAH! Congratulations on your superb winner Stefania! #8417464

Chua Wee Boo February 26, 2010 0

Huge congrats on this awesome winner,Stef!!! #8417532

Stephen Zacker February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations Stef #8417604

Boyd L. Alexander February 26, 2010 0

A BIG Congratulations on your stunning First Place Win Stef!!(What a great photo of your Son!) #8417826

Jean-Pierre Ducondi February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations Stef !
JP #8417903

Nadine A. Lewis February 26, 2010 0

So worth the win, Stefania!!! EXCEPTIONAL image!!! CONTRATULATIONS!!! <>< #8418073

Nancy J. Locke February 26, 2010 0

A PERFECT capture, Stefania!!! What a family heirloom this will make!!!

What did you son say when he first saw this AWESOME photo? Does he want to become a photographer?


Hugs, Nancy J L #8418221

Jessica Jenney February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations, Stefania on your fabulous win! #8418365

David Phalen February 26, 2010 0

BIG Congrats on a fabulous Winner!! #8418366

Erica Murphy level-classic February 26, 2010 0

Congratulations on your lovely winner Stefania! #8418478

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton February 26, 2010 0

Nice work here! Congratulations on your Winner Stef!! #8418539

Ann Coates level-classic February 27, 2010 0

Congratulations on your outstanding winner Stefania. #8418966

Janice Mezzacappa February 27, 2010 0

Awww Stef huge congrats on this amazing high-key image and fantastic winner....such emotions so beautiful!!! #8419224

Sam Britt February 27, 2010 0

Big Congrats on your win, Stefania! #8419275

Robert K. Bemus level-classic February 27, 2010 0

Congratulations on your Win, Stefania!! #8419477

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 27, 2010 0

thank you everyone! #8419485

Mary K. Robison February 27, 2010 0

Congratulations, Stef! So glad to see this particular photo with a golden badge! #8419517

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 27, 2010 0

thank you Mary! #8420422

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic February 27, 2010 0

Wonderful, Stef!
~♥~Lisa #8420524

Maria A. Gonzalez February 28, 2010 0

Felicitaciones esta fabuloso ese retrato de tu familia....Bello....Stef... #8421161

Datha Y. Thompson February 28, 2010 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your Wonderful WINNER Stefania :) #8421242

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 28, 2010 0

Lisa, Maria, Datha: thank you! #8421355

Cassie L. Woodlee February 28, 2010 0

Congratulation Stef!! #8422608

Rony Sagy March 01, 2010 0

Congratulations Stef. What a well deserving win. #8423032

Stefania Barbier level-classic March 01, 2010 0

Cassie, Rony: thank you :0) #8423094

Kristi A. Howson March 02, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefanie. A real work of art! #8425594

Stefania Barbier level-classic March 02, 2010 0

thank you Kristi! #8425762

Laurie Daily level-deluxe March 06, 2010 0

A belated but none the less heartfelt congrats on this beautiful image, Stef...a fabulous winner!!!! #8435895

Stefania Barbier level-classic March 06, 2010 0

thank you, Laurie! #8436258

Hendrik Storme March 30, 2010 0

Big congrats on this well deserved winner!!! #8496944

Stefania Barbier level-classic March 31, 2010 0

thank you Hendrik! #8499221

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict May 05, 2010 0

Congratulations Stefania on your Win!!!

Dominick #8589737

Stefania Barbier level-classic May 05, 2010 0

thank you Dominick! #8589754

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You learn by doing. Take your next online photography class. All Time Best Photo Contest Finalist Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Stefania Barbier.
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