Can't Catch Me
Uploaded: May 24, 2008 12:55:34
Thanks for all the wonderful
title suggestions :)
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 500, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D
Jessica Jenney May 24, 2008 0
Terrific image, Amanda! How about Cattitude? #927874
Dominick M. Dimacale
May 24, 2008
Dominick #5970495
Kathy L. Clark May 24, 2008 0
This is awesome Amanday. wonderful color and he is so cute. #5970529Renata Gusciora May 24, 2008 0
Awesome work,great colours and title..hmm.."now or never"?:-)it's up to you! #5970596Sam Britt May 24, 2008 0
Terrific image, great color & expression. Cute kitty. #5970623Shari Kelly May 24, 2008 0
Amanda--I am still laughing at the capture...I captured one of my dog, Ginger doing this...Murry Grigsby May 24, 2008 0
Terrific image Amanda! The colors are amazing!! How about "Catnipped" or "Ever Vigilent"?? :0) #5970772
Stephanie Frey
May 24, 2008
Cassandra A. Fontaine May 24, 2008 0
This has really put a smile on my face. I love the colors and the composition here. The cats sticking his tongue out as if to say, "Ppfffft, Catch Me if You can!" Roflol... #5971052Amanda Chapman May 24, 2008 0
thank you all so much!!!!!Thank you for all your suggestions!!! #5971405
Roxanne M. Bubar May 24, 2008 0
Outstanding colors, lighting and image. #5972400Ellen L. Zaslaw May 24, 2008 0
"Did you say TURKEY?" #5972416
Anne M. Young
May 24, 2008
Cheryl E. Molennor May 26, 2008 0
I LOVE This!!! #5977058Mitzie Loland May 27, 2008 0
This is a great photo - I love the colors Amanda!! #5982646Jennifer L. Alder May 27, 2008 0
LOL!!! Very fun, Amanda. What awesome treatment! :) #5982831Amanda Chapman May 27, 2008 0
thank you sooo much for your comments! #5982934Kara L. Hendricks June 03, 2008 0
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #6012757DiAnna F. Paulk June 07, 2008 0
Amanda, I love your creative style! Enjoyed looking through your gallery, website (we picked the same template - I just don't have mine ready yet!) and have subscribed to your blog. Thanks for commenting on my infrared image so I could "discover" you! I am a lover of all animals, but especially cats, so just had to tell you how much I loved this one. "Nanny-nanny-boo-boo" came to mind as a title (if that's how it's spelled). #6029636Amanda Chapman June 07, 2008 0
Thank you all sooooooooo much!!!!!DiAnna: I'm so happy with my website. Thanks to Jennifer Alder for turning me on to their templates!
I've grown fond myself of photographing animals and yes...cats are the coolest!
Christian Rosito June 19, 2008 0
Excellent finalist Amanda! Congratulations! #6078474Kathy L. Clark June 19, 2008 0
I knew we would see this again Amanda. Congratulations. #6078705Daniella Puente June 19, 2008 0
FANTASTIC Amanda, congrats!!!!!!!!! #6078812Mary Timman June 19, 2008 0
So cute and well done! Congratulations! #6078907Jennifer L. Alder June 19, 2008 0
Woo hoo girl! This is one of a kind! :)Michelle L. Frick June 19, 2008 0
Beyond beautiful Amanda - hope to see this in the winners circle! Congratulations on the finalist! #6079551Kimi A. Phillips June 19, 2008 0
CONGRATS!!!:) #6079793Erin Appelbaum June 19, 2008 0
Congrats on this awesome finalist Amanda. Peter #6081264Sam Britt June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations, Amanda! #6082080Kara L. Hendricks June 20, 2008 0
A WINNER all the way Amanda!!!Congrats!!! #6082451
Colleen Farrell June 20, 2008 0
FANTASTIC! Big congrats on this awesome finalist, Amanda! #6082487
Anne M. Young
June 20, 2008
Judy V. Kennamer
June 20, 2008
Michael Umbreit June 20, 2008 0
Amanda - Congratulations on your finalist! It is a stunner! - Mike #6084955
Erica Murphy
June 20, 2008
Susan Fox June 20, 2008 0
Stunning! Love the colors and comp! Congrats Amanda!!! #6085440Michelle L. Frick June 20, 2008 0
I knew it!!! Thrilled to see this again Amanda - CONGRATULATIONS girl!! #6085707Jennifer L. Alder June 20, 2008 0
BIG congrats on your first place win girl!!!! :) #6085763
Angie Sidles
June 20, 2008
Kimi A. Phillips June 20, 2008 0
CONGRATS on your win! #6085925Jessica Jenney June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations, Amanda on your stunning win! #6086131Shari Kelly June 20, 2008 0
AMANDA!!! ALRIGHT GIRL!!! What have I suggested several times to you honey???James N. Carpenter June 20, 2008 0
Way to go Amanda. Very well done. James #6086144Alexandra Hankova June 20, 2008 0
WOW! This really is a fantastic image! Absolutelly love it! Big congratulations. :-) #6086240Michael Umbreit June 20, 2008 0
Amanda - Congratulations on your win!! - Mike #6086278Amanda Chapman June 20, 2008 0
OMG! I can not believe it!!!Colleen Farrell June 20, 2008 0
Yay!! This is SO well-deserved! Big congratulations on your FIRST PLACE WIN, Amanda!! #6086475Jenny D June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations Amanda! You rock!!!! #6086629Erin Appelbaum June 20, 2008 0
WTG!!! Amanda. A big congrats on your win. Peter #6086800Amanda Cass June 20, 2008 0
OH MY what a cute shot lol just love the vibrant green and tonque peeking out lol too cute a much deserved winner ! :) #6087016Karen Slagle June 20, 2008 0
Love this winning image... #6087030Sam Britt June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations on this winner, Amanda! #6087039Mary Timman June 21, 2008 0
Exceptional...Congratulations! #6087236Jill Flynn June 21, 2008 0
That face is the BEST! Congratulations on your win Amanda! Love it!!! #6087475
Elida Gutierrez
June 21, 2008
Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0
Congratulations!!! #6088648
Les Rhoades
June 21, 2008
Michael G. Marshall June 21, 2008 0
Congratulations Amanda on your winning image! Michael #6089300Jo Vollstedt June 21, 2008 0
Congratulations on you win! #6089474
Terry L. Ellis
June 21, 2008
Vikram Jamwal June 21, 2008 0
Big congratulations on your win Amanda!!!This picture is "mindblowing cute".
-vikram #6089993
Stephanie Frey
June 21, 2008
James Quantz Jr. June 21, 2008 0
Congrats Amanda! #6091181Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your BIG win Amanda !! #6091247Tammy Espino June 22, 2008 0
This is so adorable, congrats on your win :) #6091349Martie Last June 22, 2008 0
What a terrific photo! You've certainly captured this little guy's personality! Congratulations on your award. #6091496Amanda Chapman June 22, 2008 0
Your support and kind words have really inspired me!!! Thank you immensely :) #6091507Kara L. Hendricks June 22, 2008 0
Amanda, you deserve this medal more than anyone I know... ENJOY it girl.. You have SOOOO much talent!!I told you some time ago... You don't win NEAR ENOUGH...:)
Hope this was a huge boost!! #6092561
Kara L. Hendricks June 22, 2008 0
And hey, I sure am glad to see images back in your gallery... You had me worried..:) #6092563Carol Teal June 22, 2008 0
Too cute! Congrats on your win!! #6093409
Cindy Bendush
June 22, 2008
Joan Kocak June 23, 2008 0
Amanda this is great CONGRATS!!! #6094337Datha Y. Thompson June 23, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!! LOVE IT Amanda :0) #6095020Amanda Chapman June 23, 2008 0
THANK YOU!!!!!! #6098503
Erica Murphy
June 23, 2008
Jacqualyn A. Volker
June 24, 2008
Mitzie Loland June 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your winner Amanda!! #6103912Karolyn J. Seeley July 02, 2008 0
I'm a HUGE fan of this one Amanda! Well deserved first place. It's an amazing shot. #6130183
Dominick M. Dimacale
July 06, 2008
Dominick #6146950
Patricia Ronan July 09, 2008 0
Gorgeous image, congrats on your win:) #6160390Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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