Lemons and Rose

© Colleen Farrell

 Lemons and Rose

Uploaded: June 15, 2009 15:37:31


Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/30 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300


Colleen Farrell June 15, 2009 0

Amy M. Wilson

Contact Amy
Amy's Gallery

member since: 4/1/2008
  Beautiful comp and colors, Colleen!
6/10/2009 4:30:51 PM
Julianna J. Collett

Contact Julianna
Julianna's Gallery

member since: 5/22/2008
Lovely still life Colleen
6/10/2009 4:46:49 PM
Colleen Farrell

Contact Colleen
Colleen's Gallery

member since: 4/13/2004
Thank you, Amy and Julianna!
6/10/2009 5:04:03 PM
Jessica Jenney

Contact Jessica
Jessica's Gallery

member since: 12/2/2005
Gorgeous and elegant still life, Colleen! Fantastic light!
6/10/2009 5:32:23 PM
Ann J. Przyojski

Contact Ann
Ann's Gallery

member since: 1/1/2008
Elegant is the word Jessica for this stunning still life. Beautiful lighting as well. Hey Jessica already said that too. How about MASTERPIECE! There only I said that!!
6/10/2009 5:38:45 PM
Leatha Robinson
Contact Leatha
Leatha's Gallery

member since: 8/15/2006
Very Nice. Love the colors and simplicity
6/10/2009 5:50:33 PM
Vladan D. Djordjevic

Contact Vladan
Vladan's Gallery

member since: 11/13/2006
Fantastic work, Colleen! The colors, effects and idea are superb. A wonderful eye catching image, my friend!
6/10/2009 6:11:37 PM
Janice Mezzacappa

Contact Janice
Janice's Gallery

member since: 1/26/2007
Beautiful lighting, shadows, colors and BG, great work Colleen!
6/10/2009 6:46:19 PM
Deborah C. Lewinson

Contact Deborah
Deborah's Gallery

member since: 12/25/2003
This is so beautiful, Colleen, reminds me of playing cards I used to treasure as a child! Exceptional image with wonderful lighting, arrangement, colors, clarity, and tones!


Lynne Morris June 15, 2009 0

This is absolutely beautiful Colleen, fabulous still life with great light and comp! #7632247

Erin Appelbaum June 15, 2009 0

Outstanding lighting, color and composition on this still life Colleen. Peter #7632388

MELODIE C. ROBERTS June 15, 2009 0

A Stunning Presentation Colleen!!
Gorgeous Lighting and Fantastic Color #7632454

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 15, 2009 0

What a lovely still life Colleen!!! #7632497

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 15, 2009 0

A very impressive still life Colleen! Jeff #7632561

Jodi Zimmer June 15, 2009 0

very pretty image #7632870

Colleen Farrell June 15, 2009 0

Thanks very much, Lynne, Peter, Melodie, Laurence, Jeff and Jodi!

Here are the rest of the comments I received on the first upload:
Joannie M. Bertucci

member since: 2/17/2003
Hi Colleen, it's been awhile since I was here and boy have you got surprises galore! :-)
This still-life has the most amazing light and exposure. I love the quiet beauty you've captured!
6/10/2009 8:45:12 PM
Stefania Barbier

member since: 9/1/2006
exceptional work Colleen... lighting and textures are exquisite!
6/11/2009 12:39:20 AM
Carolyn Fletcher

member since: 10/6/2001
This is lovely!! Great lighting!
6/11/2009 3:52:43 AM
Linda Blair
member since: 8/14/2006
A beautiful still life....great creation and capture!!!!!!
6/11/2009 5:33:28 AM
Marilyn Cornwell

member since: 5/7/2008
Wonderful creation - colours composition and lighting all fabulous!
6/11/2009 5:34:05 AM
Tammy  Espino
member since: 5/29/2007
Well....Whatever else said! :) Awesome!
6/11/2009 6:19:20 AM

Dianna Murphy

member since: 3/20/2006
A gorgeous creation, love the glow.
6/11/2009 9:18:51 AM
Mitch Spence
member since: 3/16/2004
I am so captivated by your masterful control of both composition and light Colleen.
6/11/2009 10:27:27 AM
Julianne Bradford
member since: 3/11/2009
I agree with Mitch. You are the master of the digital still life Colleen. Just like the old masters in paintings. You have the eye for the light.
6/11/2009 10:44:27 AM
Heidi Knight
member since: 11/18/2007
6/11/2009 11:13:00 AM
Beverley Scott
member since: 5/18/2008
Your still lifes are absolutely stunning, Colleen, and this is no exception! Beautiful work!
6/13/2009 5:03:52 AM
Leslie McLain

Contact Leslie
Leslie's Gallery

member since: 5/7/2007
Beautiful still life, Colleen. The light is fantastic.
6/13/2009 5:26:49 AM
Colleen Farrell

Contact Colleen
Colleen's Gallery

member since: 4/13/2004
Thank you so much, everybody!
6/13/2009 5:10:05 PM
Susan M. Campbell

Contact Susan
Susan's Gallery

member since: 5/6/2004
Fantastic lighting on this. Beautiful work.
6/14/2009 8:03:49 AM

Nadya Johnson June 15, 2009 0

This is gorgeous! Superb still life, Colleen! #7633364

Judy A. Lawhon June 15, 2009 0

What a beautiful still life, Colleen!! #7633494

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna June 15, 2009 0

Elegant and graceful still life image, Colleen!!! :-) k #7633641

Patrick Rouzes level-classic June 16, 2009 0

WOWWWWWWWWW, Colleen, this is a phenomenal work of art in each & every way!!! You are one talented lady & your gallery looks spectacular too!!!
Good luck with this,my friend!!!
A fave for me!!! #7633670

Stefania Barbier level-classic June 16, 2009 0

gorgeous....... #7634617

Colleen Farrell June 16, 2009 0

Thanks so much, Nadya, Judy, Kitty, Patrick and Stefania! #7637247

Sam Britt June 18, 2009 0

Beautiful still life, great composition & lighting, Colleen. #7641936

Nikki McDonald level-classic June 19, 2009 0

Beautiful still life, Colleen. I love the pink with the lemon yellow and the way the whole emerges from the darkness. Re-submit :) #7645491

Kaye Burazin June 20, 2009 0

sweet and soar at it's finest #7651184

Max Aureli June 25, 2009 0

Gorgeous composition, Collen!!! #7677340

Colleen Farrell June 30, 2009 0

Thanks for the great comments, Sam, Nikki, Kaye and Max! #7691350

Terry L. Ellis level-classic July 15, 2009 0

A very elegant and beautiful still life, Colleen! Wonderful depth and detail. #7740071

Colleen Farrell July 15, 2009 0

Thank you, Terry! #7742851

Patricia Ronan July 16, 2009 0

Beautifull Colleen, gorgeous artistic look to your photography:) #7746896

Colleen Farrell July 18, 2009 0

Thank you, Patricia! #7753499

Erin Appelbaum July 21, 2009 0

Outstanding finalist Collen. Good luck next round. Peter #7763724

Jessica Jenney July 21, 2009 0

Congratulations, Colleen on your fantastic finalist! #7763902

MELODIE C. ROBERTS July 21, 2009 0

WooooooHooooooo Colleen!!
Congratulations!! #7763924

Daniella Puente July 22, 2009 0

SUPERB Colleen! Big congrats on this :)) #7764284

Eivor Kuchta July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Colleen! #7764318

Tammy Espino July 22, 2009 0

Congrats on a great finalist, Colleen!! :) #7764404

Amy M. Wilson July 22, 2009 0

I knew I'd see this one again, big congratulations on a beautiful Finalist, Colleen! #7764568

Leslie McLain level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Congrats on your wonderful finalist, Colleen. #7764595

anonymous July 22, 2009 0

Hey Colleen, Congratulations on your fabulous finalist! B- #7764732

Sherran Andersen level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Congrats Colleen. Sherran #7764922

Max Aureli July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations Collin on this fantastic Finalist!!!! #7764931

ROLAN NARMAN July 22, 2009 0

Huge Congrats on this gorgeous finalist Colleen! #7764932

Janet Daniel July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on this elegant & stunning finalist, Colleen! #7765101

Tammy Scott July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on this gorgeous finalist! #7765221

Sam Britt July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations, beautiful finalist, Colleen! #7765349

Cassie L. Woodlee July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations, Colleen!!! #7765577

A P July 22, 2009 0

My fruit is dancing for your awesome finalist fruit...and flower.


Best of luck in the next round my friend. Yep, she's back!!! #7765599

Carol L. Fowler July 22, 2009 0

Wonderful Still Life Finalist! #7766089

Teresa Burnett level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on this stunning finalist, Colleen!! Best of luck in the next round!! #7766164

Julianna J. Collett July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations! #7766273

Debra R. Harder July 22, 2009 0

You are the queen of still lifes, Colleen! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations on your SUPERB finalist! Deb #7766343

Maria Coulson July 22, 2009 0

Another gorgeous image -- you are so creative! Congratulations. #7766641

Bojan Bencic level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Colleen. #7766730

Renee Doyle July 22, 2009 0

Simply beautiful work!!! Congratulations Colleen!! #7766756

Beverley Scott July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Colleen!!! #7767143

Stephen Zacker July 22, 2009 0

Like the lighting and form you gave this. Very nice still life. Congratulations #7767213

Stephanie Frey level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Stunning! Congratulations on your wonderful Finalist, Colleen!! #7767537

Robert Baer July 22, 2009 0

a big congrats on another wonderful creation! #7767895

Jennifer L. Alder July 22, 2009 0

A delightful finalist, Colleen! Congrats :) #7768079

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 22, 2009 0

Outstanding - Congrats Colleen on your Finalist! Jeff #7768647

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 22, 2009 0

This is absolutely fabulous. CONGRATULATIONS, Colleen!

UB. #7769146

Colleen Farrell July 22, 2009 0

Thank you so much, everybody! #7769199

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Such an elegant finalist!
Congratulations, Colleen!
~♥~ #7769246

Cheryl E. Molennor July 22, 2009 0


Jessica Jenney July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations, Colleen on both your beautiful winners! #7769679

Leslie McLain level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Congrats on your second beautiful winner, Colleen. #7769932

David M. Montero July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations Colleen!!! Well done. #7769990

A P July 22, 2009 0


Tammy Espino July 22, 2009 0

Such a beautiful win!!! Congrats!!! #7770177

Daniella Puente July 22, 2009 0

Congrats AGAIN :)))))))))) wonderful photo Colleen! #7770248

Janet Daniel July 22, 2009 0

Another big congrats, Colleen! #7770310

Lydia Williams level-classic July 22, 2009 0

Wow, Congratulations again Colleen! #7770416

Renee Doyle July 22, 2009 0

Beautifully done!! Congratulations Colleen!! #7770536

ROLAN NARMAN July 22, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on your well deserved win Colleen! #7770620

Alex T. Mizuno July 22, 2009 0

The tone of this image so profound Colleen! It reminds me of Caravaggio. Congratulations on your win!!! #7770719

Amy M. Wilson July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on this beautiful, well-deserved WIN, Colleen! #7770767

Patricia Ronan July 22, 2009 0

Congrats on all your great wins Colleen:) #7770898

anonymous July 22, 2009 0

YEAH! Congrats once again Colleen!!! B- #7771040

Linda Blair July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations on your wonderful win!!!!!!!! #7771141

Graeme yew Chow July 22, 2009 0

STunning winner and deserving one. Great job and big congrats Colleen. Thanks for your comments on mine. #7771144

Beverley Scott July 22, 2009 0

Congratulations Colleen on this fabulous winner!!! #7771176

Colleen Farrell July 23, 2009 0

Yippee! :) Thanks for the great comments, everybody--I really appreciate it! #7771290

Susan Fox July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on another beautiful winning image Colleen! #7771444

Eugenio Diaz July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on your OUTSTANDING Winner!!!
AMAZING work here!!!
WTG! #7771625

Eivor Kuchta July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on your wonderful winner, Colleen! #7771646

Patrick Rouzes level-classic July 23, 2009 0

CONGRATULATIONS on this incredible WINNER, Colleen!!! #7771958

Mary K. Robison July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on your gorgeous Winner, Colleen! So well deserved! #7772086

Sam Britt July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations, another beautiful winner, Colleen!! #7772160

Debra R. Harder July 23, 2009 0

This is such a brilliant still life...and so happy to see it win GOLD! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN, Colleen!! Deb #7772180

Ujjwal Mukherjee July 23, 2009 0

Another beautiful winner,Colleen! Congratulations!!!! #7772532

Margaret R. Barry July 23, 2009 0

Congratulations on a beautiful winner, Colleen! #7772554

Tommy E. Burgess July 23, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on this beautiful winner Collen!! #7772838

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 23, 2009 0

WTG, Colleen. CONGRATS on striking another GOLD!

UB. #7773140

Erin Appelbaum July 23, 2009 0

Another outstanding winner Colleen. Congrats again. Peter #7773317

Stephen Zacker July 23, 2009 0

The lighting gives this wonderful still life so much form. Congratulations #7773396

frank w. degenhardt July 23, 2009 0

Beautiful still life girl. Congratulations on both being a Finalist and for the Win from Annie and myself. Way to go. #7773633

ALLEN O. HOWARD July 23, 2009 0

An outstanding composition, Colleen! Congratulations to this beauty!!! #7774505

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 23, 2009 0

Another wonderful winning image, Colleen!!! WTG!!! :-) k #7774693

Colleen Farrell July 23, 2009 0

Thank you so much, everybody! #7775420

Courtenay Vanderbilt July 23, 2009 0

Wonderful Colleen, Congratulations!!! #7775901

Teresa Burnett level-classic July 24, 2009 0

And another huge congratulations on this fantastic WINNER, Colleen!! #7776519

Laura L. Gonzales level-classic July 24, 2009 0

WTG Colleen!!! Congrats on this stunning WINNER!!! You deserve it ! Great work! Laura #7776653

Datha Y. Thompson July 24, 2009 0

Gorgeous!!! Love it Colleen!!

Renata Gusciora July 24, 2009 0

LOvely winner!Congratulations,Colleen! #7778252

Jennifer L. Alder July 25, 2009 0

Congrats!!! :) #7779470

Colleen Farrell July 26, 2009 0

Thank you, everybody--I appreciate it! #7783530

Cindy Bendush level-classic July 27, 2009 0

Wow - a masterpiece Colleen! Congratulations on your spectacular win! #7784466

Colleen Farrell July 27, 2009 0

Thanks so much, Cindy! #7786677

Nick Lagos July 29, 2009 0

Great colors and comp Colleen.. big congrats on your win #7793528

Colleen Farrell August 08, 2009 0

Thank you, Nick! #7828242

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 04, 2009 0

Congratulations on your win Colleen, excellent! #7915179

Colleen Farrell September 05, 2009 0

Thanks, Donna! #7918399

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict November 15, 2009 0

Congratulations Colleen on your Win!!!

Dominick #8132369

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Staff Favorite BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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