Burning with Desire
Uploaded: July 27, 2008 03:53:57
Exif: F Number: 4.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D
Carlos Esteban Solis Fallas July 27, 2008 0
Great job Mario--- Love the composition and the tones and clarity--- #968063Sarah Goblot July 27, 2008 0
This is perfection!! Good luck! #6235006Kate Baumgartner July 27, 2008 0
Perfectly amazing. #6235064Jennifer L. Alder July 27, 2008 0
Excellent set up with eye catching light and color, Mario! Nicely done :) #6236182Mario Aguilar July 29, 2008 0
Thank You. #6243231
Elida Gutierrez
August 22, 2008
Gary Lange August 22, 2008 0
Outstanding image with excellent color and comp, Mario. Love the imagination here. Many congrats to you and good luck! #6351194Mitzie Loland August 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your finalist Mario!! #6351229Susan Heath August 22, 2008 0
So easy on the eyes! I love the lighting and color. Congratulations! #6352656
Mike D. Perez
August 25, 2008
Dominick M. Dimacale
August 25, 2008
Dominick #6365510
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
August 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
August 25, 2008
A Special Trophy for
"July Winners"
#6366595KARU WIJESUNDARA. A.N.P.A.S. August 26, 2008 0
Lisa J. Boulden
August 26, 2008
Usman M. Bajwa
August 26, 2008
Jennifer L. Alder August 26, 2008 0
Wow- another WINNER! I think I counted 3?!? Big congrats, Mario :) #6372080Nemil B. Chabebe August 27, 2008 0
Congratulations! #6373703Mario Aguilar September 03, 2008 0
Thank You Again Everyone. #6407049Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 13, 2008 0
Great design, light and details Mario. Very creative work! Congratulations on your win! #6449852Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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