
Uploaded: July 05, 2008 11:55:32


I again don't know what this is
but I though it was pretty.

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D80


Renata Gusciora July 05, 2008 0

Very pretty,Kathleen!Wonderful delicate treatments! #954915

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Thank you so much Renata, I appreciate your kind comments!! #6141878

Mary Spade July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful image Kathleen. Love the soft effects. The flowers name is Monarda or Bee Balm. #6141891

Anna Diederich July 05, 2008 0

This is very beautiful Kathleen! #6141999

Ray Thoms July 05, 2008 0

Great shot Kathleen.....some one has already mention it is a Bee Baum.. #6142038

Barbara Waldoch July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful image, Kathleen! #6142044

Michelle Alton July 05, 2008 0

It IS a beauty, Kathleen. #6142084

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Mary, Anna, Ray, Barbara and Michelle thank you all for your kind comments, I appreciate it!! Mary thank you for identifying it for me. #6142100

Michael Umbreit July 05, 2008 0

Kathleen - Excellent colors, composition and clarity!! It is a beauty! - Mike #6142208

Hendrik Storme July 05, 2008 0

Very beautiful!!! Love the fine details ans colors,Kathleen!!! #6142256

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful Bee Balm, Kathleen!!!!! :-)
Super details!!!!! ♫ k #6142486

Nadya Johnson July 05, 2008 0

Love this! So strange and beautiful! #6142533

Sam Britt July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful, Kathleen. Great color & dreamy effects. #6142584

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Mike, Hendrik, Kitty, Nadya and Sam thank you so much for your wonderful comments, I appreciate it!! #6142617

Margaret R. Barry July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful capture, Kathleen. Gorgeous colors, details and composition! #6142717

Ellen Hodges July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful color and comp, Kathleen!! #6142727

Debra R. Harder July 05, 2008 0

Oh WOW, Kathleen!! GORGEOUS details, lighting, focus, colors...I am in awe! Deb #6142863

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Margaret, Ellen and Debra, thank you so much for your awesome comments, I appreciate it!! #6142943

Brett Dolsen July 05, 2008 0

Very beautifull composition and treatment Kathleen!!Brett #6143006

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Thank you so much Brett, I appreciate you wonderful comments!! #6143052

Claudia Kuhn level-classic July 05, 2008 0

So soft and beautiful Kathleen, great colors! #6143061

Kathleen Rinker July 05, 2008 0

Thank you so much Claudia, I appreciate your wonderful comments!! #6143067

Tiia Vissak July 06, 2008 0

very beautiful! #6146290

Kathleen Rinker July 06, 2008 0

Thank you so much Tiaa!! #6146737

July 07, 2008 0

Beautiful image Kathleen. Love the colors and lighting. #6147801

Kathleen Rinker July 07, 2008 0

Thank you Janet I appreciate your wonderful comments!! #6148501

Hendrik Storme July 07, 2008 0

Fantastic flower and capture! Awesome colors, light and softness! #6148809

Kathleen Rinker July 07, 2008 0

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments Hedrik, I appreciate it! #6149375

Odeth Mizuno July 08, 2008 0

Very beautiful flower shot, Kathleen :D #6152668

Kathleen Rinker July 08, 2008 0

Thank you so much Odeth!! #6152828

Kate Baumgartner July 08, 2008 0

Great flower and wonderful capture of it. Awesome colors!! #6153634

Kathleen Rinker July 08, 2008 0

Thank you so much Kate I appreciate your wonderful comments!! #6154861

Susan Fox July 08, 2008 0

Another beauty! I am loving your new floral shots! #6155357

Kathleen Rinker July 08, 2008 0

Thank you so much Susan, I really appreciate your kind comments!! #6155909

Kaye Burazin July 09, 2008 0

Wonderful layers of beauty Kathleen. #6156800

Kathleen Rinker July 09, 2008 0

Thank you so much Kaye!! #6157572

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic July 13, 2008 0

What a beauty!!! Great job Kathleen! #6174441

Kathleen Rinker July 13, 2008 0

Thank you so much Judy!! #6174704

Cindy Bendush level-classic July 16, 2008 0

Fabulous Kathleen -- this one has 'winner' written all over it! #6184892

Kathleen Rinker July 16, 2008 0

Thank you so much Cindy, I appreciate your vote of confidence!! #6185595

Margaret R. Barry August 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on your fantastic finalist, Kathleen! #6344374

Alex T. Mizuno August 21, 2008 0

Wow, another beautiful Finalist! Congratulations Kathy!! #6344765

Kathleen Rinker August 22, 2008 0

Margaret and Alex thank you so much I appreciate your support!! #6344965

Sam Britt August 22, 2008 0

Congratulations, beautiful finalist, Kathleen! #6345438

Susan Fox August 22, 2008 0

Well deserved finalist!!!!!!! Congrats Kathy!!!! #6345543

Deb Koskovich August 22, 2008 0

Kudos to you, Kathleen! #6345612

Michelle Alton August 22, 2008 0

Gorgeous Monarda "portrait," Kathleen.
Congratulations! #6346048

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe August 22, 2008 0

Congratulations Kathleen ! #6346201

Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 22, 2008 0

HUGE Congrats and best of luck in the next round! #6347454

Eugenio Diaz August 22, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Kathleen! #6347515

Debra R. Harder August 22, 2008 0

Another BRILLIANT finalist!!! YESSSSSS!!! BIG CONGRATS my friend!! Deb #6347553

Kathleen Rinker August 22, 2008 0

Sam, Susan, Deb, Michelle, Agnes, Nancy, Eugenio and Deb, thank you all so much I appreciate your kind and supportive comments!! #6348805

Robyn A. Terrell August 22, 2008 0

Yeah Kathleen...Congrats on your finalists, they are beautiful!!! #6348972

Kathleen Rinker August 22, 2008 0

Thank you so much Robyn I appreciate your support!! #6349456

Cyn Valentine August 22, 2008 0

Congratulations Kathleen!! #6350166

Kathleen Rinker August 22, 2008 0

Thanks so much Cyn, I appreciate it!! #6350578

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna August 22, 2008 0

WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Kathleen!!!!! :-) ♫ k #6351773

August 22, 2008 0

Congradulation on another great Finalist. #6352312

Kathleen Rinker August 22, 2008 0

Kitty and Janet thank you so much I appreciate your wonderful support!! #6352633

Ken Smith level-classic August 23, 2008 0

Gorgeous shot, Kathleen. Congrats to you! #6353508

Ellen Hodges August 23, 2008 0

Congrats, Kathleen! #6354172

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer August 23, 2008 0

It's beautiful, Kathleen. Wonderfully composed and with terrific focus and exposure. Congratulations on your well deserved win! #6354296

Kathleen Rinker August 23, 2008 0

Ken, Ellen and Kirsten, thank you so much I appreciate your support!! #6354787

Tiia Vissak August 23, 2008 0

Congratulations! #6354984

Mitch Spence level-classic August 23, 2008 0

Congratulations, Kathleen, on your finalist for this lovely floral presentation. #6355501

Laurie Daily level-deluxe August 23, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Kathleen! It is a winner to me!!! #6355554

Kathleen Rinker August 23, 2008 0

Tiaa, Mitch and Laurie thank you so much I appreciate your wonderful comments!! #6355804

Colleen Farrell August 23, 2008 0

Absolutely breathtaking floral, Kathleen!! Big congratulations on a most well-deserved finalist! #6356131

Kathleen Rinker August 23, 2008 0

Wow thank you Colleen your kind words are most uplifting, I admire your work very much!! #6356484

Rajeev 270293 Kashyap August 24, 2008 0

Huge Congratulations, beautiful finalist, Kathleen! Well done! #6358949

Kathleen Rinker August 24, 2008 0

Thank you so much for your kind compliments, I appreciate it Rajeev!! #6359542

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict August 25, 2008 0

Congratulations Kathleen on your Win.

Dominick #6365164

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe August 25, 2008 0

You did a great job with your unknown flower...congratulations! #6365184

Debra R. Harder August 25, 2008 0


Kathleen Rinker August 25, 2008 0

Dominic, Agness and Debra, thank you so much, I appreciate it!!!! #6365703

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna August 25, 2008 0

YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Huge congratulation on your win, Kathleen!!!!! ♫ k #6365900

Margaret R. Barry August 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful win, Kathleen! #6366061

Colleen Farrell August 25, 2008 0

WTG, Kathleen! Congratulations on your win!! #6366131

Ken Smith level-classic August 25, 2008 0

Awesome work, Kathleen. Congrats to you! #6366434

Claudia Kuhn level-classic August 25, 2008 0

Beautiful Kathleen, congrats on your win! #6366547

Elida Gutierrez level-classic August 25, 2008 0


 "The Fairy Trophy"

A Special Trophy for

"July Winners"


Ellen Hodges August 25, 2008 0

Congrats, Kathleen!! #6366711

Kathleen Rinker August 25, 2008 0

Kitty, Margaret, Colleen, Ken Claudia and Elida, thank you all so much I appreciate it!!

Elida thank you so much for the trophy your awesome!! #6366762

KARU WIJESUNDARA. A.N.P.A.S. August 25, 2008 0


KARU. #6367122

Susan Fox August 26, 2008 0

Congrats on your win Kathy! #6367143

Kathleen Rinker August 26, 2008 0

Karu and Susan thank you so much I appreciate it!! #6367191

Sam Britt August 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on this Second Place Winner, Kathleen! #6367643

Jean E. Hildebrant August 26, 2008 0

Beautiful colors! Congratulations on your win! #6368104

Eugenio Diaz August 26, 2008 0

Big congratulations on this outstandng winner! #6368315

Alex T. Mizuno August 26, 2008 0

Truly a beautiful winner, Kathy! Congratulations!!! #6368546

Kathleen Rinker August 26, 2008 0

Sam, Jean, Eugenio and Alex thank you so much I appreciate it!!! #6369318

Laurie Daily level-deluxe August 26, 2008 0

Congratulations, Kathleen, I am happy to see this "unknown" beauty once again as a winner!!! #6369458

Kathleen Rinker August 26, 2008 0

Thank you so much Laurie, I appreciate it!! #6369787

Renata Gusciora August 26, 2008 0

Big congratulations on this beautiful winner,Kathleen!!! #6370195

Kathleen Rinker August 26, 2008 0

Thank you so much Renata, I appreciate it!! #6372148

Colette M. Metcalf August 27, 2008 0

Congratulations!!!! #6372722

Nemil B. Chabebe August 27, 2008 0

Congratulations! #6373699

Tiia Vissak August 27, 2008 0

Congratulations on your winner! #6373845

Kathleen Rinker August 27, 2008 0

Colette, Nemil and Tiaa thank you so much, I appreciate it!!! #6374190

Summer A. Kozisek August 29, 2008 0

Stunning image Kathleen, absolutely beautiful! Congrats on your win! #6383070

Kathleen Rinker August 29, 2008 0

Thank you so much Summer, I appreciate your wonderful comments!! #6383582

Janet McNeil level-classic August 31, 2008 0

Fantastic winner!! Well deserved!! Congrats!! #6392102

Kathleen Rinker September 01, 2008 0

Thank you so much Janet, I appreciate it!1 #6394221

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 13, 2008 0

Congratulations on your win! Vibrant and beautiful Kathleen! #6449822

Kathleen Rinker September 13, 2008 0

Thank you so much Donna I appreciate your compliments!! #6450049

Toni A. Martin April 10, 2009 0

Kathleen, belated congrats on a stunning floral. The light, the colors and details really make this pop! Nice DOF and blended background. #7389916

Kathleen Rinker April 10, 2009 0

Thanks so much Toni!! #7390397

Tess L. Yee September 07, 2009 0

This is such a beautiful image, Kathleen! The colors are superb! #7921913

Kathleen Rinker September 07, 2009 0

Thank you so much Tess!! #7921926

Howard B. Cheek November 02, 2009 0

Lovely floral Kathleen, very nice.
A big hug of congratulations! :) #8095854

Kathleen Rinker November 02, 2009 0

Thank you very much Howard!! #8096900

Patricia White November 25, 2009 0

This really cool. So perfect. #8164292

Liz blahh March 25, 2010 0

Beautiful & congrats! #8480149

Kathy Reeves December 04, 2010 0

Stunning!!!!! #9080383

Bill Houghton May 23, 2011 0

Beautiful macro and congratulations. #9422779

David Hurt June 09, 2011 0

Congratulations #9452448

Karen Slagle July 30, 2011 0

Belated congrats on this outstanding winning image, Kathleen. Thank you for your comment on mine. #9568688

Kathleen Rinker July 30, 2011 0

Thank you so much Karen!! Your welcome!! #9569216

Teresa Moore August 01, 2011 0

Congratulations! Your florals are all stunning. #9575010

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Staff Favorite BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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