
Uploaded: May 27, 2008 08:51:22


Manuel Barrera May 27, 2008 0

title fits her perfectly, a very beautiful model and greatlighting #929645

Renata Gusciora May 27, 2008 0

Wonderful lighting and treatments! #5981800

Michael G. Marshall May 27, 2008 0

Beautiful image Ahmad! Wonderful lighting, effects and beautiful model! Michael #5982056

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict May 27, 2008 0

Great image hereAhmad.

Dominick #5982166

Dr. Harmeet Singh May 27, 2008 0

Great image .. #5982280

Ahmad Afshar May 27, 2008 0

Thank you Manuel, Renata, Michael, Dominick, and Harmeet, I appreciate your comments. #5983410

Les Rhoades level-classic May 28, 2008 0

Sassy! I bet this is even better without the FX. #5986655

Diane Dupuis June 20, 2008 0

WOOHOO! AHMAD! Way to go!!! Congrats on your finalist!! #6082025

Ahmad Afshar June 20, 2008 0

Thanks Diane, btw your gallery is amazing! #6082235

Elida Gutierrez level-classic June 21, 2008 0

The Golden Cup
A Special Trophy for
"The May Winners" #6087736

Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations!!!! #6088684

Les Rhoades level-classic June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on your winning photo!

Renata Gusciora June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations,Ahmad,on your beautiful winner!!!:-) #6088892

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict July 06, 2008 0

Congratulations Ahmad on your Win.

Dominick #6146961

Ahmad Afshar July 06, 2008 0

Thanks Dominick. #6146986

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic August 12, 2008 0

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your awards for this awesome winner. I love it. 8o) #6303151

Ahmad Afshar August 14, 2008 0

Thank you very much Nancy, I appreciate your comment. #6309805

Baa Onlen March 21, 2024 0

Congratulations very much! You deserve this award! ="s://"fnaf#12076171

Baa Onlen March 21, 2024 0

Congratulations very much! You deserve this award! [fnaf](s:// #12076172

Baa Onlen March 21, 2024 0

Congratulations very much! [url=s://]fnaf[/url] You deserve this award! #12076173

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