She can see your soul
Uploaded: July 27, 2008 14:29:59
Little Melania-
the last of the bead images ;)
thanks for looking!!!!
entered: DDR
Renata Gusciora July 27, 2008 0
Fantastic portrait!Perfect,Jennifer! #968300frank w. degenhardt July 27, 2008 0
Jennifer- Good monrning my friend. With those piercing eyes it looks like she can see our souls. Such a compelling look. Love the tone of the picture and the pose of hand to face with the beads. Black and white excellent and the mood of the picture is out of a sci-fi movie with that stare. Its almost like she is challaging you to a stare down.Vendla Stockdale July 27, 2008 0
Beautiful #6235938Melissa Olsen July 27, 2008 0
Good morning far I have liked all of your pearl series, but todate I thing this one has to be my fav. Wonderful tones, shadows and contrast.Lynn Crawford July 27, 2008 0
Beautiful capture Jennifer, I love the pose with the beads :) #6235976Carlos Esteban Solis Fallas July 27, 2008 0
Wonderful, AGAIN!!! Gorgeous Jennifer--- #6236009Stan Kwasniowski July 27, 2008 0
Jeniffer, beautiful
Dominick M. Dimacale
July 27, 2008
This is beautiful, Jennifer, love the monotone here.
Dominick #6236164
Jennifer L. Alder July 27, 2008 0
ty bp friends for taking the time to leave such kind remarks- they are appreciated :) #6236212Deb Koskovich July 27, 2008 0
What a perfect capture of her beauty and emotion, Jen. #6236245Nadya Johnson July 27, 2008 0
Beautiful! I really liked this series, Jennifer! #6236290
Stacy Lankford
July 27, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 27, 2008 0
Stunning beauty Jen!! Great eye contact and mood! #6236316Eugenio Diaz July 27, 2008 0
She's so beautiful - just amazingly beautiful!...I like the focus though - makes you look straight into her beautiful eyes.
Bojan Bencic
July 27, 2008
Claudia Kuhn
July 27, 2008
frank w. degenhardt July 27, 2008 0
Jennifer- I am so sorry. I forgot to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. So Happy Birthday to one of my favorite photographers and may you have many more. Hope you had a good celebration.Tiia Vissak July 27, 2008 0
a great portrait! #6236519
Marisol Pastor
July 27, 2008
Laurence Saliba
July 27, 2008
Sarah Goblot July 27, 2008 0
this really is stunning! #6236726Jessica Jenney July 27, 2008 0
Stunning close-up, Jennifer! Amazing tones and lighting! Her eyes are so alive! #6236809Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 27, 2008 0
Beautiful series, Jennifer!!!!! ♫ k #6236848Anita Hogue July 27, 2008 0
Very stunning image, Jennifer! #6236990Renee Doyle July 27, 2008 0
What an incredible series! I actually think this might be my favourite one Jen!! Fabulous!! #6237032Karen Engelbreth July 27, 2008 0
Happy birthday Jennifer :0))Beverly A. Wright July 27, 2008 0
Her eyes are so soulful, it does seem like she can look right through you andA P July 27, 2008 0
Perfect title on this outstanding portrait, Jennifer.Also a happy birthday. Hope it was the best one ever. #6237235
Jeanine M. Bailey July 27, 2008 0
WOW!! This is BEATIFUL!! Her eyes are STUNNING!!! #6237255
William C. Raco
July 27, 2008
Melissa Olsen July 27, 2008 0
This one is PERFECTION... a winner in my book!! :) #6237403LENA U. FRIEDMAN July 27, 2008 0
Beautiful bead series! Love the mood and tones you used! #6237404Manuel Barrera July 27, 2008 0
Great portraits in your portfolio, here in bp #6237467
Robert K. Bemus
July 27, 2008
William C. Raco
July 28, 2008
MELODIE C. ROBERTS July 28, 2008 0
and I Can see Hers....and YoursWow Jen...This is Just Fantastic
Rumor Has it That Yesterday was your Birthday...Sorry I Missed it
Happy Birthday To You My Dear
Bill Knaps July 28, 2008 0
Another beautiful portrait of Mel Jen. Bill #6237787Debbra Bailey July 28, 2008 0
OOOH - I like this one - love the direct eye contact - great job! #6237835Sam Britt July 28, 2008 0
Another terrific addition to this series, Jennifer. I hope you've had a nice birthday! #6237839Michael Umbreit July 28, 2008 0
Jen - Yet another beautiful image!! You are filling up my favorites! - Mike #6237927Mukesh Srivastava July 28, 2008 0
Great comp, tones and the eyes....AMAZING.. Great portrait, Jenni!!! #6238000KARU WIJESUNDARA. A.N.P.A.S. July 28, 2008 0
Ujjwal Mukherjee July 28, 2008 0
Another wonderful portrait,Jen! #6238428
Evy Johansen
July 28, 2008
Brett Dolsen July 28, 2008 0
Just amazing Jennifer!!The tones,composition and capture are beautifull!!Brett #6238717Margaret R. Barry July 28, 2008 0
Beautiful composition, tones and lighting, Jennifer. A fantastic series! #6238758Derek D. Dafoe July 28, 2008 0
Super little series Jenn!! Excellent work!! #6238769Avril Young July 28, 2008 0
Outstanding Portrait, love the tones,compostion and lighting..STUNNING WORK! #6238929Aimee S. McMaster July 28, 2008 0
....seriously beautiful Jen...Aimee #6239028Erin Appelbaum July 28, 2008 0
Awesome portrait Jennifer. Love the tones and composition. Peter #6239455Shannon D. Miller July 28, 2008 0
WOW! This is STUNNING Jennifer! You have sone it again! I bet her momma is always ordering prints, they have to cover there home. You do such an amazing job! BEAUTIFUL!!! Shannon~ #6239653Judi Morrissey July 28, 2008 0
ditto what shannon just said! the lighting and her expression on this one is amazing. stunning work! #6239659Jennifer L. Alder July 28, 2008 0
thank you all!!!!Daniella Puente July 28, 2008 0
A WINNER into mines :)))))Melissa A. McDonald July 28, 2008 0
Love this!!! The lighting and her eyes are really amazing!! #6241162Debra R. Harder July 28, 2008 0
Patrick Rouzes
July 29, 2008
Shari Kelly July 29, 2008 0
This is my fave Jen---yep---looks right straight through ya!!!Amanda O. Cannon July 29, 2008 0
She is always amazing in all of your shots, but this one is amazing, Her eyes are piercing....Gorgeous tones and framing. Great editing work #6244265Chastity Abbott July 29, 2008 0
I love the tones and contrasts!! The silver beads and the! I see a winner here! WTG!!! #6244944Danielle Fuller July 29, 2008 0
Jen...WOW! This is a fav for me. I love the composition and the crop. Awesom job. I'm sure we'll see it again! #6245615Stanislav Majetic July 29, 2008 0
What a beautiful portrait!! Look of that girl is amazing!!Great workRegards,Stan :) #6245803
Jennifer L. Taranto July 29, 2008 0
that's some eye contact!! love the square crop on this gorgeous full frame!! #6245958Anna Diederich July 29, 2008 0
Beautiful portrait Jennifer! Wonderful moody tones here. #6246387Colleen Farrell July 30, 2008 0
Great title for this fantastic portrait, Jennifer! #6246974Datha Y. Thompson July 30, 2008 0
Beautiful!! Love her eyes and expression Jennifer :0) #6247502Gena L. Talbot July 30, 2008 0
What an Amazing Image, BEAUTIFUL WORK! #6249882"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar July 31, 2008 0
this is just awesome and stunning b/w toned portrait, Jen! my fav of the bead series! #6251951Anastasia Hoff July 31, 2008 0
Stunning portrait, Jennifer. Melania is also a great model. This is one of my favorites. #6251980Kimi A. Phillips July 31, 2008 0
FANTASTIC!!!!!! Happy belated Birthday to ya!! Hope you had a great one!:) #6253119
Angie Sidles
August 01, 2008
Joni Earley August 04, 2008 0
Haunting capture... #6268583Christina N. Seuser August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations on your fantastic finalist!! #6343566Michelle L. Frick August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations Jen - this is stunning!! #6343599Karen Engelbreth August 21, 2008 0
Congrats on your finalist, Jennifer! #6343626Jessica Jenney August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations, Jen on all your gorgeous finalists!!! #6343694Margaret R. Barry August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations on you fantastic finalist, Jennifer! #6343737Jean E. Hildebrant August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations, Jennifer!!! This is beautiful!!! #6343866Nadya Johnson August 21, 2008 0
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Jennifer! #6344025
Joannie Bertucci
August 21, 2008
Angie Sidles
August 21, 2008
A P August 21, 2008 0
Congrats Jennifer on ALL your Finalist. Good luck in the next round #6344642Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 21, 2008 0
WOWZA, not sure how I missed this one, but AWSOME portrait Jen, BEAUTIFUL!!!WHOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO
HUGE Congrats and best of luck in the next round! #6344802
Anita Hogue August 22, 2008 0
So stunning and lovely portrait, Jennifer! Congratulations! #6344880Barbara Waldoch August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on this outstanding Finalist, Jen! #6345015Jeanine M. Bailey August 22, 2008 0
Congrats Jen on this STUNNING finalist!!! #6345316Sam Britt August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations, terrific finalist, Jennifer. #6345624Deb Koskovich August 22, 2008 0
Hooray another of my faves! Congrats! #6345692Melissa Olsen August 22, 2008 0
HUGE Congrats on all three of your fantastic finalists Jen!!!! I think this one is going to be the big winner! #6345741
Stephanie Frey
August 22, 2008
Bill Knaps August 22, 2008 0
Yea! You did it Jen. I knew you would. Congrats on your well deserved Finalist. Bill #6346203Bill Knaps August 22, 2008 0
Yea! You did it Jen. I knew you would. Congrats on your well deserved Finalist. Bill #6346204
Terry L. Ellis
August 22, 2008
Amanda Chapman August 22, 2008 0
Yeah!!!!! So happy for you!!Congrats on your finalist, Jen :) #6346727
Debra R. Harder August 22, 2008 0
YIPPEE!! BIG CONGRATS, Jen, on this GORGEOUS finalist! I see GOLD for sure! Deb #6346934Mary K. Robison August 22, 2008 0
This one's my favorite of all your beautiful finalists, Jen!Melissa G. Meiselman August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on this stunning finalist, Jennifer!!! This is simply gorgeous!!! #6347039Susana Ms Heide August 22, 2008 0
This is such a dramatic portrait - and beautifully so!!! I love every detail!!! Congrats Jennifer!! #6347096
Evy Johansen
August 22, 2008
Laurence Saliba
August 22, 2008
jennifer B. short August 22, 2008 0
THis is a GORGEOUS image Jennifer. I do hope this makes it to the next round. Really captivating....I can stare at her all day. Just terrific. #6347673Shannon D. Miller August 22, 2008 0
Sorry it's taken me all evening, I wanted to make sure you knew I have not forgotten that you got 3 finalists. That's just awesome girl! And they are all soooo....deserving! I LOVE IT!!! Congrats! Shannon~ #6347792Renata Gusciora August 22, 2008 0
Super!!!Congratulations again,Jennifer!!!:-) #6348019Scott A. McDaniel August 22, 2008 0
This is absolutely beautiful Jennifer. #6348148Renee Doyle August 22, 2008 0
No surprise here Jen!!!! Big congrats girl! #6348632Derek D. Dafoe August 22, 2008 0
I thought we might see this one again!! Congrats on another great Finalist Jenn!! #6348733MELODIE C. ROBERTS August 22, 2008 0
How Cool!!Congrats Jen!! #6349088
Mitzie Loland August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your finalist Jennifer!! #6349753Daniella Puente August 22, 2008 0
KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big congrats Jen :o)))))))))) #6350387
Elida Gutierrez
August 22, 2008
Kimi A. Phillips August 22, 2008 0
BIG CONGRATS ON ALL YOUR FINALISTS!!!:) #6351027frank w. degenhardt August 22, 2008 0
Mike Clime August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your finalist! #6351864Cyn Valentine August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations Jennifer!! #6351927
Laurie Daily
August 22, 2008
Christy B. Anderson August 22, 2008 0
Congrats Jennifer! #6352157Tiia Vissak August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations! #6352337Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your finalist! Awesome Jen! #6352787
Patrick Rouzes
August 23, 2008
Datha Y. Thompson August 23, 2008 0
Congratulations Jennifer!!! This is soooooooo BEAUTIFUL :0) Good Luck in the next round my friend!!! #6353975
Jeff Robinson
August 23, 2008
Jennifer L. Taranto August 23, 2008 0
Her serious expression just rocks - BIG congrats!! #6356172Colleen Farrell August 23, 2008 0
WTG, Jennifer!! Congratulations on an awesome finalist! #6356173Dianna Hauf August 24, 2008 0
Oh my goodness Jennifer..... I am awed by her eyes, her thoughts, her 'soulfulness'! An image that truly DOES speak a thousand words!!!Huge congratulations to you hon! MOST deserving!!!! #6357111
Teresa Burnett
August 24, 2008
Erica Murphy
August 24, 2008
Bojan Bencic
August 24, 2008
Jean-Pierre Ducondi August 25, 2008 0
Outstanding Jennifer - Congrats.Aimee S. McMaster August 25, 2008 0
....warm congratualtions on your most wonderful winner Jen...Aimee #6364608Jessica Jenney August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Jen on your gorgeous win! YAY!!! #6364625
Angie Sidles
August 25, 2008
Anna Diederich August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your win, Jen! #6364706Ray Clarke August 25, 2008 0
Great win Jennifer, congratulations #6364739Raymond Pauly August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Jenn! This is a beautiful winner! #6364864Debra R. Harder August 25, 2008 0
WTG, Jen, on this AWESOME GOLD WINNER!! BIG CONGRATS!!! Deb #6364963Daniella Puente August 25, 2008 0
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!A P August 25, 2008 0
Yea!!!!!!! This is one of my favorites. Congratulations on your win, Jennifer #6365000Kimi A. Phillips August 25, 2008 0
BIG CONGRATS!!:) #6365023frank w. degenhardt August 25, 2008 0
 We have an update folks! Jennifer Alder, that talented and creative damsel of the darkroom has finished second with her stunning work of art entitled: “She can see your soul.” Way to go Jennifer on a most deserving art peace. Your work and your dedication to helping others is an inspiration to us all. CONGRATULATIONS.!!! #6365133
Agnes Fegan
August 25, 2008
Maria Zammit
August 25, 2008
Lynne Morris August 25, 2008 0
WTG Jen, this is an awesome winner, Huge Congratulations. #6365352Renata Gusciora August 25, 2008 0
Big congratulations on this awesome win,Jennifer!!Fabulous!! #6365389
Stephanie Frey
August 25, 2008
Dominick M. Dimacale
August 25, 2008
Dominick #6365530
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna August 25, 2008 0
Huge congratulation on your win, Jennifer!!!!! ♫ k #6365847Shannon D. Miller August 25, 2008 0
WoooooHooooo!!! BIG Congrats on your win girl! So deserving! #6365866
Carolyn M. Fletcher
August 25, 2008
Laurence Saliba
August 25, 2008
Margaret R. Barry August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your beautiful win, Jennifer! #6365996Colleen Farrell August 25, 2008 0
WTG, Jennifer! Congratulations on your win! #6366069Mike Clime August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on this winner, Jennifer! I thought for sure that your mini pic would win. #6366180Anita Hogue August 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your fantastic win, Jennifer! #6366257
Claudia Kuhn
August 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
August 25, 2008
A Special Trophy for
"July Winners"
#6366482Judi Morrissey August 25, 2008 0
Congrats on your fantastic win, Jen! #6366507Renee Doyle August 25, 2008 0
Big congrats to you Jen on this awesome winner!!!! WTG!! #6366520Melissa Olsen August 25, 2008 0
Told you this was your winner ;)Pat Gamwell August 25, 2008 0
No doubt about THIS one, HAD to win! Big congrats!!! #6367096Sue Marshall August 26, 2008 0
Big congrats to you Jen on your fantastic win!! :-) #6367233Chastity Abbott August 26, 2008 0
sigh.....your amazing! Loves it! #6367317
Laura L. Gonzales
August 26, 2008
KARU WIJESUNDARA. A.N.P.A.S. August 26, 2008 0
Amanda Chapman August 26, 2008 0
Congrats on your second place win!!!! #6367445MELODIE C. ROBERTS August 26, 2008 0
Excellent Winner Jen!!Sam Britt August 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on this Second Place Winner, Jennifer! #6367553
William C. Raco
August 26, 2008
Yulianto Soeroso August 26, 2008 0
congratulation Jenifer from jakarta Jul #6367689Kathy L. Clark August 26, 2008 0
Congrats Jennifer on your beautiful winner. She is so pretty. #6367792ROLAN NARMAN August 26, 2008 0
Congratulations Jennifer on such a beautiful image! Magnificent portrait! #6367812
Terry L. Ellis
August 26, 2008
Mukesh Srivastava August 26, 2008 0
Well expected WIN, Jenni!!! Huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! #6367871Ujjwal Mukherjee August 26, 2008 0
BIG congratulations on your wonderful Winner,Jen!! #6368070Jean-Pierre Ducondi August 26, 2008 0
Big congrats Jennifer - This is outstanding.Eugenio Diaz August 26, 2008 0
Big congratulations on this outstandng winner! #6368308Bill Knaps August 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on your well deserved win Jen. Bill #6368371Nadya Johnson August 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on your beautiful winner, Jennifer! #6368477
Robert K. Bemus
August 26, 2008
Alex T. Mizuno August 26, 2008 0
A compelling portrait! Congratulations on your win Jennifer!!! #6368528
Chris Henning
August 26, 2008
Teresa Burnett
August 26, 2008
Graeme yew Chow August 26, 2008 0
Congratulation Jennifer. A wonderful portrait and she look lonely. #6368696
Cora Miller
August 26, 2008
Mary K. Robison August 26, 2008 0
Congratulations to you AND Melanie, Jen ~ this portrait is outstanding, and fully deserves to be a winner! #6369000Stanley J. Contrades August 26, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your win with this beautifully done portrait, Jennifer!!Tarun Bose August 26, 2008 0
Big congrats for your winner, Jennifer. #6369297
Laurie Daily
August 26, 2008
Katarina Mansson August 26, 2008 0
Fantastic work and beautiful expression. Congratulations Jennifer on your winner! #6369563Mary Timman August 26, 2008 0
Just stunning. Congratulations. Well deserved! #6369731
Evy Johansen
August 26, 2008
Jennifer L. Alder August 26, 2008 0
WOW! Thank you so much everyone. Mel and I am both thrilled you enjoy this one. :) #6370208Cassie L. Woodlee August 26, 2008 0
This totally ROCKS, Jennifer. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! #6370509Cyn Valentine August 26, 2008 0
Big congrats on the outstanding winner Jennifer!! #6370512
Usman M. Bajwa
August 26, 2008
Datha Y. Thompson August 26, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS on this Gorgeous WINNER Jennifer!! :0) #6371299Erin Appelbaum August 26, 2008 0
Congrats Jennifer. Fantastic winner. Peter #6371379Brett Dolsen August 26, 2008 0
Awesome and well deserved result Jennifer!!Congratulations!!Brett #6372259JO ANN CLEVELAND August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations on this awesome win and very well deserved Jen!jo ann c. #6372523
Colette M. Metcalf August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations!!! #6372683Michael G. Marshall August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations Jennifer on this wonderful winner! It's exquisite! Michael #6372846
Cindy Bendush
August 27, 2008
Nemil B. Chabebe August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations!Tiia Vissak August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations! #6373837Ross Throndson August 27, 2008 0
Amazing Portrait work, Jen.......Huge Congratulations on this Outstanding Winner......Love this one!! :-) #6374555Susan Fox August 27, 2008 0
Simply beautiful! Congrats on your win! #6376863
Bojan Bencic
August 27, 2008
Gail Vitikacs
August 27, 2008
Darryl Wilkinson August 29, 2008 0
Your work is still Top-Notch, Jennifer! She is beautiful! Congrats!! #6385020Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 31, 2008 0
wow- CONGRATS Jen, this is so incredible- #6396790
Marisol Pastor
September 04, 2008
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar September 12, 2008 0
Hello, friend! big congratulations, I missed this out, did'nt i? :) I told you it's a fav of mine. :) #6443308Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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