
Uploaded: May 28, 2008 13:46:19


Tamron 90mm F/2.8 D lens, aperture priority mode @ F/16, 1/60 second, ISO 100, Nikon SB-800 flash off-camera (Commander mode), fractalius effect applied in Photoshop.

Exif: F Number: 16, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/600 seconds, Flash: fired, auto mode, return light not detected, ISO: 0, FocalLength: 90.00 mm, Model: NIKON D80


Jessica Jenney May 28, 2008 0

Perfect application of this filter, Joseph! Gorgeous light and detail! #930522

Kathy L. Clark May 28, 2008 0

Very beautiful work on this Joseph. The fract looks great here. #5987833

May 28, 2008 0

beautiful work #5987946

Daniella Puente May 28, 2008 0

Very creative, very good frame and colors on this!!! #5988810

Jennifer L. Alder May 28, 2008 0

WOW! Fantastic work- nice use of effect! :) #5989060

Colette M. Metcalf May 28, 2008 0

Very nice! #5989263

Michelle Alton May 29, 2008 0

OutStanding!!!! #5990242

Joseph M. Muench level-classic May 29, 2008 0

Jessica, Kathy, Amanda, Daniella, Jennifer, Colette, and Michelle - I was happy with how this one turned out so I am doubly pleased to hear such positive comments regarding it - thank you so much!

Patrick Rouzes level-classic June 01, 2008 0

Spectacular colors, detail, tones, lighting, clarity, b/g, beauty & presentation here!!! Exceptional work on this, Joseph!!! #6002851

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 02, 2008 0

Thank you my friend!
-Joe #6008451

Songbird Cline level-classic June 13, 2008 0

excellent clarity and color! very well done! #6056705

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 14, 2008 0

Thank you Songbird!
-Joe #6058133

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 16, 2008 0

Impressive details Joseph, great work! #6066657

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 18, 2008 0

I appreciate your comments Donna!
-Joe #6073592

Jennifer L. Alder June 19, 2008 0

A terrific finalist image, Joe! Congrats!!! :) #6078818

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Thanks Jennifer...congrats on your awesome finalists this month too!
-Joe #6081919

Jessica Jenney June 20, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Joseph! #6082251

Elida Gutierrez level-classic June 21, 2008 0

The Golden Cup
A Special Trophy for
"The May Winners" #6087802

Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations!!! #6088775

Colleen Farrell June 21, 2008 0

Beautifully done!! Congratulations on your win, Joseph! #6090518

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 22, 2008 0

Thank you Jessica, Elida, Colette, and Colleen!!!
-Joe #6092900

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict July 06, 2008 0

Congratulations Joseph on your Win.

Dominick #6146967

Joseph M. Muench level-classic July 08, 2008 0

Thank you Dominick!
-Joe #6154930

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 09, 2008 0

Congratulations on your win and Digital Darkroom feature Joseph! Great macro! #6159523

Joseph M. Muench level-classic August 03, 2008 0

Thank you Donna! I've enjoyed your awesome work as well!
-Joe #6264733

Raymond E. Reiffenberger level-deluxe March 12, 2009 0

Looks like you mastered the filter. Gotta love this one. #7273873

Joseph M. Muench level-classic March 14, 2009 0

Thank you Ray!
-Joe #7283995

Dianna Murphy June 05, 2009 0

Great title, congrats on you winner. Beautiful color/capture. #7600204

Joseph M. Muench level-classic June 07, 2009 0

Thank you Dianna for the kind words!
-Joe #7605976

Max Aureli July 12, 2009 0

Congratulations on this gorgeous Winner!!! Great composition, Joseph!!! #7731161

Joseph M. Muench level-classic July 19, 2009 0

Thank you Max!
-Joe #7755970

Stephen Zacker July 18, 2011 0

Very cool and Creative. You do some nice work #9537996

Joseph M. Muench level-classic July 18, 2011 0

Thank you, Stephen. I appreciate the kind words.
-Joe #9538016

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