My beautiful wife! Pretty in Pink. [Fashion Photography & Beauty Photos]

© Josh W. McKenney

My beautiful wife! Pretty in Pink.

Uploaded: March 27, 2005 17:40:31


4.0, 1/8sec, window light on dining room table, early afternoon.

It's hard to get a bad picture when you have a wife as beautiful as mine.


Lynn Crawford March 27, 2005 0

This is a beautiful portrait of your wife Josh, Love the soft colors of her clothing they really blend well with her beautiful complexion, great lighting with the window, good job :) #229615

Wendy Stevenson March 27, 2005 0

Great shot and what a wonderful description to read. I like the casual pose and soft pink tones. Nice job!! #1209890

Kristin M. Morales March 27, 2005 0

great positioning in the frame. I was laughing at the dining room table...that is something I use often as well. congrats on the great picture and beautiful wife. #1210112

Jennifer Rennison March 28, 2005 0

Beautiful lighting and portrait, Josh! Love your description, nicely done! #1210356

Wendy Jones March 28, 2005 0

I really like this shot -- great lighting! And I love the way you compliment your wife as well. #1211997

Melissa L. Zavadil March 29, 2005 0

I love the way that you posed her and the way you composed the shot! You did a great job. The colors really compliment her nicely! Wonderful capture! #1212859

Melissa L. Zavadil April 21, 2005 0

I just knew I would see this one again!! Congrats!! #1274869

Ben M. Trapnell April 21, 2005 0

This is an extremely complimentary photo of a very attractive young woman. What a fantastic effort. I'll bet you are both very happy! #1274955

Kimberly J. Whipps April 21, 2005 0

Hey how did you post this without me seeing it? Josh, I'm so glad you entered this...and I bet you are too! We just talked about this shot the other day and how gorgeous it is. Congratulations. #1275135

Nicole Grimsley April 21, 2005 0

awwww, man, what a great compliment to your wife! What a lucky one she is. Congrats on being a finalist and you're right...beautiful! #1275238

Lynn Crawford April 21, 2005 0

Congrats Josh on being a finalist, I knew this was a winner when I saw it the first time, great job :) #1276024

Marta Azevedo April 21, 2005 0

Good use of wondow light. Congrtas #1276118

Jennifer Rennison April 21, 2005 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Josh! #1277941

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic August 31, 2007 0

Fabulous, Josh!
--Lisa #4727687

November 05, 2007 0

Looks to me like you both did a great job. Congratulations. #5031945

July 05, 2008 0

beautiful shot, I have always like this pose, I try to get most of my models in this similar pose. #6142149

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