+ Photo Time + [Funny Pictures of People]
Uploaded: August 29, 2012 00:16:23
When it's time for the mandatory family photo, there is always someone left out! That, of course, is generally the photographer! This time I managed to include the said person in the image...although unfortunately from the blunt end! Sorry about the wide angle lens, Carolyn!! LOL!!
Category: Monthly Theme ('Sooooo Funny!')
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: -0.70, ExposureTime: 1/1600 seconds, Flash: reserved, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 8.16 mm, Model: XZ-1
David Phalen August 29, 2012 0
I hope Carolyn has a very good sense of humor!! Fun shot!! Love It!! #1483055Phillip R. Connolly August 29, 2012 0
Thanks, David. Carolyn very sportingly suggested that this photo may suit the MT for the month, so I took it as an invitation to use it! LOL!Phil #10294325
Michelle Alton August 29, 2012 0
One thing about the Aussie Connollys...NONE are lacking a DELIGHTFUL sense of humor. I love it...(the photo...not JUST Carolyn's little hiney! #10294333
Ann Coates
August 29, 2012
Katherine Kuhn August 29, 2012 0
POV is pretty much the key here! I'd second your other comments re pay back! #10294378Robert R. Goodman August 29, 2012 0
Hi Phillip,I'm sure she has a great sense of humor.After all,it's only in fun.Great capture my friend!!!!!!! #10294397Susan Williams August 29, 2012 0
Awesome! I bet she's planning a mighty payback, Phillip! If you did that to me, you would no longer have a camera. (Just kidding.) You've captured some great details and isn't that a pretty sky? #10294474Barbara Waldoch August 29, 2012 0
Has she killed you yet? :-) #10294651Mary K. Robison August 29, 2012 0
Phil, the least you could have done is ask Carolyn how much this shot is worth to her, before posting it! LOL!Joy Rector August 29, 2012 0
love this shot! #10295130Tiia Vissak August 29, 2012 0
a great scene! #10297044John Connolly August 29, 2012 0
A great shot Phil, Carolyn is looking well after all her exercise and diet! #10297139JO ANN CLEVELAND August 31, 2012 0
Uhhh ohhhh! Youare in trouble now! lolThat is one more funny picture, Carolyn...we all know you are a beautiful lady though!
jo ann c. #10300617
Lori Carlson August 31, 2012 0
Hahaha!! This is soo funny, Phillip!! Especially since I have been on that "end" of a shot before, so I feel for her!! ha! #10301216Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna September 07, 2012 0
LOLOL...What can I say!!! :-) k #10311947Lorna Shutter September 17, 2012 0
Chris Ebben March 13, 2013 0
You must have really trusted her to take this one AND put it on BP!!! She certainly is a good sport=^..^= #10607483Wm Nosal August 01, 2013 0
So Funny Phillip :) !Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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