Uploaded: September 03, 2008 21:49:00
Here is a shot of my son on his 'hawg' being pulled over by, of all people, his grandpa!
I had the idea for this shot last year but was unable to 'get it together' till this one. They both were great sports about the shoot and I think you can tell in the final image.
On a side note: no citations were issued on this stop - I think nepotism played a factor.
A September 2008 Editors First Pick.
Exif: F Number: 4.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D
Patric K. Medeiros September 03, 2008 0
this has to be the best setup ever. lmao you certainly pulled off an awesome production with this and the mechanics of the picture are possibly perfect. this should definately be in the winners circle this month. I would frame it in like 50 X 70 and have it the centerpiece of my biggest wall. great job. #991779Beau Hudspeth Photography September 03, 2008 0
Thanks so much Patric for the high praise!As I said, I had a year to think about how I wanted to shot this shot, but when it all came down to it, my 'models' made it really easy for my and we were done in about 10 minutes. #6407189
Amber J. Skene September 03, 2008 0
FANTASTIC!!! And so Creative! Great set up. Your little boy is really playing the part. Gorgeous color, DOF, and lighting. #6407452Danielle Westervelt September 03, 2008 0
Hysterical, Adorable and Fantastic #6407457Charlotte D. Pryor September 03, 2008 0
Love it! Great idea and set up. #6407514
Sherran Andersen
September 03, 2008
Clyde Smith
September 04, 2008
Clyde #6407742
Tammy Hudson September 04, 2008 0
Love it!!! #6408100Beau Hudspeth Photography September 04, 2008 0
Thank you all so much and for all the great compliments! #6408714Tammy Espino September 15, 2008 0
Outstanding and love the little ones expression! :) #6458870cheryl m. phillips September 16, 2008 0
My eleven yr old son LOVED this one!Amber Kennedy September 16, 2008 0
FANTASTIC idea!!! You pulled it off PERFECTLY..great talent! #6459791Beau Hudspeth Photography September 16, 2008 0
Thank you all so much! I glad that it has been so well received. #6459998Linda L. Ruiz September 16, 2008 0
Just Perfect. A winner for sure. Great idea and well excuted. Your lighting rocks. #6462256Beau Hudspeth Photography September 16, 2008 0
:) Thanks Linda. The lighting was only the natural light of the scene. #6462397cheryl m. phillips September 27, 2008 0
Ok, and my husband loves this one Beau!Beau Hudspeth Photography September 27, 2008 0
Thank you Cheryl! Glad to hear it! #6519032
Lisa J. Boulden
October 23, 2008
Amber J. Skene October 23, 2008 0
Congrats on your finalist!!! #6640746Beau Hudspeth Photography October 23, 2008 0
Thank you Lisa, Amber. #6641318
Anne M. Young
October 23, 2008
Sherry L. Davis October 23, 2008 0
This is just too cute! Awesome capture! Congrats on your finalist! #6645433Beau Hudspeth Photography October 23, 2008 0
Thank you for the praise! I do appreciate it. #6647197
Usman M. Bajwa
October 24, 2008
Beau Hudspeth Photography October 24, 2008 0
Thanks Usman! #6653156Margot Petrowski October 24, 2008 0
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your well-deserved win!! #6654305
Elida Gutierrez
October 24, 2008
A Special Trophy for
"September Winners"
#6654942Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 25, 2008 0
Congratulations! A super cool winning image Beau, outstanding work! #6655646Cyn Valentine October 25, 2008 0
Adorable winner Beau..congratulations!! #6655884
Dennis Flanagan
October 25, 2008
Karen E. Baumann October 25, 2008 0
Oh my goodness, I just found this one... what a great shot - how did you keep everyone from laughing all the way through this shoot? I would have been jiggling the camera as I laughed way too much for a clear image. This is great! I love the POV, the expression on the driver - super in all ways! Congratulations!!! I am sure Grandpa wants a large print to post at the "office" LOL! #6657935
Usman M. Bajwa
October 25, 2008
UB. #6659034
Denise M. Snyder October 25, 2008 0
Absolutely fabulous idea and execution!!! Congratulations on this well deserved win!!!!!!!!!!! #6659524Renee Doyle October 26, 2008 0
Pays to know the right people - lol!!
Erica Murphy
October 26, 2008
Dominick M. Dimacale
October 27, 2008
Dominick #6665483
Rick Clark October 27, 2008 0
Great execution of your concept. Congrats on your win! #6669277James Fike November 08, 2008 0
This is such a great concept. I love the image it is very creative. Congratulations on your win. #6725572
Wanda-Lynn Searles
November 12, 2008
Adam CD Caron November 18, 2008 0
this shot just makes me smile. great idea #6771575Beau Hudspeth Photography November 21, 2008 0
Thanks all! #6785975Lee-Anne Shortridge September 15, 2009 0
Okay, so I know I'm a little late to the Congratulations game on this one, but I just came across it and it made me laugh out loud. It's just fantastic all the way around!! And I think your son may have a career in acting!! Ha ha #7945564
Laura E. Swan
January 23, 2010
So, so funny!
Hope that speeding ticket didn't break his piggy bank!
Love it, and huge congrats on this VERY humorous, original image, Beau!
-Laura Swan #8323036
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