Pink Mystery
Uploaded: February 15, 2009 15:37:28
submitted 2/15/09, flowers. Taken in Spring- a pink flower that sprang up near my house- I don't know what it is because it only showed up one year. A horticulturist used to live in my house 30 years ago, so we keep finding new flowers as we clear out the neglected gardens. Last year we found an apple tree and a pear tree!
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/320 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 80, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 6.00 mm, Model: DMC-FZ5
Sam Britt February 15, 2009 0
Beautiful macro, Carol, Wonderful softness & pastel color. #1084208Monnie Ryan February 15, 2009 0
Gorgeous, Carol -- so soft and lovely! #7167593Debra Booth February 15, 2009 0
Beautiful!! #7167664Michael G. Marshall February 15, 2009 0
Outstanding, Carol! Love the soft light and color of this macro! Michael #7168010Cary Rogers February 15, 2009 0
A nicely-composed macro, Carol, with great contrast of sharp center detail and soft pastel petal textures!! #7168027
Tammy M. Anderson
February 15, 2009
Usman M. Bajwa
February 15, 2009
Usman. #7168126
Judy A. Lawhon February 15, 2009 0
WOW....beautiful DOF, sharp detail and great color....well done, Carol!! #7168143Joseph R. Ombrello February 15, 2009 0
Gorgeous floral macro, Carol. Great focus for sharp front and soft back. This really stands out! #7168276John Benway February 15, 2009 0
Simply beautiful Carol.
Carol Engstrom
February 15, 2009
Jack Ryan February 15, 2009 0
Quite beautiful...excellent close up...nicely done. #7168834Barbara Waldoch February 15, 2009 0
How very beautiful, Carol! #7168970Ron McEwan February 15, 2009 0
I love the heart of the flower surrounded with the soft pink, absolutely beautiful Carol #7169021Carol L. Fowler February 16, 2009 0
Thanks for all the comments- I appreciate them very much. #7169240Dianna Murphy February 16, 2009 0
Whatever it is... who cares, this is superb! A winner Carol.. really outstanding. #7169384
Denny E. Barnes
February 16, 2009
Maria A. Gonzalez February 16, 2009 0
Carol this is a beautiful macro,your composition excellent and the definition and colors very pretty.Well done. #7171003Roxanne M. Bubar February 16, 2009 0
Exquisite. #7172514Marty Straub February 16, 2009 0
Outstanding talent, Carol. #7173055Susan Weisensel February 17, 2009 0
Beautiful Carol, It looks alot like the inside of a Tulip. #7173479Carol L. Fowler February 18, 2009 0
Thanks for those comments. Yes Susan, at first I thought it was a tulip, but it opened up more than a tulip would. #7177624
Tammy M. Anderson
March 25, 2009
Cathy Barrows March 25, 2009 0
Congrats on your finalist #7330185Nadya Johnson March 25, 2009 0
Gorgeous, Carol! Congratulations on your outstanding finalist! #7330630
Sherran Andersen
March 26, 2009
Cheryl E. Molennor March 26, 2009 0
LOVE IT! Congratulations on your fabulous finalist! #7334440
Patrick Rouzes
March 26, 2009
Arlene Krassner March 26, 2009 0
Congratulations Carol! I adore this photo. #7336575
Agnes Fegan
March 27, 2009
Gerri R. Jones March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations Carol! Somehow I missed this beauty in your gallery, a beautiful and well deserved winner!!! #7337264Wendy Moghadam March 27, 2009 0
Beautiful winner! Congratulations! #7337407Carol L. Fowler March 27, 2009 0
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments. #7337756Kelly S. Cavanaugh March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations, Carol! This is beautiful! #7340053Rhonda Burger March 27, 2009 0
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
Mary Beth Aiello
March 27, 2009
Jack Ryan March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations, Carol. A very deserving winner. #7341405Sam Britt March 27, 2009 0
Big congratulations on your winner, Carol!! #7341544Cheryl E. Molennor March 27, 2009 0
Big Congrats. Great image #7341665Carol L. Fowler March 27, 2009 0
Thanks for those comments, everyone. Really appreciated! #7341752Barbara Waldoch March 28, 2009 0
How wonderful! Congratulations, Carol! #7342707AMALIA Veralli March 28, 2009 0
Stunning photo! Congratulations #7343741
Gail Vitikacs
March 28, 2009
Carol Engstrom
March 29, 2009
Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 31, 2009 0
Congratulations on your win Carol! #7354835Katarina Mansson March 31, 2009 0
Beautiful SF and color tones. Congratulations Carol! #7355462
Usman M. Bajwa
April 01, 2009
Usman. #7358367
Elida Gutierrez
April 01, 2009
Dominick M. Dimacale
April 02, 2009
Dominick #7362698
Kathleen R. Struckle April 21, 2009 0
This is absolutely gorgeous Carol. Congrats on your win. #7425449Howard B. Cheek April 28, 2009 0
Congratulations on this fine image Carol.Patti Coblentz July 01, 2009 0
This is just perfect, Carol. I have been trying for 3 days to get a beautiful soft no avail. I'm determined! This is truly spectacular...congratulations on your win. I know, I'm late...but I didn't know you back then :)PS...sounds like fun to keep discovering new flowers in your garden as you dig about. #7694989
Mark Dodge March 29, 2010 0
Right on, Carol! Looks like you are holding true to one of your New Year resolutions :o) Congratulations! #8494814Mark Dodge March 29, 2010 0
Ooops! Okay... Duh! So I'm a year off. What the heck? #8494818Kim Andelkovic June 03, 2010 0
Just divine......such elegance, love it. #8663544Karen Celella March 31, 2012 0
Congratulations on your fabulous winner, Carol! #10068646Carol L. Fowler April 01, 2012 0
Thanks! #10069501
Laura E. Swan
May 07, 2013
Be-lated Congratulations to YOU! I need to find a good macro lens and have no idea where to start. I guess the camera shop. HeeHee...
-Laura:D #10685045
Carol L. Fowler May 11, 2013 0
Thank you! #10688855JO ANN CLEVELAND June 08, 2013 0
Now how in the world did I miss this! Absolutely gorgeous Carol!Congrats on this well deserved Gold Winner4 girl!
jo ann c. #10726209
Carol L. Fowler June 09, 2013 0
Thanks for looking through my past winners, JoAnn. #10726557Sharon L. Doane May 09, 2014 0
Stunning! Congratulations! #11041584Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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