And a smile...

Uploaded: July 04, 2005 14:04:51


Beverley A. Daniels July 04, 2005 0

What a cute shot!! Great job Stacy! #273262

Trisha Moe July 04, 2005 0

This shot is very cute! #1552613

Kerby Pfrangle July 04, 2005 0


Priceless expression.

Great portrait image.

Kerby #1552648

Stacy Wasmuth July 05, 2005 0

Thank you Beverley, Trisha, and Kerby! :) #1556424

Olivia Navarro July 06, 2005 0

Oh, I love this, Stacy! The hat, the expression, the lighting, the b/'s all wonderful! :-) #1559537

Kimberly J. Whipps July 06, 2005 0

And what a cute smile it is. Great shot Stacy. #1560957

Stacy Wasmuth July 06, 2005 0

Thanks Olivia and Kimberly for your sweet comments! :) #1562084

Terrill Province July 10, 2005 0

This is one of my all time favorite kid shots! I love how the smooth texture of the skin contrasts with the knitted hat. Those wonderful sparkling eyes shine like diamonds. Terrific work, Stacy! #1577404

Stacy Wasmuth July 10, 2005 0

Terrill - I'm so grateful for your kind comments - thank you!! Your work is wonderful too! :) #1577455

Katherine K July 14, 2005 0

ohhh this is simply marvelous! I love the contrast, smile, little teeth, and the hat... all so absolutely adorable! Almost forgot--the EYES too! #1590368

Karen Walzer August 20, 2005 0

Congrats Stacy!! #1741419

Terrill Province August 21, 2005 0

Oh, yes I am sooo HAPPY this little guy has been selected as a Finalist!!! Keeping my fingers crossed because he is a winner with me.

Congratulations!!! #1742624

Kristy E. Lane August 21, 2005 0

REALLY cute, congrats! #1743717

Stacy Wasmuth August 22, 2005 0

Katherine, Karen, Terrill, and Kristy - thank you!! :) #1748913

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