The music plays on....

© Christine Pentecost

The music plays on....

Uploaded: June 26, 2009 23:31:25


This old piano seemed to still be playing the tunes. Enhanced slightly in Lightroom and Photoshop CS4.

Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/20 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 800, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 34.00 mm, Model: NIKON D2X


Steve Pinzon level-deluxe June 27, 2009 0

This has so much character and implied history to it. Colors, composition and layout all make it a classic. Nice eye, nice treatment, nice shot! #1146624

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 08, 2009 0


UB. #7716519

Susie Peek-Swint July 08, 2009 0

Great find and treatment Christine ~ many congrats on POTD! #7716537

Karen Engelbreth July 08, 2009 0

Big congrats on your wonderful POTD, Christine... #7716604

Katarina Mansson July 08, 2009 0

What a beautiful find. I love the tones, lines and textures. Very well captured! Congratulations Christine! #7716669

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict July 08, 2009 0

Congratulations Christine on your POTD Win!!!

Dominick #7716892

Karen Celella July 08, 2009 0

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD Christine. This image makes me feel both happy and little sad because I teach piano and it's sad to see a beautiful instrument in such bad shape, but also happy to think it still makes music. I guess everything has a limited life. I bet this piano has an interesting biography. Thanks for the story. #7716916

Patricia A. Casey level-classic July 08, 2009 0

Congratulations, Christine on the POTD....wonderful capture of a fine musical instrument that probably could tell a few stories! #7717059

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic July 08, 2009 0

Christine -- Just outstanding. Huge congrats on this well deserved POTD. #7717389

Kim Kleinschmidt July 08, 2009 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your POTD, Christine! #7717418

Richard D. Love July 08, 2009 0

Congratulations, Christine. Wonderful composition and effects.

Rick #7717629

A P July 08, 2009 0

Congratz on your wonderful POTD #7717661

Joy Rector July 08, 2009 0

congrats on the POTD #7717689

Christine Pentecost July 08, 2009 0

Thank you to all for your kind comments. What a nice surprise to wake up and find the POTD award in my emails.

Christine #7717717

Debra R. Harder July 08, 2009 0

Huge CONGRATULATIONS, Christine, on your BEAUTIFUL POTD!!!! Deb #7718030

Jim Sack July 08, 2009 0

Hi Christine. Very unique image that probably evokes feelings from many! Congratulations! #7718089

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 08, 2009 0

Vintage and beautiful Christine. Congratulations on your POTD! #7719152

Bunny Snow July 09, 2009 0

Love the angle of your capture, as well as the tonality and DOF. Lovely capture.

I was curious about the piano maker, Mehlin & Sons and Googled it. This is what came up.


JudyAnn Rector level-classic July 11, 2009 0

Wonderful image, Christine... CONGRATULATIONS on POTD!! #7726866

Karen Celella July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on your wonderful Finalist Christine. I'm thrilled to see this one again and hope to see it one more time in the winners circle. #7769050

David M. Montero July 22, 2009 0

A big congratulations Christine. I love it!!! #7769977

Julianne Bradford July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on this beautiful winner! Lovely story telling shot #7770020

Karen Celella July 22, 2009 0

You did it Christine! I'm thrilled to be able to congratulate you once again here in the winners circle. #7770662

Eugenio Diaz July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on your OUTSTANDING Winner!!!
AMAZING work here!!!
WTG! #7771517

Christine Pentecost July 23, 2009 0

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments. The day I saw this piano, it just begged to be captured by camera. I could still hear the music playing!

Thank you again.

Christine #7771552

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 23, 2009 0

WTG, Christine. CONGRATULATIONS on this stunning GOLD Winner!

UB. #7772942

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict November 15, 2009 0

Congratulations Christine on your Win!!!

Dominick #8132422

Steve Pinzon level-deluxe November 15, 2009 0

It's always nice to see a classy photo get the recognition it deserves. Great going on your part! #8132570

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