Uploaded: February 09, 2009 21:01:13


Lisa J. Boulden level-classic February 09, 2009 0

Love this creative, artistic, and delightful image!
Well done, Dominic!
Bet we see this one again!
~♥~Lisa #1081362

Joan Powell February 09, 2009 0

SUPERB !!!! Reminds me of a fairytale ! #7146532

Laurie Daily level-deluxe February 09, 2009 0

WoW...so very cool, Dominick!!! #7146637

Rhonda Burger February 10, 2009 0

This is awsome Dominic. I love it in every way. Rhonda #7147044

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic February 10, 2009 0

Beautiful creation! #7147297

Rubeena KP February 10, 2009 0

Lovely image #7147834

Michelle Alton February 10, 2009 0

Outstanding image and creation, Dominick. #7148255

Jean E. Hildebrant February 27, 2009 0

Lovely creative, artistic image with a fairytale feel! Beautiful #7221925

David M. Montero March 25, 2009 0

Incredible Dominic. Congrations. #7329746

Nadya Johnson March 25, 2009 0

Mesmerizing and dramatic, Dominic! Congratulations on your stunning finalist! #7330856

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 26, 2009 0

Totally agree with Nadya and would love to see this win in a big way, Dominic!!!!

Usman. #7333731

Cheryl E. Molennor March 26, 2009 0

SUPERB! Congratulations on your fabulous finalist! #7334475

Kristi A. Howson March 27, 2009 0

Congratulations Dominic on this wonderful winner. Very intriguing. #7336926

Evy Johansen level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on your wonderful win, Dominick!! #7337345

Nadya Johnson March 27, 2009 0

So glad to see this wearing Gold! Congratulations on your wonderful winner, Dominic! #7339203

JO ANN CLEVELAND March 27, 2009 0

Congratulations on this awesome gold winner Dominic! This unbelievable beauty...love it

jo ann c. #7340234

Rhonda Burger March 27, 2009 0

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
Rhonda #7340729

Cheryl E. Molennor March 27, 2009 0

well deserved win! Congratulations! #7341675

Cheryl E. Molennor March 27, 2009 0

well deserved win! Congratulations! #7341676

Gail Vitikacs level-classic March 28, 2009 0

Beautiful art...congrats! #7345242

Ken Smith level-classic March 29, 2009 0

Very creative, Dominick! COngrats to you!! #7346557

Jean-Pierre Ducondi March 29, 2009 0

Wow - A master piece. Congrats on your win.
JP #7349724

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 31, 2009 0

Congratulations on your win Dominick! #7354882

Datha Y. Thompson March 31, 2009 0

Perfection!!! Wow I love this!!
Congratulations to you :0) #7356102

Mick Burkey March 31, 2009 0

Really quite striking, Dominic. Makeup on your model adds a great deal to the antique feeling. Congratulations! #7357132

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 01, 2009 0

CONGRATS. on getting Golden. It was my secret GP winner! amybe next time....

Usman. #7358343

Elida Gutierrez level-classic April 01, 2009 0


"Cup Full of Daisies"

A Special Trophy for

"February Winners"


Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict April 02, 2009 0

Congratulations Dominic on your Win!!!

Dominick #7362640

Nancy Grace Chen April 07, 2009 0

just lovely and very artistic. might you share with us how you did this? congratulations. #7379722

Marisol Pastor level-classic April 26, 2009 0

Congratulation Dominic on this outstanding creation. It's got a classic touch to it that makes it extremely appealing ... aside from it's fairytale beauty. #7452735

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