e d i b l e ?
Uploaded: February 05, 2009 04:59:12
1/200 sec
ISO 100
Lens: Canon 50mm
Natural Light
Category: Flowers
Exif: F Number: 2.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 05, 2009 0
Creative and beautiful Susana, excellent colors and design! #1078725Naufal MQ February 05, 2009 0
very beautiful... a winner for me! #7127804Michelle Alton February 05, 2009 0
A wonderful creation, Susana. #7128140Susana Ms Heide February 07, 2009 0
Donna, MQN and Michelle: Your comments are greatly appreciated :o) THANX! #7136056Corinne M. Thompson February 28, 2009 0
Your creativity never ceases to amaze me, this is awesome! #7223926Susana Ms Heide March 09, 2009 0
Corinne, I want you to know that I really appreciate your genuine and ever supportive comments on my work!! Thank you! #7263101Christian Rosito March 25, 2009 0
Great idea, very creative and beautiful, excellent finalist Susana, Congratulations! #7327990Tiia Vissak March 25, 2009 0
Congratulations! #7328861
Elida Gutierrez
March 25, 2009
Susan Fox March 25, 2009 0
Congrats Susana! #7330901
Terry L. Ellis
March 26, 2009
Debra R. Harder March 26, 2009 0
This is so creative, Susana! Excellent photographic art!! Congratulations on your well-deserved finalist! Deb #7331847Michelle L. Frick March 26, 2009 0
Congratulatoins Susana! #7331945
Laurence Saliba
March 26, 2009
Susana Ms Heide March 26, 2009 0
Thank you very much Christian, Tiia, Elida, Susan, Terry, Debra, Michelle and Laurence! I'm smiling :o)) #7332599Katarina Mansson March 26, 2009 0
Your creativity is endless...love this! Congratulations on your finalist Susana! #7334047Max Aureli March 26, 2009 0
Great creativity and imagination, Susana!!! Right place for a Winner!!!!! Congratulations my friend!!!!! :-)))) #7336688Max Aureli March 26, 2009 0
I forgot LOL!!!Susan Fox March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations on your win Susana :-) #7337012
Evy Johansen
March 27, 2009
Elaine Eastman March 27, 2009 0
This is great! So unique! Congratulations! #7337841Susana Ms Heide March 27, 2009 0
I'm definitely still smiling :o))) This win means a lot to me! Thanks for your kind words Katarina, Max (x2), Susan, Evy and Elaine! #7337994Tiia Vissak March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations! #7338589
Leslie McLain
March 27, 2009
Robert Baer March 27, 2009 0
Laurence Saliba
March 27, 2009
JO ANN CLEVELAND March 27, 2009 0
Congratulations on this awesome gold winner Susana! How very uniquejo ann c. #7340129
Rhonda Burger March 27, 2009 0
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!Susana Ms Heide March 28, 2009 0
THANK YOU Tiia, Leslie, Justin, Laurence, JO ANN and Rhonda! The people here at BP are amazing! So are the judges :o))) #7344711Renee Doyle March 29, 2009 0
This is so creative and effective!!! Congratulations on another superb winner Susana!! #7345866Michael Umbreit March 29, 2009 0
Susana - Congratulations on your win! Cool image!! - Mike #7345940Anna Diederich March 29, 2009 0
Congratulations Susana! #7349343Susana Ms Heide March 30, 2009 0
Thank you Renee, Mike and Anna! It means a lot to recieve the support of such gifted photographers!! #7352869Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 31, 2009 0
Congratulations on your win Susana! Your work is always so creative and beautiful! #7354849Susana Ms Heide March 31, 2009 0
Thank you SO much, Donna :o) #7357670
Loan Tran
April 01, 2009
Usman M. Bajwa
April 01, 2009
Usman. #7358370
Elida Gutierrez
April 01, 2009
Dominick M. Dimacale
April 02, 2009
Dominick #7362598
Susana Ms Heide April 02, 2009 0
Loan, Usman, Elida, Dominick: Your messages are greatly appreciated! And Elida, a special THANX to you for creating your beautiful trophies every month!! #7365430Julianne Bradford August 29, 2009 0
What an imaginative insightful capture and presentation Susana! Well deserving win! As are all your wonderful winners. It's a real pleasure to view your gallery. #7898856Susana Ms Heide August 31, 2009 0
It's an honor to know that you've taken the time to look through some of my work! Thank you very much Julianne for your time and kind messages!! #7903924Debbie L. Middleton January 09, 2010 0
I just saw this photo and I just had to tell you that this is one of the most imaginative photos I have ever seen! I would never think to do anything like this. #8283889Susana Ms Heide January 18, 2010 0
Debbie, what a compliment that is!!!! This comes just at the right time for me because I've needed a little motivation lately.... thank you so much for thatkind message! #8306640
Laura E. Swan
August 19, 2010
Another huge congrats to you! So well executed and so well deserved.
Keep having FUN, as I know you must!
-Laura :) #8848459
Susana Ms Heide August 26, 2010 0
Laura, you've been so encouraging with your sweet comments!! THANKS so much girl!! #8863374Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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