Sedona Sunrise

© Dale Hardin

Sedona Sunrise

Uploaded: February 07, 2009 18:23:53


Exposure time: 1/200 F-stop: 3.5
ISO speed: 80

Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: -1.00, ExposureTime: 10/2000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 80, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 33.10 mm, Model: DSC-H2


Rod Partington February 07, 2009 0

Beautiful shot of this community,Dale! #1080129

Monnie Ryan February 07, 2009 0

Very nicely composed -- vivid colors this time of day! #7137999

Denny E. Barnes level-classic February 07, 2009 0

Excellent capture of the morning light, Dale! The color, detail, clarity and composition are beautiful! Excellent image and very well done!! #7138320

Dale Hardin February 07, 2009 0

Thanks for stopping by Rod. It gave me a chance to go through your gallery again. Love your animals and the details on the insect world were fantastic. #7138815

Dale Hardin February 07, 2009 0

Thank you Monnie. I really liked what you did with "Marriott Ranch" The way the fence and it's shadow lead you into the scene is perfect. Would love to travel in your part of the world sometime. #7138818

Dale Hardin February 07, 2009 0

Thanks a lot Denny. Loved your gallery also. Especially "The Needles 2". Our grandson is in college at Corvallis and we will be going to his graduation in June, then plan to spend a week along the Oregon and Washington coasts. Any tips on places not to miss? #7138838

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic February 08, 2009 0

Sedona is one of man's gifts to the nation! Beautiful capture of morning light! #7139125

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thanks Bonnie. I agree. Though I was born and raised in Washington, I've only been to the Palouse once,and then only passing through on a dry hot day.

Your shots of "The Palouse in Winter" and "Autumn on the Palouse" makes me want to go back now that I've started doing photography. Many of your shots remind me of scenes I've seen around Ritzville, where my grandparents lived. #7139367

Sharon C. Hinze February 08, 2009 0

Dale, this is exquisite in color, detail, and composition. One for the wall for sure. Sharon #7139370

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thanks very much Sharon. I appreciate your nice comment. Enjoyed your gallery and especially liked "Across the Dunes" and the images around Spokane. I have many relatives there. #7139849

Esther R. Tinz February 08, 2009 0

Wow - what a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing - especially with those of us that live here in the Eastern US. Love the colors. Is this early morning light? Is that a tree branch in the right hand corner? Can't make it out on my screen. - Esther

Aimee C. Eisaman February 08, 2009 0

Fantastic capture of light Dale! The colors in this are beautiful and love the shrub in the left lower corner. It makes you feel like you are really standing there looking at this. I do not care for the branches in the upper left or on top though. :~) #7140958

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thanks Esther. You know, we say the same thing here in the west about all the things we can't shoot that you have in the east. This is indeed morning light. This view was from a field across the road from our hotel. A little 10 minute hike and there it was. #7141916

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thank you Aimee. I do agree that the branch in the upper right should have been cloned out. Will probably do that. However, as far as I know there are none in the upper left. Just a minute and I'll check it out. (time passes)

Nope, no branches but I did clone out the ones on the right. Here's the shot. #7141941

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thank you Aimee. I do agree that the branch in the upper right should have been cloned out. Will probably do that. However, as far as I know there are none in the upper left. Just a minute and I'll check it out. (time passes)

Nope, no branches but I did clone out the ones on the right. Here's the shot. #7141942

Marisol Pastor level-classic February 08, 2009 0

Love the light and deep tones Dale. And the image is much better without the branches Aimee mentioned. #7142189

Debbie E. Payne February 08, 2009 0

The quality of light is excellent here. We don't live all that far away from Sedona. I'd love to go there sometime. #7142234

Dale Hardin February 08, 2009 0

Thank you Marisol. I agree. Aimee is usually right on with her suggestions.

Debbie, thanks for the nice comment and you should definitely go to Sedona. Very laid back and lovely. #7142363

Sue C. Cole February 08, 2009 0

Very nice work as usual, I can't add anything that has already been said:)

I am however; wondering was this with/without a tripod and what lens did you use? #7142420

Aimee C. Eisaman February 08, 2009 0

you got me Dale! can't tell my left from my right! lol nice work on cloning that out :~) #7142451

Angela C. French February 08, 2009 0

Once again, a beauty!!! I do like it better with the branch out... the colors are so outstanding! Nice work! #7142603

Dale Hardin February 09, 2009 0

Thanks Sue. Yes, this was hand held and I used the zoom lens on my Sony H2 which uses a fixed lens. Basically a point and shoot with DSLR features such as apertures, shutter, program, and manual modes etc. #7143050

Dale Hardin February 09, 2009 0

Thank you Aimee. I used the cut and paste method to remove the branch. Much cleaner than cloning, not to mention, much faster. #7143055

Dale Hardin February 09, 2009 0

Thanks so much Angela. By the way, did you let that other site know about your EP award on the close-up dolphin shot? Tell them to send some of their images over and we'll help them with their critiquing. #7143069

Jeanine M. Bailey February 09, 2009 0

What a BEAUTIFUL scene Dale!!! :):) Fantastic shot!!! #7144876

Debbra Bailey February 09, 2009 0

Dale, OK, this is an amazing shot! It almost looks like fake little buildings, bec. they are so perfect! Truly amazing the differnt places that exist!!!!

I checked out both versions, and I do like the one where you cloned out the branch better. Great job on this image - fabulous color! #7145244

Dale Hardin February 09, 2009 0

Jeanine and Debbra, thanks so much for all those kind words. And Debbra, this is really the way it looks there. So many place where you can walk on trails into the desert and catch scenes like this and yet be only a few yards from your hotel.

Hope to go back soon. #7145494

Dawn M. Schneider February 11, 2009 0

WOW this is fantastic, winner for sure!! what a great place, your composition is wonderful, colors amazing, everything wonderful!!! im not sure what this is if its homes or what, but I bet they would love a copy of this!!!! you should blow it up and take copies there to see if they would buy them or just give it to them as a gift. Wonderful. #7154255

Dale Hardin February 11, 2009 0

Thank you Dawn. Yes, these are homes. I really like the Adobe look and colors of the desert. #7154898

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 19, 2009 0

Impressive Dale! Sedona is a beautiful place to visit. Great work, wonderful light! #7184546

Dale Hardin February 20, 2009 0

Thank you Donna. I can see from your Oceanside series that you like those golden evening and morning hours as well. I love the morning especially because it is always so quiet and most people are still snuggled beneath the blankets so I'm free to wander undisturbed. #7184950

Joan E. Hoffman March 25, 2009 0

Another one I missed!! I definitely plan on visiting Sedona next winter, since we are going to Arizona instead of Texas for a change of scene! Wonderfully vivid and excellent shot of this most beautiful spot! Congratz again on the Finalist! #7329492

Aimee C. Eisaman March 25, 2009 0

WoW had an awesome month! Congrats on a well deserved finalist! :~) #7329560

Debbie E. Payne March 25, 2009 0

Dale -- Great to see you got a finalist on this well-deserved and beautiful image. Makes me want to be there...NOW! Good luck in this next round. #7329853

Sue C. Cole March 25, 2009 0

hey congrats Dale. Well deserved!) #7329885

Esther R. Tinz March 25, 2009 0

Yippy for you!!!! Congrats Dale #7330453

Dale Hardin March 25, 2009 0

Joan, Aimee, Debbie, and Sue, thanks a lot for the nice comments. Need to get on the web and check this out. I didn't know awards were going out, let alone that I'd get one. You are all so nice to send congrats. I appreciate it very much. #7330464

Dale Hardin March 26, 2009 0

Thanks Christine. A lovely place indeed. Would love to return. #7334938

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 26, 2009 0

Congratulations on your finalist! WTG Dale, a true beauty! #7335823

A P March 26, 2009 0



Joan E. Hoffman March 26, 2009 0

WTG Dale!!!! #7336615

Leslie McLain level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Congrats on your beautiful winner. #7337182

Evy Johansen level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Huge congratulations on your wonderful win, Dale! #7337268

Aimee C. Eisaman March 27, 2009 0

Awesome work DALE....congrats on your win! :~) #7337307

Debbie E. Payne March 27, 2009 0

Congratulations on your win, Dale. Now I really do have to get there someday!! #7337317

Jodi M. Walsh March 27, 2009 0

i totally missed this one Dale! excellent work and many congrats to you! #7337706

Bojan Bencic level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Congratulations, Dale! #7338282

Nadya Johnson March 27, 2009 0

Stunning, Dale! Light, mood, color, composition - - Fabulous! Congratulations on your outstanding winner! #7339148

Kathleen Nealon March 27, 2009 0

Congratulations Dale. The image is fantastic. You deserve the win. #7339309

Robert Baer March 27, 2009 0

Dale congrats on this wonderful win! #7339480

Dale Hardin March 27, 2009 0

I'm overwhelmed by the warm response to this win. Thanks so much to all my Bp Friends.

Donna, Ann,Joan, Leslie,Evy, Aimee, Debbie, Jodi, Christine,Bojan,Nadya,Kathe,and Justin, you've all made me feel so at home here in BP. Thank you. #7340239

Lindley Johnson level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Gorgeous light and colors, excellent composition, Dale. Congratulations on your beautiful winner! #7340355

Rhonda Burger March 27, 2009 0

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
Rhonda #7340843

Dale Hardin March 27, 2009 0

Thank you Lindley and Rhonda. I enjoyed both your galleries a lot and Rhonda, there are some great ideas from your site that I will probably steal. (I mean, uh.... get inspiration from) :o) #7340972

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic March 27, 2009 0

Just beautiful, Dale. Huge congratulations on this outstanding winner. #7341179

Dale Hardin March 27, 2009 0

Thank you Mary Beth. Would love to take some images like those that grace your winners circle of material. Especially love the Venice series and the lovely effects you created. #7341547

Robert K. Bemus level-classic March 30, 2009 0

Beautiful comp, colors and lighting-- huge congrats on a well deserved Winner, Dale!!! #7353311

Dale Hardin March 31, 2009 0

Thanks Robert. Now if we could just figure out how to use a surfboard here, you could take a shot of me shooting the cliffs. :o) Love your work in that series. #7354488

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 31, 2009 0

What a great image Dale! Congratulations on your win! #7354823

Dale Hardin March 31, 2009 0

Thank you Donna. It was so nice to share the stage with your surfer win. Made my day. #7356184

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 01, 2009 0

CONGRATS. on getting Golden

Usman. #7358379

Dale Hardin April 01, 2009 0

Thank you Usman. What the heck, I had to do SOMETHING to compete with your winning gallery. A step in the right direction but a long way to go. I'll keep trying. #7359942

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict April 02, 2009 0

Congratulations Dale on your Win!!!

DOminick #7362619

Elida Gutierrez level-classic April 02, 2009 0


"Cup Full of Daisies"

A Special Trophy for

"February Winners"



Dale Hardin April 04, 2009 0

Thanks Dominick and Elida. You should check each other's galleries. Both are winners. Especially liked "Children in the sun" by Dominick and "Light and Darkness" by Elida. Check it out. #7369028

Robert Baer April 26, 2009 0

a very late congratulations for this special image. #7451436

Marisol Pastor level-classic April 26, 2009 0

Congratulations (belated)! #7451948

Dale Hardin April 26, 2009 0

Justin and Marisol, thanks a lot for commenting. Appreciate it a lot. #7452975

Raymond Pauly April 27, 2009 0

Outstanding Winner here, Dale! Congratulations! #7456428

Dale Hardin April 27, 2009 0

Thanks Raymond. By the way, I love your "crossroads" shot but don't like those fellows on my tomatoes much. #7457744

Vladan D. Djordjevic April 29, 2009 0

Fantastic lighting, pov and colors. Superb image! #7463176

Dale Hardin April 29, 2009 0

Thanks Vladan. Hope to get back there soon. It's a lovely place to visit. #7463208

Rod Partington April 29, 2009 0

Hey Dale! Just had to write and congratulate you on a wonderful win!
Way to go!! #7465642

Dale Hardin April 29, 2009 0

Thanks Rod. Nice to hear from you. Checked out your gallery again and am loving your blended shots like, "Bride in rose", "Dream", and "Remember Who we Are" etc. Haven't tried any of those and am inspired. #7465827

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