Nje Dragua (One Dragon in Albanian)

© Annette Carr

Nje Dragua (One Dragon in Albanian)

Uploaded: May 26, 2008 07:01:47


The dragonfly - my very first! Caught at mid day trying to catch a rest. Nikon D40 with 18-70mm lens

Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 2/1000 seconds, Flash: fired, auto mode, return light not detected, ISO: 200, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: NIKON D40


Renata Gusciora May 26, 2008 0

Lovely capture! #929309

Annette Carr May 28, 2008 0

Thank you! :) #5986187

Erica Murphy level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Beautiful Annette! Congratulations! #6085271

Elida Gutierrez level-classic June 21, 2008 0

The Golden Cup
A Special Trophy for
"The May Winners" #6087710

Annette Carr June 21, 2008 0

Thank you !! #6088155

Eni Tutulaku June 30, 2008 0

Urime per cmimin(congratulation on the price in Albanian)...Are you Albanian??????
I was so pleased when I read the title in Albanian...I went throw your gallery and you have beautiful photos...congratulation... #6125768

Annette Carr July 01, 2008 0

Falemenderit shume! Une nuk jam Albanian. Une kam nje familje speciale per mua. Une mesoj shume Shqip sepse une dua shume kete familje. Falemenderit per fjalet te kendeshme qe shkruajte.
Annette #6126411

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict July 06, 2008 0

Congratulations Annette on your Win.

Dominick #6146958

Annette Carr July 07, 2008 0

Annette #6147459

Laura E. Swan level-classic November 23, 2008 0

This is a SPECTACULAR capture, Annette! I love how the sun is shining on his wings.

Your composition here is amazing. VERY PROFESSIONAL! They say beauty and balance are found in the odd numbers. 1, 3, 5, 7, etc...so ONE image with THREE plant tops was a SUPERB choice!

Congratulation on your big BP WIN! -Laura Swan #6790923

Debbie E. Payne December 13, 2008 0

Got to agree with Laura. And you've got the dragonfly placed at the top intersection of thirds ; right where it
should be! Very unique and the feeling I get from this is one of serenity and calmness. Congrats on the win. #6885385

Annette Carr December 13, 2008 0

Thank you! This is one of my beginner pictures. I have yet to match it:) #6885610

April 12, 2009 0

This is a beginner photo? Amazing! Fantastic shot, Annette! - David #7397367

Jean Lechleiter September 04, 2009 0

Wow, this is really superb. I have to agree with everyone on this. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! #7913869

Annette Carr September 04, 2009 0

Thank you Jean! Superb? Wow what a compliment!

David - I never saw your comment, thank you! Yeah, this was luck for sure :) #7915695

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 05, 2009 0

YES, Annette! HUGE CONGRATS!!! This is exciting!!! #7916711

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Amazing image, and sorry I didn't see this when you won...

Belated C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
on your 2nd place WINNER! 8o) #8655644

Annette Carr June 01, 2010 0

Thank you Nancy, I sure enjoyed taking this picture, everyone was telling me I couldn't do it! That made it all the more rewarding!:) #8656497

Wm Nosal June 08, 2010 0

Beautiful Shot!
Congratulations #8674089

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 08, 2010 0

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


SO SO SO SO thrilled for you! WOWZA!


(I am writing this from th Canadian Rockies right now. I have an INTERNET PASS at the campground for tonight!)

So happy for you!



Annette Carr June 08, 2010 0

Yes, this happened six months after I had my camera. Maybe one day I'll do it again :) #8675646

Rod Partington September 12, 2010 0

Amazing capture Annette!
Congrats on the gold!
Totally deserves it! #8895177

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 22, 2010 0

An amazing image, Annette. No wonder it attracted gold! Congratulations!! #8990038

Annette Carr October 24, 2010 0

Thank you Rod and Kiki! Sure was exciting to get this shot when I was so new to photography! Heck, I've been snapping images for a long time now and I still get excited to see dragonflies :) #8992125

Dennis Gay January 20, 2011 0

G'day *ANNETTE*!

First my heartiest Aussie congratz for the *EP* and *2nd Place* awards bestowed upon this wonderful Nature photograph.
Your good eye and creativity have taken this dragonfly far above and beyond the usual 'dragon-on-a-stick' shot and made a photographic work of art.
The dragonfly is the main focal point in the scene but with your inclusion of the reed blades you have expanded your vision and as those blades have such artisticly curved strands attached to them you have added an extra dimension to the work.
Very well done indeed!

Dennis #9178797

Phyllis A. Houghton May 10, 2011 0

Annette, I can see why this received gold. It really drew me in. It looks very natural. I like the three stalks. The calm tones make me feel connected. Great job! #9397054

Annette Carr May 10, 2011 0

Dennis and Phyllis, I was lucky when I got this shot. I think it must have been the most exciting shot I have had to date. I was on a photographic trip with my teacher when I was only 6 months practiced with my camera. My teacher had told me it was near impossible to get a dragonfly, so I had to shoot it. I was on a mission! #9397799

Dennis Gay May 11, 2011 0

8-) #9398881

Christine Lobsinger level-classic August 27, 2011 0

OH MY - Annette, this is fabulous!!!! An outstanding shot! Congrats to you on catching such a sight...
Unbelievable to witness - LOVE thIS...
Your comp. is awesome too..
COngrAts to you on your wonderful WINNER!
Smiling CHRIS #9635955

Laura E. Swan level-classic March 24, 2016 0

I am so glad this image was chosen as the part of the CREAM OF THE CROP at BP for it's entire 20 years in existence!!! How awesome it that, Sister Nette??! Huge congrats on the GOLD EP and Great Luck in the Final Rounds!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!!! #11451198

Annette Carr March 25, 2016 0

Thank you very much sister!!! :) #11451209

Annette Carr April 16, 2016 0

So proud and honored to get a STAFF FAVORITE GOLD :) #11462082

Christine Lobsinger level-classic April 16, 2016 0

Amazing photograph! Congratulations Annette on your WINNER!!
Smiling Chris #11462184

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